AGK! Kill the New Kid - Part 1

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Mein's POV

⠀Tatsumi, Leone & I were just sent on a new mission. Our objective is to kill an assassin of the Capital, who hides as a café manager. He's the one who's been aware of how all of us look, not all of us... Almost.

⠀"Tatsumi, you better not screw things up!" I say, looking straight ahead, preparing Pumpkin.
⠀"Yeah, yeah. I got it. I'm just worried if you'd mess us up..." He replies, mumbling his last sentence.
⠀"Excuse me?" I answered back furiously.
⠀"Nevermind. Let's just get this over with." Tatsumi says, turning into Incursio.
⠀I nod.
Time Skip - At the Capital's Café
⠀"Mein! Look out!" Leone calls out, swiftly grabbing hold of me, running off.
⠀"What's happening??" I shout back at her, worryingly.
⠀"The Jaegers. They're there, they almost caught you without you even noticing!" She explains, running a bit faster.
⠀"Is the mission complete?? Where's Tatsumi?? Are they behind us??" I questioned her, looking all around.
⠀"Yeah, Mission is conpleted. Tatsumi's watching our backs, so I don't know if they're behind us, or-" She pauses.
⠀"Put me down." I demanded.
⠀She did as what she was told, gently placing me down. "Leone, go find Tatsumi. Help him if he needs it, I'll stay here."
⠀"What? Are you Nuts? It's dangerous out here-"
⠀"JUST GO HELP THAT IDIOT." I shout angrily, turning away from her.
⠀She then quickly left, leaving my sight.
⠀I stood there all alone, near a tree stump. I then heard dead branches being stepped on. I prepare Pumpkin & put on my Sniper Goggle.
⠀I try to avoid moving & let the sound roam around before I attack it.
⠀It suddenly stopped. I then spot blood, near the tree in front of me. There wasn't a lot. Meaning, it's still alive. Near there, it will be found & killed.
⠀I take a couple steps closer to the tree. I take a quick look, yet with gentleness making sure they wouldn't hear me.
⠀"Y...Yo!" Someone shouts behind my back. I swiftly turn around seeing a boy, right in front of my face, our faces were 1 inch apart.
⠀"W-who are you??" I say, taking a couple steps away from him, acting tough, while I actually was startled.
⠀"You haven't heard of me? Wow. I'm on your side!" He adds.
⠀"Why should I believe you??" I reply back, pointing Pumpkin at him.
⠀"Lone Wolf." He whispers.
Author's Note
Yes, Akame Ga Kill is da bomb <3
Making it my first fanfic i'm making for this account !!
I hope you'll enjoy itt- ^^
I'll be publishing these chapters overnight time bc 'NightRaid' so ye-
In the northern time i mean-
So yup!

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