New Start

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Chapter 3

New Start

After that I was blessed by the gods (The powers were basically an upgraded version of their children's or hunters.) and redden of my demigod smell. Then I was sent home. At the moment I'm walking towards the apartment. I reach the door right in time to hear a gunshot followed by a scream. Pushing the surprisingly unlocked door back. I arrive just in time to see the bullet pierce my mothers chest. Her scream permanently echoed in my ears. 

I stood frozen by the doorway. Not noticing the man creeping past me and out into the open. I heard a wheeze snapping me out of my shock. I ran towards my mom. Her eyes glossed over and her breathing was slow. I know in my head she wasn't going to make it but my heart wanted otherwise. 

"P-Percy..I-I" she faltered.

"Shh mom I'm gonna call an ambulance and the police. Just hang in there." I said reaching for my phone with shaking hands. But I was stoped by a hand resting on my leg. 

"Percy y-you know I'm not going to make it. I am going to die. But I want you to follow your dream. I-I want you to live your life. And baby please don't blame yourself for this. M-move on. I love you" Her voice was lowering to a whisper and then it ceased. Her breathing was almost undetectable if not nonexistent. I checked her pulse..but..she had none. Sally was dead his mom was dead and it was his fault. For not being faster. 

"MOM! Mom! please..wake" I cried. I cried for my mother. Paul was dead on the floor right next to her. His little sister wasn't even born. I was finally able to pick myself up from the dead bodies on the floor and call the police. 

They had questions and I answered blankly. I was eight teen to I cold legally live on my own. I had the money from my moms books and Pauls work. I was given all of their belongings.  Their funeral would be in a week. Until then I grieved. I grieved for my unborn sister, Paul, and my mother.

New Passions (PJO, YJ/JL, and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now