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"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" A cheery voice said. I fell into the ground and a perfectly tanned hand reached out for me.

"No it's okay. I should've watched where I was going." I took their hand and stood up. The girl that had helped me up was a bubbly blonde who looked like a mini model.

"Hi! I'm Lacey!" She smiled and all her pearly white teeth shined.

"I'm Hannah." I smiled.

"What is your homeroom?" Lacey asked, pulling a schedule out of her locker.

"Uhh, Wilter." I said scanning my schedule.

"Wow! Me too! Wanna walk together?" Lacey asked. The bell rang.

"Sure why not." I said.

As we walked there Lacey told me how she was new to this town, and thought she would still be in middle school.

"Yep we have a weird town." I sighed.
We got to our homeroom and walked in. All the desks were arranged in groups of 4. Everybody was standing at the back. Lots of people were talking. The bell rang and everyone stopped talking.

"LISTEN UP CHILDREN!" A strong voice said from the front.

"I am Mrs. Wilter, your homeroom teacher. Today for homeroom, you will be getting your seats, then signing up for your electives. Pick good ones because you spend 2 class periods in there, and you are stuck with it for the rest of the year." Mrs. Wilter said, then started putting people in seats.

When she got to the back row of groups, she called Lacey's name.
"Lacey Ladon!" Mrs. Wilter pointed to a desk.

"Hannah Mitchell!" She pointed to the desk next to Lacey.

I sat down and Lacey whispered, "Yay!"

Across from us were two boys. One was a little bit pale and medium sized. The other was short, but had light brown spiked up hair and braces.

"Alright people! Those are your seats! Now get up! It is time to go to elective sign ups!" Mrs. Wilter said. Everyone got up and Mrs. Wilter guided us to the auditorium. It was already crazy busy with people.

"What are you gonna sign up for?" Lacey asked.

"I don't really know...how about you?" I asked her.

"I was thinking about joining the theatre club! How about you meet me back here when you finish signing up?" Lacey asked. I nodded my head and she ran off. Wow. If only I had that much energy.

I walked over to the radio station booth. The sign said "Baron High School Radio Internship Electives". I looked at the clipboard that said sign-ups and there was no one on there. I put down the information it asked for. My name. Locker number. Homeroom.

I walked around a bit more and saw a stage. Four groups of people were standing up there. One group was a bunch of 9th-10th grade guys. They were all pretty cute, except one was okay looking. One guy had a mow hawk with blonde spikes. Another had a black Afro kinda hair. The guy with the blonde spikes winked at me. I smiled. At least he was cute. Two of the other groups were guys and girls. The last group was actually a pair of 2 girls, one blonde, one redhead. A guy came on stage and tapped the microphone.

"Hello!! In case you did not know, you can audition for all these lovely A Capella groups in a few days after school!" The guys said.

"The Belle's!" He motioned towards to pair of girls. Why on Earth would Beca want me to join a pair of girls?

"The Masoned!" The guy pointed to one of the coed groups.

"BHS Notes!" He pointed to the other coed group.

"And...THE TREBLEDROPPERS!" The guy pointed to the group of all guys and lots of people cheered. They must be a popular group. Really popular.

Mini Pitch (Pitch Perfect Spin-off)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang