I have an idea

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   "Wait, George, I got an idea. You clean the blood trail, and I'll get rid of the body my own way." Ringo said then started to laugh hysterically like a madman. George only nodded, scared to find out what "my own way" was.

    A few hours hand passed, and the hall was clean. George then walked to the kitchen to look for Ringo. He found him, pouring something red into a bowl of cake mix. Ringo looked up at George, and smiled."Guess where the body is!" George shrugged."I ripped out his bones, and buried them in the garden." Ringo shrieked excitedly,"And I turned the rest of him into those." He pointed to the cupcakes cooling on the counter.

    "I'm gonna give them to John. Wait 'til he takes a bite, then tell him I made them out of his boyfriend." He giggled to himself. George stood there, frozen."Then what's that for?" George asked, pointing at the bowl in Ringo's hands. Ringo looked up at him with a twisted smile.

      "There was some left over, so I thought I'd make a cake." He said nonchalantly, as if it was normal to use body parts to make a cake. He looked over to the cupcakes,"Oooh, I think they're done!" Ringo smiled."Hey Georgie, do you wanna know a secret?" Ringo chimed,"I put another ingredient in the cupcakes. Just for Johnny-boy. Now, can you please go get him?"

    George nodded, not saying a word. He stepped out, and hurried down the hallway. John stood in Brian's office."Hey George, have you seen Paul? He was going to talk to you." John asked.

     George felt tears in his eyes. He was glad John didn't have his glasses on."Ringo wants you to try something, and see if it tastes okay." John narrowed his eyes,"Why won't you try it?" George swallowed,"I... I'm allergic to red velvet."
                          Nailed it.

"Oh, um,... Okay, I'll go."John said, following George to the kitchen. Ringo stood over the cupcakes, frosting them. "Oh John, glad you're here," Ringo chirped,"Here, try." He handed John a cupcake. John squinted at it, and smelled it. This doesn't smell right. Oh well, what do I have to lose? He took a bite. He felt a wave of sickness wash over him all at once. John dropped to the floor.

    George rushed to John's side."Take his pulse." Ringo said, cooly. George did, and he felt nothing.

                      John was dead


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