Blind Date: (part/2)

317 25 1

× (y/n) - your name
× italics - thinking / your thoughts

Now to get ready for the party...

(y/n) pov:
Once Billie, Mina, and Cordelia leave I turn and look at the rest of the girls, "Alright we need to get started. We have no time to waste." I say sternly as I look down at my phone, pulling up the schedule, "Bet and Dot are on decorations. Lana and Audrey are on cake and other sweets. Ally and Sally are on making sure the special guest gets here before Cordelia returns." I say softly as I look up at the group of women and they nod as they begin their assigned tasks for the party.

It's already been a few hours and Cordelia and the other girls are supposed to be home in about three hours. The girls have been very persistent and busy with their tasks and everything is almost ready. Ally and Sally just need to go and pick up the special guest we have for Cordelia then we should be ready. I've been keeping in touch with Billie and Mina and Cordelia has been behaving herself nicely although she's still a little antsy to get home to see what's up. She's such an inpatient woman but we all love our Supreme.

"Well ain't y'all workin' hard for the special woman.." I grin as I hear that familiar accent enter the house, and I turn to see that Ally and Sally had returned with our special guest "Finally you're here. Now we just need to wait for Delia, so make yourself at home, swamp queen."

{3 hours later}

"Honestly Cordelia must you act like such a child??" "Mina calm down,'s her birthday. Let her be excited." "Billie, she's older than any of us and she's acting like she's about to fucking explode.. " "Oh hush and give the woman the keys to the house before she teleports without us."

We hear the girls commotion outside and we all try our best to keep quiet so we could surprise Cordelia properly. Finally the doors open and we hear Cordelia fumbling around to find the light switch before she flips it. All at once we jump out and yell, "Surprise!".

Cordelia's pov:
"Surprise!". My eyes widen and I smile brightly as I see the living room full with all my favorite women with beautiful decorations. My eyes tear up a bit and I start to giggle as I look around at everyone, "You know, even though I could hear all of your thoughts from outside this is still quite the surprise.." I say softly and the girls roll their eyes and giggle as they all walk towards me. One by one I give them each a hug and a kiss and I thank them for everything they have done to make this party perfect.

"Don't tell me you forgot about me, love bug. " my eyes widen as I hear the familiar voice behind me and before I could turn around to look at her she teleports right in front of me with her arms wrapped around my waist. "Happy birthday, Ms. Supreme ~"

"Misty!" once again my eyes fill with tears as I quickly wrap my arms around her, and I crash my lips into hers deeply, sighing as the sweet taste that I've missed so much. "You're really here..God I missed you forever.." "I missed you too, Delia..I told you I'd be back soon, hun." I smile and hug her tightly as I look around at the rest of the girls, "I love you all so fucking much..thank you."

{A few hours later}

The party has been going on for a good while and Cordelia and Misty just went upstairs for some alone time, but we all know what that means.. ;)
The rest of us are still downstairs enjoying each other's company and everyone is thanking each other for making this day possible for our lovely Supreme. She's our one and only..

Happy birthday, Cordelia ✨

-the end-

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