Wolf's Extreme Training

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After successfully completing his training Wolf was then taken by the ANBU to his next bit of training, this time he would be placed inside the forest of death for his SERE training. Before this however he would be tortured by Ibiki and other Jonin as he would simulate a captured ninja that is about to be tortured for information, his job here was to either stay quiet and take the abuse or he could use his words by telling them random facts or just to curse at them and say he would kill them. This was the first thing that happened to him, first up was Kakashi and being a lightning user was channeling a very small amount of lightning around his fists while he punched Wolf's torso in various places. This torture looked something like this:

(Phase 1 training for Wolf...focus only on the physical aspect of this.)

Wolf was in a great deal of pain as his body was still showing the lightning wrapped around him however that didn't break him. Ibiki looked at Hiruzen who simply nodded and this told Ibiki it was time to go to Phase 2 of torture training. This time Wolf was being doused in a constant source of water from the shower head above Wolf's head, the water wouldn't drown him however what would happen next was enough to make Sakura look away in anguish and that was this:

(Phase 2 of torture training...this is much worse however focus only on Mel's part in this scene. He is constantly soaked while being shocked from electricity, this is what is happening to Wolf.)

After this bit of torture any normal ninja would be dead or passed out however Wolf was somehow still awake and this started to make even Hiruzen curious of how this was possible. Finally there was one more bit of torture and that was this, Wolf was now chained down to a metal bed frame as he was still covered in water from earlier. Sakura now weeping immensely begged for Hiruzen to stop but he ignored her which then made Kakashi even worried however they were stopped when Ibiki said "This will stop when he survives this next part...and I doubt he will survive this." Wolf who was in a tremendous amount pain could be seen shaking however it wasn't because of fear of what would happen, his shaking was due to the amount of electricity that had been frying his body and this made Ibiki say to Wolf channeling his role well "Now then boy....you are going to tell me what I want to know about why your village sent you here. Otherwise I will continue to shock you to death unless you cooperate." Wolf refused and this time Ibiki said while setting up a radio "How about this? You call your village and tell them that the area is clear so that my ninja can ambush them." Wolf again refused and this time channeling whatever reserve strength he had he was able to spit in Ibiki's face while saying "Go...to...Hell!" Even in tremendous physical pain Wolf was able to spit in the face of his enemies and still deny them what they were after. Sakura was still scared but she was growing more and more respect and admiration for Wolf as he continued to survive his torture training. Then this started to happen to him:

(Final phase and this in my opinion is this worst...what you are seeing is Rambo captured and shocked by both his sweat and the metal frame of the bed. In my story Wolf is already in tremendous pain and after this he is nearly exhausted but still fighting back as that is his nature.)

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