chapter 25: Blair

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Andy's pov

We were all in the garden surrounding the fire. When i got a phone call from blair.

' hey its blair, ive got to take this.'

I walked off into the pool room. When blair started screaming down the phone at me.

Phone call

Blair ' What is this about you and y/n* dating, its all over the randy pages. WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME. Im your manager your ment to tell me these things.

' i havnt had the time to blair, ive been working on new music for the roadies, and youve been busy yourself too.'

Blair ' To busy. TO BUSY. You havnt been doing song writing at all. Clearly you havnt been that busy been as you and y/n* have been spending so much time together. You wernt even at the house yesterday.'

' exuse you, what it any if your business who and where i go out to. I bet if hrvy did the same thing you would be okay with it wouldny you.'

Blair ' whats that supposed to mean. i treat you boys the exact same has hrvy. Your ment to tell me these things.'

' you dont treat us the same, abd everyone knows it. im sick of us being lower than hrvy. We work just as hard, and get lower in return. I get i should of told you but i was busy.'

Blair ' please just tell me next time.'

' okay i will do, thank you. wait before you go, how do the roadies know about y/n* and I.'

Blair ' they saw a shadow in your recent post, a female shadow. Abd you were in her back yard.'

' oh well shit, i mean they dont know its her yet, so we will try and keep it secret for as long as possible.'

Blair ' okay, ive got to go, hrvy is about to be on the radio.'

I hung up on him and threw my phone at the wall. God how he makes me mad, all he cares about is money, money, money. He littraly controles are lives, i get he is the manager but he could atleast show that he cares.

Y/n* pov

Andy got up to take a phone call with blair, he was shouting at blair, blair was shouting back. He was so mad, he threw his phone across the pool room, and it smashed against the wall. Well there gies andys phone.

' babe, are you okay.'

Andy ' not really, blair is pissing me off, he is saying i have to keep us a secret from the roadies.'

' wait really, but its your life, if you want to tell them then you should.'

Andy ' I do, i really want to tell them. There like family, and mini detectives they will find out either way, id just rather them find out through me.'

' well i have an idea.' I really didnt want to do this, but blair deserves it, i dont like this blair so i had a plan.

' right, we can post a cover on your account, us two singing.'

Andy ' how will this get at blair.'

' the caption can say, just a cover with bae, the news would be out, and there would be nothing blair could do.'

Andy ' im down, but are you. I know how scared you are to sing.'

' im fine with it, honestly if it shows blair that your better than what he wants you to be im defo fine with it, but can get everyone involved like if things go wrong, they could stick up for us.'

Andy ' yh of course.'

We both came outside and asked all the lads and ladies if they would help. A few of them were hesetant at first.

Sonny ' what if he kicks you out if the band, andy we cant do it without you.'

Robbie ' do you think its the best idea, blair does controle it all.'

Andy ' thats my point, he conttoles everything we do, but if we all take a stand we can over piwer him. He cant kick us all out.'

Brook ' he didnt complaine when everyone found out about vania, so im in.'

Vania, daisy, harper,honor,hannah ' me too.'

Sonny ' im in.'

Rye ' he cant get rid if all of us, im in too.'

Robbie ' ah fuck it, im in.'

Andy ' Thats it then, were doing this.'

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