Chapter 3

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The song is what Hobi is singing I changed a lyric to match the plot. Also, I couldn't find the entire version so the last verse I put is actually included in the book it was published with but was left out of the versions of songs. All credit for the song goes to the wonderful authors of The Beautiful Creatures novels.

2 years later


It's been two years since I've started basically spending all my time as my phoenix form and clung onto Mingi. I have to protect him from those eight boys who think they can just touch what's rightfully MINE.

While my love was rapping Yunho tried to get close to him so I decided to shift into my human form. My hair glowed brightly as I was very steamed up as everyone is glued to my claw mark as Mingi had the same mark on his chest that only Yunho knew about.

"Hello everyone. I know it must be a shock to everyone especially people who are close to my amazing rapper than I could in fact understand you all this time."

"Why the hell would you decide to show yourself now pheonix?" Yunho snarkily replied at him.

"I'd watch your mouth mister. I know your soulmate and he won't hesitate to punish you." I gave a little smirk as his face paled but my smirk falls when I feel a slight stern tap on my ass by hands I know all too well.

My soulmate was giving me a light warning to stop being a brat and pay attention to him to which I gladly turned around and kissed his cheek, standing on my tippy toes.


I had my best black jeans on and had stolen one of those big sweaters that the boy he met two years had on to wear. Boy was it completely comfy to be surrounded by the sweet scent of cinnamon on the sweater.

I went and bought some beautiful camellia and hibiscus flowers and a box of honey cinnamon flavored tea. I then decided to turn invisible and the things I bought turn invisible as well.

I go to Kq high and wait to see that beautiful black-haired boy. I decided to turn visible as I'm wearing his v neck sweater so that he can clearly see my soul mark. I added a leather jacket vest to it cause well I updated my look since I graduated. What I want him to finally see me after invisibly checking on him for two years.

It was so hard to just sit in the cafeteria and wait for his soulmate. He just couldn't get enough of the boy and invisibly watched over him like an overprotective mother. I had seen him with a few other boys and was very touchy and feely with them.

So I decided to set his neck aflame by touching our marks. It worked and he was reminded that he has a soulmate and belonged to someone already. And for the past two years, I made sure that he is reminded that I own him.

He is mine. He doesn't get to touch another man like he is supposed to touch me, and me alone! I closed my eyes slightly my head tilted back exposing my neck.


I was in my room softly sighing as I look at all the hate comments on my dance cover of Shall We Dance by Block B. I couldn't help but let those words slowly consume me.

It led me to do things that weren't very healthy for me until I passed out from these extra activities. Fortunately for me, I wasn't allowed to go too far as a beautiful angel appeared before me yelling at me as he slapped the harmful object away.

A soft gentle voice called out to me saying softly "not again my lovely Taetae."

The last thing I saw was his beautiful white wings before falling unconscious.


I had already graduated and was headed to KQ to help out as a music assistant. Unbeknownst to me, it was my soulmate who was currently at heading to his advanced swimming class.

I got there early and started to sing a haunting melody from my childhood. It was called Sixteen Moons.

Sixteen moons, sixteen years
Sixteen of your deepest fears
Sixteen times you dreamed my tears
Falling, falling through the years

Sixteen moons, sixteen years
Sixteen times you dreamed my fears
Sixteen will try to blind the spheres
Sixteen screams but just one hears

Sixteen moons, sixteen years
The claiming moon, the hour nears
In these pages darkness clears
Powers bind what fire sears

Sixteen moons, sixteen years
Sounds of thunder in your ears
Sixteen miles before he nears
Sixteen seeks what sixteen fears

Sixteenth moon, sixteenth year
Now has come the day you fear
Claim or be claimed,
Shed blood, shed tear
Moon or Sun - destroy, revere

As I was singing I didn't realize I had let my siren power unleash as a merman stumbled blindly into the room entranced by the song.


Well, it's been an eventful two years for me. I still haven't met my soulmate which sucks. I've been busy working on perfecting my rapping skills.

I lost touch with Yoongi and the boys since I've been so busy. I'm a little glad I made it through four years of being near Tae and was able to keep my bloodlust under control.

It's really weird not seeing them every day but we have to get through our lives. Who knows what the future holds for all of us. Maybe Yoongi and Jimin were right about your soulmate is out there for you.

I'm just so unsure of myself. I mean what's to stop me from accidentally taking too much of his blood when I deliver my mark on him or her. That's why I can't believe in them even though I really want to.


I was happily in my panther form just chasing around this scared black bunny. What I wasn't going to eat the poor thing! I just wanted to chase him for fun cause the other animals get offended at me but this bunny never has even if I chase him all around.

I pounce before the bunny can get away and I cutely boop my black nose against its ear. I was gently telling him it's alright and I'm not as scary as I seem on the outside.

I just wanted a nap partner, someone to snuggle up to. The bunny decided to hop up on my tummy as I curl up and take my nap happily.


This panther is really ticking me off. There was something awfully familiar about the panther but he chose to let it slide. He was shocked the creature didn't want to eat him but instead, he was gentle and playful towards him.

The point is he showed me I didn't have to be afraid of it so I boldly hopped up onto his super soft tummy and made myself comfortable.

What made me think I knew this panther was the bright pink star on his cheek. I must just be seeing things cause there's no way I could know him.

Once he fell asleep I got off his tummy and went on my way home as in my actual home. When I get there I see a pissed off black wolf sitting on my porch.


It's been two very wonderful years protecting my soulmate. I have never seen him dance sadly. I have to tell him that I'm leaving soon.

I have no clue at all how to do that. I mean I want to be an idol but I also don't want to leave my precious kitsune alone.

I walk over to my beautiful love and wrap my tail around his waist. It made him cutely jump and everyone that was at dance practice give a soft smile when he sees Seonghwa getting steamed up...

Written by Izzy

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