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"BYE HANNAH!" Jesse yelled from the driver's seat as we pulled up to the school.

"Oh my god Jesse! I am not even out of the car yet!" I groaned.

"Just wanted to make sure you can hear." Jesse smiled.

"Well now I can't hear." I rubbed my ear and opened the car door. I stepped out and I heard someone call my name.

"Hannah!" I heard. I turned around and Derrick was getting out of his car about 5 cars down.

"Oh my god." I breathed.

"Wow Hannah! You got a new friend?" Jesse laughed. I glared at him and Jesse held his hands up.

"Hey don't shoot." He smiled.

I widened my eyes and Jesse got the message.

"Okay fine! I'm going!" Jesse said and put his hands back on the wheel.

"USE PROTECTION!" Jesse yelled as he drove off.

I groaned and was about to walk off when someone tapped my arm.

"Hey Hannah!" Derrick said as he walked up to the side of me.

"Hi." I said back. We walked a few steps in silence when someone called Derrick's name. A group of guys were calling him over.

"I'll see you later." Derrick said and touched my arm before he went.
I walked to my locker and opened it up. I put my textbooks in and closed my locker door and Lacy was standing there. I jumped a little.

"Oh my god. You scared me." I gasped.

"Are you and Derrick a thing?" Lacey asked.

"A what?" I pulled my backpack on my shoulder.

"I saw you and Derrick walking in together." Lacey smiled.

"Um no. We are just friends...well not even friends, we barely know each other." I said as we walked to our homeroom.

The bell rang and we sat down in our seats.

"So how is your theatre club going?" I asked Lacey.

"Well we have auditions in a few days." Lacey smiled.

"What play?" I asked.

"The Little Mermaid." Michael piped in.

"What? How do you know?" Lacey furrowed her eyebrows.

"Seriously? I sat right next to you yesterday in the mpr when they talked to us about the play." Michael raised his eyebrows. Justin snickered.

"What did you sign up for Hannah?" Lacey looked at me trying to avoid Michael.

"I was gonna audition for the uh-Belle's." I said.

"No way! You like A Capella too!?" Justin gasped.

"What? Did you sign up for the Belle's too? Because I'm pretty sure it's an all girl group." I said sarcastically.

"Uh yeah, Lacey please keep a close eye on Hannah." Michael said.
"Why?" Lacey asked, disgusted.
"Because Justin is auditioning for the Trebledroppers and if they both get in, we are gonna have problems." Michael said.

"Problems?" Justin and I said at the same time.

"Yeah. The Belle's and Trebledroppers are huge enemies, so be careful. The Belle's don't want any of their members to have any relationship with any Treble." Michael said.

"Woah woah! Slow down. Justin and I do not have a relationship. We are just friends." I made my point to Michael. Justin nodded his head in agreement.

"That's what you said about Derrick!" Lacey whispered under her breath and I kicked her under the table.

"Okay! Geez! I'm just making sure. If you guys are friends and just talk, be careful around Audrey." Michael said.

"Audrey?" I asked. Who was that?

"You can't be serious! Audrey is the captain of the Belle's." Michael said. I looked confused so he elaborated, "She is the blonde one." Michael said.

"Ohh. Who is the redhead?" I asked.

"Cloe." Michael said. Justin started laughing.

"What's so funny, Treble?" I frowned.

"You don't even know the members of the group you are gonna join." Justin laughed.

"Oh yeah? Let's see you name your group." I challenged Justin.

"Yeah...well there's uh....and uh...and don't forget hmm..." Justin trailed off.

"Hah! You don't know any of your group either!" I laughed in his face.

"Thump, Leson, Max, Retan, Greg, Kasey and Mickey." Michael sighed.

"What?" Justin asked.

"Those are all the Trebledroppers. Thump is the captain." Michael said.

"How do you know all these things?" I raised an eyebrow.

"My brother is Greg, in the Trebles." Michael shrugged.

"Greg..." Lacey, Justin, and I tried to think, but we knew no one named Greg.

"He has light brown hair with blonde tips." Michael elaborated.

"Ohhh." We all figured out who he was.

"Wait. You're related to Greg?" Lacey bursted out laughing and I couldn't help myself, so I joined in too.

"What's so funny about that?" Michael asked.

"It's just that Greg is like hot and you look like a 6th grader." Lacey laughed, then we calmed down.

"Ha ha. Very funny. Pretty soon, you will be chasing all this." Michael tried to flex, but he looked weird so Lacey and I burst out laughing again and Justin joined in too.

"Oh you're funny." Lacey sighed.

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