Translating/Interpreting the Lost Continent Prophecy

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Please note that some ideas in this chapter were taken from the wiki

Also note that this book assumes you have read all of the non-ebook books

Now, let's translate the 3rd arc prophecy to make some predictions:

"Turn your eyes, your wings, your fire" pretty straightforward

"To the land across the sea" aka Pantala.

"Where dragons are poisoned" may be a reference to Queen Wasp mind-controlling the HiveWings, or The Othermind mind-controlling Queen Wasp, however I think it really refers to the next line "And dragons are dying" in relation to the Poison Jungle. Think about it. Dragons are living in a poisonous jungle and they all died in the Tree Wars to end up there

"And dragons are dying" may also simply be a reference to the LeafWings, and how the carnivorous plants eat a few dragons every year.

"And no one can ever be free" The prison of the hives to the SilkWings, the Poison Jungle jail to the LeafWings, and the Wasp's hive mind control of the HiveWings. Not to mention Hawthorne's banishment, the cocoons, The Othermind, and all the other scary prison stuff that goes on in Pantala

"A secret lurks inside their eggs." may be a reference to stabbing HiveWing eggs so she can mind-control them..... OR a reference to all of the dragons' powers, as SilkWings have Flamesilks, LeafWings have Leafspeak (and are even BREEDING them for more power), and HiveWings have all sorts of randomness

"A secret hides within their book." probably is referring to the map to in the, and possibly the fact that the Book of Clearsight has no predictions for anything relating to the present day, but I think the true meaning of this line is how the map of the pathway between continents is withIN the book. That's definitely a secret.

"A secret buried far below" I believe this line refers to either A) the Flamesilks (and how the cavern is underground) or B) The Othermind (whose roots were not an antidote, but a trick.)

"May save those who are brave enough to look" Well....... I'm not sure how the Othermind will save anyone, but there are still 2 more books to go. However, this could also be referring to the Flamesilk theory, and how Blue saved (sort of) everyone with his Flamesilk and how Luna might do the same in the future. I mean, come ON! At the beginning of The Poison Jungle, Sundew even thinks about all the ways Flamesilk is useful, and how Luna would be a better choice because she would come willingly and how Blue probably wouldn't be very helpful.

"Open your hearts, your minds, your wings" According to the wiki "This may be a reference to the theme of this arc: empathy versus resistance to evil. Opening your heart means empathy (Blue), opening your mind means discovering and accepting the truth (Cricket), and opening your wings means resisting and fighting back (Sundew). But the main theme in this arc might be that each of these characters needs all three to carry out a revolution; hence, "Open your hearts, your minds, your wings". This seems to be consistent with their character development so far. For example, Blue started out very empathetic but rather ignorant and passive, and has since "opened up his mind and wings", and while I can get behind that and it seems logical, I think the true meaning is much more cryptic.....

First off, everyone already made peace by hearing everyone's thoughts in the battle of book 10. They found their empathy and stuff and sorted it out. So why is it here AGAIN? Welllllllll.......... I have a theory: 

Since The OtherMIND controls your mind (as does Queen Wasp with her hive-MIND), maybe the secret to defeating it is to open your HEART. Caring about people is how the arc started, but you still have to question things and stand up for yourself. However, why would you "open your mind" for The Othermind? Maybe this is saying that you need to open your mind to let out The Othermind, and that close minded, un-accepting people get caught (though it is a bit of a stretch)? I'm still going with the "Open your heart" is the solution.......

..........Or maybe it's just a reference to all the forbidden love (Blue x Cricket can't happen, Swordtail x Luna, or Sundew x Willow), and how people need to accept the other ways that people can love.....and "open your mind" is for thinking for yourself and not being mind-controlled.....

As for "open your wings" I think that's similar to the human expression "welcome with open arms" and how Pyrrhia needs to welcome Pantala.

"To the dragons who flee from the Hive" AKA the people following Clearsight's map.

"Face a great evil with talons united" refers to fighting The Othermind before it spreads to Pyrrhia as well, or it could mean that they should all go to Pantala with "talons united" to destroying it, or "talons united" could mean working with dragons from all tribes, no matter their differences or love choices, to face "a great evil".

"Or none of the tribes will survive" this is possibly a reference that The Othermind is going to mind-control all of Pyrrhia if dragons don't "Face a great evil with talons united" and stop it. However, this would mean that the tribes survive, but they are mind-zapped, so there is probably a different maybe all of the tribes merge? Then you would have the "talons united" and the tribes are gone, so technically they didn't "survive"......but all of this requires all the dragons to NOT "face a great evil" so I think I'm lost.

Final Translation:

Turn your eyes, your wings, your fire,

To the Lost Continent,

Where LeafWings have no true home,

And they are all dying,

But they can never leave their home because Wasp will kill them,

In fact, no one can leave because the Silkwings are walked over, the HiveWings are mind-controlled because they let Wasp stab their eggs and cheat and lie, and the LeafWings are trapped within their own home,

The book of Clearsight stopped telling the truth 1000 years ago, but she hid a map inside her book so it's ok now,

Flamesilks, The Othermind, and various other secrets

Will save the Protagonists And Friends

Listen to the moral of these books

And teach them to other dragons (The ones coming for Snowfall's wall)

Face the Antagonist (othermind) together

Or you will all die.


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