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622 30 22

hansol woke up with an excruciating headache.

'what the.. what happened.. where am i..' hansol thought to himself. he looked around only to see a cold, dark, and cemented room.

most likely a basement.

the only light came from the dim and flickering light above his head. there was a rope around his hands and ankles. there was duct tape across his mouth.

suddenly, a boy came rushing towards hansol.

"oh hansol oh hansol!" he yelled with excitement. the boy seemed pale and a bit out of it, dark circles lightly lining his eyes.

but what stood out to hansol was what he was wearing.

the shirt he left on the gymnasium bench a while back.

'no way.. this cant be reality..' he thought, his eyes widening. the boy carefully removed the duct tape from hansols mouth. the other gasped for air. he was about to say something, before the honey blonde haired boy pushed a finger up to the others lips.

"shh. there is no point in trying to call for help or anything. this basement is completely and thoroughly soundproof. please dont make a fuss for me, okay darling?" he said, a smile placed on his lips.

"who the fuck are you." hansol rudely spat at the other. seungkwan frowned.

"well thats no way to address your beloved. as for my name, you only know it as the initials 'sk', but my name is seungkwan. boo seungkwan." he said. hansol sat there and looked at the other in shock.

"hansol honey, we are moving!" hansols mother called from downstairs. hansol and his best friend, seungkwan, were in his room playing a game. hansol heard his mom and made his way downstairs.

hansol and seungkwan were still both in kindergarten. they had been best friends since preschool. they did everything together.

they were practically inseparable.

when hansol heard the words come out, he was in utter shock. he didnt want to move. he would lose his only friend. they lived in jeju, which is where both boys were growing up at.

"w-what? what do you mean, mom..?" hansol said as seungkwan trailed behind him. his mom sighed and crouched down to the two young boys height.

"i know it will be hard but.. i want a better life for our family. your father got a job opportunity in seoul. so we have no choice but to move." she said, ruffling the small hansols hair.

"as for you seungkwan.. i do apologize for this. i know how close you two are. you are still young children. you will have plenty of time to make many many friends. seungkwan dear, ive already called your mom to come and pick you up. we must start packing quickly though, as we are moving in only a couple days." hansols mother says.

and like that, hansol was starting a new life in seoul. years go by as he enters elementary school, then middle school and so on. he loved it in jeju and wished he could go back. he doesnt remember too many things though, as he was very young, and now a fully grown teenager. he remembers the beach and the water. the scenery. the playing out all day. the delicious home cooked meals, exclusive to jeju.

but he does not remember seungkwan.
until now.

"no way.. youre.. youre actually seungkwan..? my childhood friend from jeju..?!" hansol said in shock. seungkwan nodded.

"i know i know. you forgot about me. it made me sad but, you really miss me now that you see me again right! you miss me so much to the point of tears, right?!" the other replied excitingly. hansol let out a dry chuckle.

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