I Wish

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Chapter 4

I Wish

The funeral was a blur. People say things like "I'm sorry for your loss." or "They were good people." like those words mean anything. Like words will bring back my family. I kicked another pebble. I felt I drop of water land on my skin. Normally it would energize me but not today, today it sank into my skin. It was cold like their skin. More droplets fell until it was poring. 'Why does it always rain when something sad happens?' 

I saw others putting umbrellas up. But, I was too numb to move. Instead I let the cold water run down my face drowning out my tears. I watched as the priests say a few words. People stepped up to wish them good bye. I was the last to step up. 

I wanted to take their body's and run, run far away. But that would't change anything. All too soon people started to leave. 


I know mom would have wanted me to stop morning her and move on. But it's only been three months. 

Walking towards the living room, I silently wished the halls weren't so empty. It feels odd, with mom gone the world seemed colorless and bland. Like a really bad low with no high in sight. I sighed, all least I'm still here. Oh who am I kidding! Why would I want to be alive when everyone I care is dead or...doesn't care for me. Sure Leo, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Glover, Rachel, Reyna, and a few others cared...but did they really? I mea-

My thoughts were cut of by the sound of a voice, a very familiar male voice.  

"Hey cuz!" I swear I jumped 20 feet in the air. 

"A-Apollo!" I squeaked. "Geez dude don't do that." I playfully smacked his arm. He chuckled sheepishly. 

"Sorry." His blinding grin turned sad and uncomfortable. "Look man, I know you said you didn't want any godly interference. Buuut, I can see you're not exactly at your best. And well, I wanted to give you a hobby and a posable career. So you can, ya know, move on." 

"Y-you don't hav-" He didn't seem to be having it.

"No. No I do. you've done so much for us, and we as the gods have been total jerks about it. Think of this as my thank you gift." I smiled and sat down.

"So what do you have in mind?"


(I wanted to leave it here but I figured it'd be too short.)


"Are you sure about this?"

"Not really. But their's no harm in trying, right?" Apollo smirked, victoriously. I groaned.

For the past two hours Apollo and I spent figuring out the specifics for my future. which really meant Apollo spent two hours convincing me to get two jobs. originally I'd always wanted to be apart of the marine life, like a biologist or something but I'd developed a taste for helping people. Besides I'd always been good at psychology. So it wasn't that big of a surprise when I realized I wanted to be a detective in the BAU. 

Somehow Apollo had convinced me to take on singing as a hobby. But I didn't think he'd meant professional singing. He did. Of course, sense I didn't want the two things to crash I'd have to keep Perseus Jackson and Percy Jackson separate people. Great, just fucking great. 

"How did you get me in? I can't imagine it's easy to get into the police academy."

His grin widened.

"I have my ways." Is simply said. "Now get in your first day at the detectives police academy begins!" he pushed me in. 

"I can walk myself, thank you very much." I said easy dodging out of his arms and walking forward. I'd just grabbed the door knob when he yelled behind me.

"Have Fun!"


I smiled slightly despite me fears the first day when early well. Rain pored down the streets of Manhattan. A red Lamborghini pulled up behind me and I got in. Apollo's blinding smile greeted me. 

"So, how was it?"

"Great!" I'd deny it if anyone asked but I went on and on about psychology and all the different stuff about police and the like. I sounded like Annabeth talking about architecture. Apollo only smiled as he drove on. 


The next day I woke up and made breakfast, I didn't think Apollo would be here. He was still a God. So imagine my surprise when a cheery sun God came waltzing into my dining room. 

"Smells good." He said, taking a seat.

"Aren't you a muring person." I grumbled, still not entirely awake. 

"Of course! I'm the GOD of mornings." I'm not sure if he expected a response, but if he did he was defiantly disappointed. 

"Ok, so today you're going to a try out. Try not to be too nervous, you'll do great. lets see, I've already got you an agent. But when you get big you'll definitely need a manger. Oh well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there."

(I know this is't entirely accurate. singers usually start at a young age but for the sake of the story Percy gets a pass)

"Wait wait wait wait, don't you mean if I get there not..when." I interrupted. He looked up at me.

"Percy," He groaned. "your literally blessed by me! And technically the voice is apart of music, so..."

I felt a bit stupid, ok I felt really stupid. "Oh...right."

"Come on! Times a wasting." He grabbed my arm and before I knew it we were already on the road.

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