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"You poisoned him!" George gasped. Ringo smiled maniacally."Yes I did!" He screamed,"I murdered Lennon and McCartney!!" George stood there too timid to say anything, until he found his words."I'm calling the authorities!"

Ringo looked at George and scowled."How'd I know you'd wuss out? Well, Mr. Harrison, I don't feel like going to an asylum. So, you're going nowhere." Ringo hissed. He picked up a kitchen knife, and tackled George like it was football.

He was sitting on George's chest, and the knife was a few inches above his face."Ringo, you wouldn't." George murmured. Ringo stopped and stared into George's eyes. He loved the boy, yes, but he turned him down, made fun of him for being queer. The love turned to hate, and hate turned to action.

He started stabbing George in the chest, despite him begging Ringo to stop. After an hour, George was dead, but something inside Ringo wasn't done with him. He finally reared back and stabbed George in the forehead, until he heard the satisfying crack of George's skull busting, Pinning him down to the floor like a tack.

Once he finally realized what he did, he knew someone would be there soon. He didn't want to go back to the asylum. Ringo rushed to Brian's office, and dug into his desk drawers. He found a pistol, put it against his head as he started cackling like a lunatic. Ringo knew no one would miss him. He smiled as he pulled the trigger.He fell to the floor, lifeless.

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