The Last Laugh

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{A/N} So..I literally just made up a scene for this while texting Richgirlgx01 and I decided to make a short chapter because we thought it was funny..and because I've been really slow with updates which I apologize for 😂😅

Anyway, enjoy! ✨❤️


× (y/n) - your name
× italics - thinking / your thoughts


Reader's pov:
You've noticed that Sally tends to get on the girls nerves sometimes when it comes to her joking around. Especially Welhemina's nerves. Of course she's only joking so no harm intended. But yesterday was the final straw for Welhemina. Sally had been pushing her buttons a bit more then usual, and Welhemina finally snapped when Sally took her cane. Naturally, she was going to get revenge on the "dumb blonde" as she would say, and all the girls were in on her special plan to get back at Sally.

3rd person pov:
Sally comes down stairs, a smirk pulling at her lips as she sees the tall redhead standing just at the bottom of the stairs. "Aww, you waiting for me babe?" Sally says softly as she brushes past Welhemina and stands in front of her. Mina arches a brow as she looks down at the former junkie then grins, causing Sally to tilt her head a bit. "Of course, darling~" Welhemina says in the most soft voice she's ever spoken. Sally blushes and stares up at the woman. "Ok uh..who are you and what have you done with Mina?" "Don't be silly, dear. It's me~" Welhemina assures Sally then starts walking towards her, causing Sally to step back until she's met with the wall behind her. Welhemina holds her arms out, trapping the blonde between her and the wall as she leans down towards her ear." I'd stop the bullshit while your ahead...darling~"

"...C-Cordelia!!" Sally calls out as she stares up into the redheads dark chocolate brown eyes. "What's the problem, sweetie?" a soft voice asks from the kitchen. Cordelia then steps into the living room and let's out a soft chuckle as she sees the two women, the tall redhead woman trapping the shorter blonde against the wall with her body. "Something is wrong with Mina..she's acting fucking weird!" Sally shouts as she turns her head to look over at the witch. Cordelia smirks and walks over, standing next to Welhemina as she looks at Sally. "What do you mean? She's acting normally, hun." Cordelia says softly as she leans her head against Welhemina's shoulder. Sally furrows her eyebrows and looks at the two women with confusion.

Soon the sound of footsteps can be heard, coming from the stairs. The three women look over and notice the rest of the girls coming down for the afternoon. Sally blushes as she realizes the position that she is still currently in, and she groans as she tries moving away. "And where do you think your going?~" Welhemina says in a soft raspy voice as she leans down closer towards Sally, their foreheads pressed together. "Girls, come join us~" Cordelia says to the others as she gives Sally a wink, and soon the rest of the girls are surrounding Sally.

"What the hell is going on with all of you?! I-I'm getting overwhelmed.." Sally shouts as she looks at the women around her. Yes, they were all in a polyamorous relationship, but she wasn't really used to all of them coming into once! Especially Welhemina. Sally was sexual with a few of the women, but Welhemina wasn't one of them. Sally respected her boundaries. She never crossed the line with her which is why all she does is simple kisses, hugs, cuddles, and flirting. So why the fuck did it look like Welhemina wanted to fuck Sally right then and there along with the rest of the girls? Sally kept asking herself that over and over as the women stared at her.

"Aww, don't go shy on me now, darling. What happened to that confident woman from earlier? It really turned me on~" Welhemina purrs in Sally's ear, causing her eyes to widen. "M-Mina what the fuck?!" Sally looks over at Cordelia and frowns. "Did you put a fucking spell on her, Delia?!" the Supreme laughs at the question and bites her lip, shaking her head. "Of course not, Sally. She's just being herself..I don't know why your having a fit over it." Cordelia simply states.

After about an hour of the girls teasing Sally with the new Welhemina, Sally starts to really worry.

Did she fall and hit her head? Is Cordelia lying to me? Did the other girls put her up to this?

Finally, Sally was pulled out of her thoughts as she heard the deep laughter of the tall women holding her hostage. "Jesus Christ Sally, look at you." Welhemina says in her normal voice with a hint of laughter mixed in. "Sally, I'm fine. I just wanted to get back at you for yesterday. I hope you learned your lesson.." She says calmly as she leans in for a moment. "...darling~"

Sally's eyes widen as she stares up at Welhemina. She was taken back by how well she was composing herself the whole time without breaking character. The look on her faces causes the rest of the girls who were in on it to laugh as well as Welhemina finally releases Sally.

"Mina...WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"Guys? What's going on?" a soft voice asks from the stairs. "Oh nothing, (y/n). Just having a little meeting." "Like hell we're having a meeting!!" Sally shouts as she runs up the stairs to (y/n). "You see those females down there babe. They're a bunch of bitches!" Sally shouts as she points at the woman, causing them to gasp.

"McKenna!" Welhemina shouts as the rest of the women look furious.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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