Imagine Two

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Imagine teaching Thomas how to shave

You were always the first up in the mornings, which is why morning time was your favorite. No screaming, yelling, begging, fighting... no trespassers, and no chainsaw.

Of course, later on is when the family had to deal with all that shit, but in the mornings? No. Everybody seemed at peace. But maybe that was because Hoyt always woke up in the afternoon.

Luda Mae always made breakfast for the you and the boys, and always made sure that Thomas but stuffed. It always made you smile when Luda Mae questioned him over it. She'd always ask things like:

"Now, Tommy, are you as full as a pig?"

"How about you eat a little more Tommy? Just to be sure!"

And as always, Thomas would assure her he was full, but she never listened. "Eat some more! Drink your milk boy! Keep your bones healthy!" She was a mad woman when it came to her youngest's health. A real stickler.

Of course, nobody else seemed to care whether Thomas ate, or if he starved to death. None of the men in his family had even thought to teach him how to get a woman, how to write, they didn't even teach him about his own body! But there was always something that had bothered you the most. Thomas always had horribly trimmed facial hair.

He had a short beard that he would take scissors to, but he'd never actually shaved it.

One day, you had woken up and went to the bathroom to find Thomas hacking away at his beard. You sighed, and decided to speak up.

"Tommy, cant you just shave?" He looked at you questionably, and turned back to what he was doing. You rolled your eyes.

"Tommy, do you know how to shave?" He looked at you again, shaking his head, and turned his body to face you and tilted his head. You laughed a little.

"Let me teach you. I think you'd enjoy it." He nodded again, sitting down on the closed toilet. His mask layed on the sink faucet. He had gotten used to being without his mask around you when the two of you first got together. You assured him that you lived him no matter what, and convinced him to kiss you without his mask. Since then, he'd taken his mask off with you around more often.

You reached into the cabinet and pulled out shaving cream and a razor.

"Put this stuff all over your beard." He looked at you quizzically, but attemted to do as you said, getting it all over his mouth and cheeks. You laughed.

"Alright look in the mirror handsome." You told him, kissing the side of his head. He smiled and looked at himself. "Alright now you always go against the grain." You said, pulling the razor up his now bare cheek. He looked in shock at the new strip of face. You laughed again. "You wanna try?" He nodded. Taking the now rinsed straight razor.

Eventually, Thomas's face was smoother than a babies bottom. You smiled at him, kissing him. "There you go darlin. Look how handsome you look!" Thomas had a big, goofy smile on his lips. You looked at his face, running his cheek, you smiled even wider.

"You know, you really are so handsome." He gave you a loving hug.

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