Kill the New Kid - Part 2

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Lone Wolf's POV
⠀I pick up the pink flat chested girl, carrying her within my arms. She stares up at me startled. Of course, why wouldn't she be? Then again, people around me have only seen my eyes nothing else. Maybe, she's trying to see how I look like?
⠀As I carry her, I felt like something was putting me down. "Jeez, you might be tiny & flat. But, your damn heavy." I sarcastically say with a grin.
⠀"Sh-Shut up!! Why are you even carrying me in the first place, you idiot!!" She then scolds.
⠀"Because, I know your hurt." I said. "That's why you decided to stay here, and wait for your friends right?" I added.
⠀She looks away, turning slightly pinkish yet red.
⠀"Just put me down." She then muttered with a bit of rage.
⠀"Alrighty!" I reply back, letting her go. She immediately lands on the ground, hard.
⠀"Ouch!!" She whines repeatedly.
⠀"You told me to let go."
⠀"You really start to infuriate me." The pinkette stated, quickly getting up & fixing herself.
⠀"I didn't catch your name." I added.
⠀"I didn't catch yours either."
⠀"Tch, you really hate me don't you?" I then ask, scratching my head.
⠀"No doubt about that!" She says smirking.
Tatsumi's POV
⠀Big sis, Leone had just come and save my butt, back at the capital. We managed to get the job done, as usual. Even though I felt overall happy, I was still worried about Mein.
⠀We run as fast as our legs could've taken us. I then see twin pigtails behind a tree that I was heading towards too. They were pink, just like Mein's. My worried looking face, suddenly turns into a happy one.
⠀"Eek! Stay away!" She then shouts, moving from one place to another.
⠀I then transform into Incursio, quickly appearing in front of the pinkette. "Mein are you okay?!" I ask worryingly, turning to face her.
⠀"T-T-T-Tatsumi???" She yells, shocked. She gestured her hands, waving them side to side. "Mhmm! I'm perfectly fine!" The flat-chest then adds. I then change back.
⠀"Reall-" Before I finished, I had been rudely interrupted. He lurked in the shadows of the trees, making it impossible for me to see who he was.
⠀"What a lie," He says, taking a breath. "Tell him the truth." He adds.
⠀"You know him?!?" I say with a surprised look.
⠀She then looks down. Mumbling, "Y-yeah..." Nervously. "What of it?" Mein adds, staring at me strangely.
⠀I turn away from her quickly. I then shook my head, "Nope. Not at all, just surprised." I mumbled.
Mein's POV
⠀"OH! I guess were all here." Leone says, suddenly jumping onto Tatsumi's back. "Thanks for leaving me." She then says sarcastically to Tatsumi, squeezing his cheeks.
⠀"S-stop!" He cries out. "It hurts!"
⠀"And you like this boy?" Lone wolf then muttered to me. "A complete idiot. I'm disappointed." He adds, crossing his arms together.
⠀"Sh-shut up!! Since when did I say, I liked that stupid, lame, jerk!" I replied back angrily, yet I blush at the same time.
⠀Tatsumi & Leone turn to face us, with confused faces. I glared at them back, ignoring whatever else this dude named, Lone Wolf, had to say.
⠀"Oi, Lone Wolf isn't it? Your from the revolutionary right?" The blonde chick asked, changing back to her normal form.
⠀"So, Najenda told you about me?" He asks her with a slight smirk.
⠀She nodded back.
⠀"Whaaat???" Tatsumi & I questioned, looking confused & surprised. I'd never expect such a thing like this to happen. So were having a new member again to NightRaid? I wonder how good he is when he actually fights... I think to myself.
⠀"Mein?" Leone calls to me.
⠀"Let's go. Stop daydreaming-" She says filled with giggles.
⠀"Whatever." I reply back coldly. In a sudden moment, I begun to feel late-headed. My surroundings started to multiply into 2, I just couldn't focus. I gently place my hand on my forehead as I stop from walking any further.
⠀They all seemed to notice, once I slowed down, stopped & passed out.
Leone's POV
⠀I actually didn't notice, Mein started to slow down. Until the mysterious dude who was in front of me, turned around & walked towards the shortie. Tatsumi had then followed him with a angered look on his face.
⠀"She seems to have a fever. We should take her back." Lone Wolf announced, picking up the flat chested girl, carrying her on his back & walked right past me, heading over to base. Base was just 5 min away from where we stood. But, it'll take more than that with Tatsumi acting....
⠀"Yo, put Mein down." He ordered, stomping his feet as he walked up to the man with a cloak.
⠀He didn't listen. "I said put her down, dammit!" Tatsumi roared, grabbing onto his cloak, near his neck.
⠀"Your comrade has a fever. Do you really want to fight now?" Lone Wolf questions, shaking off of Tatsumi's grip & walked away.
⠀Before Tatsumi could've punched him or ran after him, I quickly jump into the scene & relaxed Tatsumi by seducing him with my wonderful boobs. I had no other choice, sadly.
At Base - Mein's POV
⠀I slowly open my eyes, my vision was all a blur but, I knew a boy was standing next to me. I wipe my eyes, to clear out my vision. I then see Tatsumi standing there & the rest of the team, along with 'Lone Wolf'.
Author's Note

| Hii, I Haven't written a chapter for this story in a LONG TIME.
Sorry about that ^^" |
What just happened to Tatsumi? Why did he start acting all strange? Will Lone Wolf finally unmask himself & introduce himself?
Find out in the next part !
Kill the New Kid - part 3!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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