day four.

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dear hansol,

hello love.
i have gifted you another rose today.
i hope you take good care of them.
theyre just for you yknow.
please dont throw them away.
if you need a vase for them just ask.
i would be thrilled to give you one.
oh! but i have some very exciting news.
i was about to leave english class when i noticed you left your pen on the desk.
i was too scared to go up and give it to you.
so i just took it.
its what im writing this letter with.
isnt it wonderful?
i cant stop using it for everything i write.
wether it be these notes or writing about how much im in love with you.
speaking of it, its four days now.
time goes by fast doesnt it?
please write to me soon if you wish.
just leave the note here with 'sk' on it.
see you soon, my dear hansol.

love, sk.

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