Chapter 6

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P.S Sorry for the grammatical mistake.


I am damn tired right now. I took out my phone and look at the time. It was 3:45 pm. I want to go home. It is so boring just to see the software programming and do nothing. I wish I could be in any kind of projects or stuff. I also want to do work which will give me a great time pass. I wish all of this were real. After some time, Jungkook came to me and sit on my desk. I knew that he is also tired. "Y/N" Jungkook called me like a baby. I looked at him and asked, "What?" He sighed and said," I want to ask the girl out. Please help me. I don't know how to propose a girl." I raised my eyebrows and looked at him in a doubt. He gave me question look and said," What?" I chuckled and said,"Dude, did you studied anything about her? Do you even know her lifestyle? Do you know about her personal life?" Jungkook shook his head which was indicating a no. I sighed and said," If you just ask her out without even knowing her properly, then I don't know but for me it will be a bit weird." He sighed a lowered his face. I can say he was feeling very disappointed. I hold his hand and said," Dude what if she already has a boyfriend, then she will reject you. And it will be the most heartbreaking scene I swear. So it would be better if you forget her ,okay?" I gave a smile. He also smiled back. I also added saying," There are millions of girls in South Korea. Just find someone else." He chuckled and said,"Let's go to the bar tonight and have party! What do you think?" "Don't you think we should sleep today?" His smile faded away and turned into a weird one and said,"huh? What are you even saying?" I looked at him with a hope of giving explanation of what he said. He sighed and said," What I mean is let's do a party for a peaceful and happy sleep. Because we should also make ourselves happy and joyful as well,right?" I hummed in response and smiled at him saying," Only you and me." He smiled back saying," Who is my best friend except you in this world?" With that, we did a high five and a fist bomb. We kept talking and stuff. After sometime, Yeonjun came to us and sat down pulling one of the empty chair near my desktop. Jungkook patted Yeonjun's hair and said," What happened, dude?" He yawned and said," This boss is one of the most worst boss ever." I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed and asked "What has he done?" He looked at me and said," Whenever any girl enters his office, he always make me leave the office. I guess he does nothing but f*ck them around." Jungkook and I gasped. Jungkook said between us," It is bound to know." Yeonjun whined like a baby saying," I don't want to be a secretary anymore of this filthy man." I replied him, " Then resign fro this job." He chuckled in a sad tone and said, "Only this is the job which can give me enough money for a life." I nodded with his line. After sometime, everybody get back to  their own place and I also continued with my boring work. 

Jungkook P.O.V

I want to get out of this place. I looked at the time. It is 7:35 pm. Yes!! Finally I can get out of this place and have party with Y/N. I went to her desktop revealing our Y/N sleeping in the most weird posture I have ever seen in my life ever. Her head was in her lap, She was sleeping bending her head down. I shook her body gently but she didnt respond. At that time, our boss or her 'ex' was walking from his cabin to get out from the building. I looked at Y/N, she woke up from sleep. Just at the 'WRONG TIME.' I again looked at Taehyung, as expected he was glaring at us. Wait a minute! Isn't he a playboy? If he always f*ck girls, then why is he always stare at Y/N? My all kinds of thinking were interrupted when I felt Taehyung was staring at me with anger his eyes. I bowed and looked at Y/N, she was packing all of her belongings in her backpack. I am here trying to save myself from Taehyung's stare and here our Y/N is not even knowing that her disgusting ex is killing the sh*t out of me. When Y/N just stood from her desktop, she looked at me and then looked at Taehyung. She gave an awkward smile to Taehyung and bowed to him. With that, she hold my arm and pulled me out of that place.After we went outside of the building, she looked at me saying, " Dude, I can't handle this situation anymore." I sighed and said," Let's party to get rid of the bad memories and all the negative moments of today." She smiled and nodded her head.


I was all alone when Jungkook went to the parking area to get his car. I guess he is right. I should let my mind clear by doing this party. I took out my phone and strolled down through my social medias. At that time, a car came in front of me. I thought it was Jungkook's car, but how come is it so fast? I looked at the car and it was not Jungkook's car. I guess the car is waiting for it's owner. I looked at the car. It was quite luxurious. A black car which was shining with black windows. But then I realized, it was my boss's car and at that time, the windows of the driver seat and the back seat went down revealing Yeonjun and my disgusting boss. I looked at Yeonjun with one eyebrows raised. He rolled his eyes. And then I looked at Taehyung. He was....what? I can't explain his expression. Was he smiling or smirking or disgusted or what? He started speaking saying," A girl should never go alone at this time of the night, right Ms.Y/N?" with that, he winked at me. But I yawned because I was tired. I also nodded at his statement. He looked at me and said," Come inside, I will drop you home." My eyes widened with his words. I looked at Yeonjun. He was signaling me a 'NO'. I took a deep breath and said," Sir, I am very grateful that you are very concerned about  girls safety. But I am very sorry to reject your offer. Because I am not going home." With that I gave him an evil smile. His smile faded away. Just at that time, Jungkook's car honked. I bowed to him and looked at Yeonjun giving him a wink. He also smiled back and gave me a wink. And I went away from that place.

A/N: I wish I also had this kind of friendship. Thank you for reading this chapter.

To be continued...

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