Chapter 6

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I woke up in a room I looked over and saw Eraser Head and Kirishima.

"Eraser" I said my voice was scratchy. he looked at me and shook Kirishima awake

"You're awake" he said

"OH MY GOD I WAS SO WORRIED" Kirishima said

"Hey sharky" i said hugging him

"How you feeling?" Eraser asked

"Fine I'm in pain all though still but it's gone down"

"That's good, what do you remember?"

"I came home got knocked out then woke up on the floor tied to a dresser I was beaten with a metal rod the throw in front of a car"

"I'm happy I stopped that from happening"

"Well you stopped it from happening again"

"Again, shit that's worse then when they almost threw you off a building" kiri said scared

"Wait What" the tired male seemed more awakened by that

"Yea the cops came and mom said she was stopping me from killing myself I got put in a mental hospital for a month" I replied.

"What else happened?"

"Before I was thrown again I used my quirk on my dad to give you more time"


"I was his worst nightmare or so I thought then I realized he was scared for what he and my mother were going to do to me"

"How does that even work" kiri said confused

"I don't know but I snapped him into reality after that he call me Lucas"

"That's different" kiri leaned into his chair

The door opened "you're awake" the doctor said shocked


"Well I guess we should tell you what all happened" I nodded "so you had a fractured skull along with a broken rid that punctured your lung we did surgery and fixed that up, there where also other ribs that had to be put back into place, you have a really bad concoction also you are lucky you didn't die young lady"

"I'm a boy"

"Umm not what your profile says and you have visible boobs"

"I'm trans"

"A girl is always a girl, trans isn't a real thing"

"Man your asshole must be jealous from the amount of shit hat comes from your mouth"

"Watch it" eraser said

"No wonder your parents beat you" the doctor said to my face looking for a fight

I reached for her but eraser stopped me "you have crossed the wrong line bitch now got a new doctor"

She walk out of the room and soon after a new one came in

"Sorry guys she's really transphobic I don't know who thought it was a good idea letting her come in here anyways I'm Amber, you must me Harper or is there a different name you go by?"


"Well Lucas I'm just going to go over all you other injuries and the ones they were gone over already just so I don't miss anything" I nodded

"So you have a fractured skull so when you go to UA I really hope you are carful, you also and a punctured lung due to many broken ribs. You have a really bad concoction and your quirk has been I guess changed we aren't sure if it was destroyed or enhanced but something happened to it, what is your quirk?"

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