chapter 33: I don't know

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Andys pov

She had hurt herself you could tell, but y/n* is the type of girl who doesnt ask for help unless its absolutely necessary. Its one of the many things i love about her. But sometimes i want to help her, to show her that im there for her you know.

Anyway, i heard brook raging in his room, playing call of duty. So i knew that y/n* wasnt with him, she loves call of duty but her game rage is insane, if she was playing you would be able to hear her, trust me.

so i searched the house for her but i couldnt find her, last place i checked was the garden. She was lying on the sofa, fast asleep. I didnt want to wake her, but i also didnt want her to sleep outside, it was way to cold for her.

I tried to wake her up, but she wouldn't. She was a light sleeper so it was unusual for her to not wake up.

'  y/n* wake up, babe?'

i shook her for 10 minutes and nothing. So i carried her into the house and put her into the sitting room. She still hadnt woken up. Id accidentally nuge her in my sleep and she would be awake. I started to worry so i ran and got rye.

' rye, ( knocks on the door ) '

rye ' yeah '

' y/n* isnt waking up, im worrid. She hit her head earlier on, but she seemed fine. And now she isnt waking up. Please help me, i dont want to loose her.'

rye ' im sure she is okay.'

' please help me rye, please.'

rye ' okay im coming.'

' thank you '

We came down stairs and she was still asleep. In the exact same position, she hadnt moved. It made me worry even more. Rye bent down infront of her and snapped his fingures infront of her. He got no response, so he got a small flashlight and falshed it in her eyes. And again got no response.

You could see the worry in his face, thats when i knew its wasnt good. Then her body began to shake.

' rye, rye quick call the ambulance.'

rye rushed off to call the ambulance, when everyone came running down the stairs. They all looked so confused but once they saw her shaking in my arms, the started to panic.

brook ' omg, whats wrong, is she okay.'

' i dont know '

Sonny ' what can we do?'

' i dont know '

Harper ' Is she just asleep.'


The ambulance finally arived and rusged her out if the house, i got in the ambulance with her, and drove to the hospital. Before getting into the ambulance i tood the others to drive down and meet me there.

On the way, she had stoped shaking, i held her hand the whole way, i wasnt going to let go, i loved her to much. Im not going to lie, i started to cry. I couldnt help it, what if i lost her, she is the best thing happened to me.

Then she griped my hand back, the feeling of relief flooded over me. She is okay, isnt she? i asked the docter and he said she was going to be fine.

They took her into the hospital, as i waiting in the waiting room. The boys all came bursting in.

brook ' she is okay.'

' i think so, she held my hand, so i think so '

Harper ' have they told you what was up with her.'

' no i haven't heard from them.'

i sat back down and went quiet. Brook grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.

brook ' hey, she is going to be okay, dont worry.'

' how did you know.'

brook ' ive known you for 5 years, i can tell when your stressing, just by the way you sit. She will be okay.'

' i really hope so'

The doctor ' mr fowler?'

' yes '

The docter ' she is going to be fine, just a minor concussion.'

' what caused her to shake.'

The doctor ' the concussion lead to a minor seizure. Its normal for that to happen after hitting her head that hard, but she is going to be okay. You can go in and see her if you would like.'

' thank you so much.'

brook ' hey andy... im sorry.'

' for what.'

brook ' i had her on my back, she hit her jeaf because she was on my back and i was going to fast. Im so sorry.'

' its okay, she is okay. Brook were okay.'

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