33 - Courtrooms

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The courtroom is packed with chatting lawyers and police officers with grim faces

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The courtroom is packed with chatting lawyers and police officers with grim faces. A few rows are reserved for a general audience and I scan the back of the heads until I find Felix's familiar shock of hair. Squeezing by a few women who are slumped in their seat with their eyes barely open, I drop in the seat beside him.

He smiles. "Good morning. Did you get some sleep?"

"A little." A yawn behind my raised hand.

"You know, you don't have to sleep at the hospital every night. Quentin is well taken care of and it has been almost a month."

"I still want to." Leaving him, especially at night, is still hard; besides, he will be home soon. Just a few more days.

"Well, if you want to, I can take a night shift, so you can get a good rest."

"No, it's okay."

For Felix, being around Quentin is a chore while I'm actually enjoying it. He might no longer be the perfectly healthy boy every parent prays for, but he has so much to give. And the smile that brightens his whole face is even bigger than it was before the incident.

The side door to the courtroom opens and prisoners in shackles are lead in by a few deputies. For a second, I meet Silk's gaze. His face is flat as if chiseled in stone. No remorse or regret. Quentin's life doesn't matter to him.

"All rise. The honorable Judge Lenbeck presiding."

The judge enters the courtroom; it's a woman in her early thirties with red hair tied into a ponytail. Her cheeks are sunken and judging from her super slim arms sticking out of the robe, she might have an eating disorder. She takes her seat and scans the faces of the prisoners. Almost bored, she opens the first file.

"State of California versus Theodore Lawrence Hudson."

One of the deputies leads Silk to the defense table and his lawyer takes a seat beside him. I lean closer to ensure I'm not missing a single word.

"Defendant is charged with aggravated assault and has previously entered a plea of not guilty. It is my understanding now, Mr. Jones, that your client wishes to change his plea."

Silk's lawyer jumps up. "He is, your Honor. The District Attorney's office and I have worked out a plea agreement."

"Very well, would the defendant please stand."

Almost lazily, Silk gets to his feet.

"Mr. Hudson, do you understand that by changing your plea, you are forfeiting your right to a jury trial and an appeal?"

"Yes, I understand."

"And other than the plea agreement, has there been any promises made to you in exchange for pleading guilty here today."

"No, Your Honor."

"Very well, then how to you plead on the charge of aggravated assault?"


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