27 - On the Run

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After a night of tossing, turning, and brooding, I end up with a bad headache

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After a night of tossing, turning, and brooding, I end up with a bad headache. The realization that I fucked up burns in my brain. What was I thinking just taking off like this? Not only does violating the law go against my utmost principles, but half the country will also be looking for me by now. I will have to stop fighting fire with fire or I will lose Paddy for sure.

With a sigh, I drop next to the baby on the bed and watch in awe how my son sleeps the last hour of the night away. Everything about him is perfect: his little button nose, the pink color in his cheeks, the drool sticking to the edges of his mouth. Suckling his thumb, he looks content. Peaceful even. With my index finger, I stroke a stubborn strand of hair from his forehead that is covering one of his eyes. How can such a little angel cause so much ruckus? And more so, why can't the judge see that I only have his best interest at heart?

Sudden tears well in my eyes. I will lose him because I've been stupid. I relied too much on the advice of others instead of following my gut. My heart. And the worst part is, I no longer know who I can trust. Or if I should trust anyone at all. There is even a chance I could be the villain in this story.

Exhaling slowly, I rub the bridge of my nose. The drilling pain under my skull doesn't ease. For now, my only chance is to keep going. Hope that Patrick finds some dirt on Felix that can soften the blow once I turn myself in. Then call Joshua as soon as his office opens to discuss the next steps. Even though they might have tapped his phone line already and my cell could be tracked within minutes. Probably not my best move.

First order of business: I should change my appearance. They will be looking for a brunette woman in her mid-twenties with a male baby, so shaving off my hair and dressing Paddy in all pink might sidetrack authorities enough to keep me hidden for a few more days.

All fired up, I wake my son with a bunch of kisses. A feeding and diaper change later, we are leaving the motel and head for the closest Walmart. Half an hour in, I stare at the new me in the mirror of a gas station bathroom. Only half an inch of my shoulder length hair remains, and that stubble is now stained in a raven black. A baggie hoodie and equally wide sweatpants hide my slim frame and especially my boobs. Paddy is squirming in his carrier; he looks kind of cute in his pink dress and hairband, his arms and legs kicking as he lets out a squeal.

I smile down on him. "Are you ready to go, princess?"

The word tastes like soap in my mouth. This feels wrong on so many levels. Am I digging myself in an even deeper hole?

In an effort to distract myself, I call Patrick.

"Any news?"

"Nothing so far, and I went through every single email Felix's head council sent out. Trying to get into the actual files next."

I remember Gamestoon's legal director from the day I met Felix at his office. "And there was nothing whatsoever in Royce's mail that you could use?"

Silence drifts through the receiver. "Who is Royce?"

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