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CHAPTER 9--☆--

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"What's wrong Binnie?"

"Uhm...t-today can I go with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Can I stay at your place today?"

"Yea sure."

[fast forward to night time - 2am]

Felix was getting dressed ready for his solo mission when Changbin woke up.

"Felix? W-where are you going?"

Felix didn't know how to reply, so he randomly made an excuse, "don't worry binnie I'm just craving ice cream so I'm going to go to the store to get some...but our store doesn't have so I'm going to another place for a while. I'll be back by 2:30 don't worry..."

Changbin wasn't convinced but he didn't want to pry into Felix's business so he decided to agree and let him go but to secretly follow him. "Okay, I will just go to sleep." He said before tucking himself under the blanket and 'sleeping'.

Felix thinking Changbin was asleep, quickly press the button on his phone and went out the house. Changbin immediately got up and got dress before quietly following behind Felix. He watches Felix talk to the car's driver in front of him and decided to use this chance to quickly get inside the back of the car and under the seats.

He can feel the car start to move as the doors open and closed. He hears incoherent speaking trying to make out the words but all he hears is, "mission" and "Lee Donghyuck." After like 10 mins he felt the car stop and heard the boot of the car open and close. "I'm going to finish this in 5." He heard Felix say before he hears distant footsteps. He then peeked out of under the seats and see a familiar figure but he couldn't see who it was. He quietly opens the door and followed Felix... he followed until they were on the roof. He watches as Felix loaded the sniper riffle and added a scope and silencer before firing. He then heard, "mission accomplished, I'm coming down now" from Felix. Just as Changbin was going to move he accidentally knocked over a glass bottle that was beside him.

Felix immediately turned around and shouted, "Who's there? Come out right now bitch. Don't make me find you." Changbin was afraid of his voice, it sounded so intimidating. He was afraid that Felix was going to kill him or something. He slowly stepped out and walked to Felix. "F-felix...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

Felix was shocked, he didn't expect the person to watch him shoot would be his precious little binnie. "Binnie?" he called out as he watches Changbin slowly nod his head.

"P-please don't kill me," Felix heart broke as he watches Changbin beg not to be killed. Was he afraid of him?

"I won't kill you binnie don't worry... come here." Changbin hesitantly made his way to Felix front and look up to Felix face. He saw Felix's soft expression and the face he loves so much and just hugged him.

"Can I ask you something...?" Changbin questioned. Felix nodded his head indicating a 'continue.'

"Why? Why do you kill...?"

"Because I love you. I couldn't handle it as I watch other guys flirt with you because you are MINE and only MINE. I don't like sharing." Felix stated as if it was obvious but deep down, he was afraid that Changbin was going to leave him and even if he did Felix wouldn't even be surprised.

However, to Felix's shock, Changbin answered... "I see...will you continue to do so? I like it. I love it. I love it when you kill for me. I love being protected by you and only being yours."

Felix was shocked for 0.2 seconds before grinning widely. "Come on let's go he's waiting for us."

Felix held Changbin hand as he leads him back to Seungmin car. Seungmin was shocked to see Changbin but figured since Changbin was smiling, it all went well between the two and decided to ignore it and not question Felix on what happened.

Felix brought Changbin back to his room, clicked the button on his phone screen and changed his clothes before cuddling Changbin to sleep. He was happy that Changbin didn't leave him, and instead loves him for himself.


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