Chaptet 15

43 2 1

Kaminari's POV
I walked out despite me wanting to go back. I stopped in the middle of the hall as doctors walked past me and thought about what happened last time I left him alone. I turned around and started to walk back to his room. Being only a couple steps away from the room I heard a desperate yelp. I ran to his room then I looked inside he's glasses were chattered on the floor and a person on him. The woman was tall with purple eyes her hair was white and, her hand was on my mans face!

"Get the fuck off of him" I yelled sparking my quirk out of pure anger

"Him? You are surely mistaken this is Harper my lovely daughter" he said with a smile

Daughter? Was this Lucas' mom? I wanted to use my quirk so bad but if I did I would hurt Lucas. why can't I control it like everyone else can control theirs? I was getting angrier by the second

"Denki run!" Lucas yelled at me

I saw the women grab Lucas by the hair and threw him on the floor I went to run out to call for help but my leg got grabbed making me fall then dragged across the floor. I was met face to face with the person that claims to be his mother

"You look really nice you kno~" I kicked her in the face cutting her off "YOU LITTLE BRAT" she cut the bag of blood that was used for Lucas and got it all over me. I went to run again but black shadow things covered my only exit "you are a really bad kid you know that, kicking then running from your Elders without a sorry, didn't your parents ever teach you respect"

"Respect? I'm not the one that threw some one in front of a car" I saw the pain shoot through Lucas when I said that. I knew it hit him, it hurt me saying it as well.

"I don't give respect to people who don't deserve it"

"There's your answer" she chuckled And stomped on Lucas making him yell there were other people on the other side of the shadow covered door trying to get in "Stop!" I yelled in pain like I was the one being hurt

"What? This?" She did it again. screams filled the room I went to attack her but she picked up Lucas holding him by his hair and his feet hardly touching the ground. I stood my ground and clenched my jaw

"Put him down!" I couldn't attack, this woman would either put him in front of her or hurt him I didn't want any of them to happen

"You know what I would love to ruin your pride I'll kill the bastard" an evil smile was plastered on her face and started to give a messed up laughed as she grabbed a knife Lucas elbowed her ribs then punched her face making the women let him go. he ran to me and kissed me gently making my eyes water. This wasn't a normal kiss... a goodbye kiss.. no... a let me go kiss. A tear went down my face

"I can't and I won't last time I looked away~" I closed my eyes tightly

"You have to everything will be ok" I could hear the fear in his voice but he stood his ground and made it seem like he wasn't


"I'm sorry" my eyes widened and I looked at him and my eyes met with blue and purple ones they were beautiful eyes I never got to see because of stupid glasses that hid them from me. You would be able to find him anywhere just by looking at his incredible eyes

I felt my body get pulled away and land in darkness I looked around me but no one was there. I heard crying and ran to the voice and saw it was Lucas with a blade to his wrist and cutting making the skin split "NO!" I yelled I tried to take the blade by my hands went through him I started to panic as it continued happening. I heard gasping like someone was choking I ran over there and saw another body hovering over the darkness I looked at the face and saw once again it was Lucas. I heard splashing rushing over seeing a woman holding a head to a person under water until it stopped moving I pushed the women away successfully and saw that it was Lucas not breathing as tears soaked my face I put the body down and looked over and saw him alive I ran over to him "LUCAS!" I cried he turned around and fell back and disappeared I ran to where he was and saw it was an edge with cars at the bottom and a body of a boy, the boy I loved. I fell to my knees and butterflies surrounded me.

Once I looked up I was back in the hospital room and saw the lady jump out the window "NO" I screamed heros and doctors came into the room

"Where did she go"

"Did she jump"

"Did someone take her"

"Was she alone"

"Did she fall"

"Did you push her" I ignored the questions I was still lost in everything that just happened and angry at the used pronoun

"Is he ok" I looked up and saw Kirishima at the door talking to doctor "kaminari what happened" I looked at him with my tear soaked face and he looked down.

"Come with us kid" I looked at an officer and he started to put handcuffs on me

"Hey what the hell"

"Please don't resist"

"The fuck you mean I didn't do anything"  they picked me up and practically had to drag me out. "LET ME FUCKING GO I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU LET GO" I was shoved into a car and driven to a police station and cuffed to a metal bar on a metal table "I DIDNT DO SHIT" I yelled as a cop finally left the room. I knew from enough movies that there were cameras in here and a mic so that they could hear me so I started to scream "LET ME OUT WHAT KIND OF COPS ARE YOU LET ME OUT!" I started to tug on the cuffs aggressively but gave up and put my head on the table. After 10 minutes someone came in I looked up and saw eraser head. He reached over to me and Uncuffed me. I rubbed my wrists and he sat down

"You can leave if you want I know better then anyone that you didn't kill anyone, but please tell me what happened first" kill WHY DID THEY THINK I KILLED HIM

"Eraser Head What are you doing put them back on you can loose you job"

His eyes went red and hair flew up "then let me loose it" the women walked out and he looked back at me relaxed and with a deactivated quirk " please" I nodded

"After the visit I went to leave but after walking a while I got a bad feeling, so I went back... and his mother was there" I said tears started to go down my face again and his eyes widened "she hurt him and I couldn't protect him or she would hurt him more, and I couldn't use my quirk without hurting him. Lucas got out of her grasp and used his quirk on me telling me to let him go with her by the time I came back to reality they were gone and cops and doctors filled the room" he looked down I saw a tear go down his face

"Why is there blood all over you?"

"She cut the bag that held the blood that was being given to Lucas and it got all over me" he nodded

"Its not your fault he was trying to protect us. You know he started to call me dad" I widened my eyes "and I lost him" I've never seen him so angry and sad at the same time so hopeless

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