here he dies, there he lies

63 3 2

    Ringo heard footsteps in the hallway. He clutches to his hammer as his palms start to sweat. Paul walked by him, still in his Sergeant Pepper outfit. Ringo pounced on him.

      He knocked down Paul with one hit. Ringo rolled him over, kneeled on his chest, and started hitting him about the head and shoulders. Paul started to scream, and begged Ringo to stop. He halted for a moment, feeling a little remorse, but the rest of him was angry and wanted Paul to suffer. He continued to hit Paul until blood soaked through the Bleu of his uniform.

    "R-ringo... P-p-please..." Paul whispered, choking on his own blood. He stared up at Ringo with big, sad hazel eyes as Ringo stared down at him with cold, evil Bleu ones.

    "Why won't you just die already!?" Ringo screamed, frustrated that it took this much to kill Paul. He finally constricted his hands around Paul's neck, strangling him until he felt the breath of life escape him.

     He stood up, noticing there was blood all over him, and his silver hammer was now tarnished with the crimson blood of his bandmate.

Now, all he had to do was find George.

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