First Solo Mission

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After getting healed up and after a few days of training and rest thanks to Hiruzen's orders, Wolf had finally been summoned for his mission and as he got dressed and ready for it Sakura Haruno who he was dating said to him as she helped him get ready "Good luck out there and....please come back safe." Wolf gave her a kiss and said afterwards "I plan on coming home to you my precious cherry blossom." Wolf then left leaving Sakura standing there wondering if he really will keep his promise to her. For Sakura she had found someone that made her happy and she didnt want to lose Wolf like she may have done losing her parents however what Sakura didnt know was that Wolf was after her parents who were locked away in a prison inside the Rain Village.

(Timeskip-Rain Village exterior)

Wolf had made it to the rain village and the first thing he realized was that the village was named correctly as it was constantly raining with a lightning storm for Wolf's infiltration. Being dressed in his outfit without any marking of any village would help him in general population areas however in order to get inside the prison he would have to get fairly creative in not only finding said prison but he would have to hope and pray he could sneak through the building with relative ease. Wolf sighed and pulled his hood up then as walked down an alleyway he spotted a ladder that got him to a rooftop where he could get his bearings in the village and hopefully find the prison. As he clombed up top he heard voice above him then he heard a sentence that helped him more than anyone would ever realize, he heard from one of the ninja within the village "I got prison duty again tonight....make matters worse I have to listen to that damn couple from the Leaf Village talk and beg for me to release them so they can go see their daughter." Wolf then heard they were splitting up with the ninja talking about his job staying under a covered area for a smoke while the other ninja headed to what may have been a house or store, Wolf drew his knife then he grabbed the guard holding him in restriction hold with the knife against his neck. Wolf then said maming his voice deeper "Point me in the direction of the prison and maybe I wont kill you." The ninja pointed in the proper direction for Wolf then Wolf asked for his ID card and where he could find Sakura's parents. The rain ninja grabbed a piece of paper and wrote out a rough map of the place while saying "Look man please dont kill me...I just want to live out my days in peace before this war breaks out." Wolf then pushed the knife deeper into the man's neck while saying "What are you talking about?" Just as the rain ninja went to speak an unknown kunai flew in and hit the man in the face killing him rather quickly. Wolf dropped a smoke bomb and immediately fled the area ducking down into a dry and dark alcove hoping whoever was the killer of that ninja wasn't after him. Wolf scanned the area with his sharingan and after knowing that he seemed safe Wolf made his way to the prison, as he walked along keeping his hood up Wolf didn't feel safe but he had to push forwards until his mission was over.

(Rain Village Prison-Use Song Above Here)

Once Wolf had made his way insidd the prison his first task was to verify the location of the hand drawn map he had to a layout map of the prison. Sure enough Wolf found one in an office that was empty and he scanned it quickly noting that his crude map wouldn't help him until he reached level B1 of the prison. Wolf made his way down to the basement and as he made his way through the hallway his senses kicked in and for good reason as a small squad of Rain Ninja appeared, they didnt know Wolf had entered the village much less their precious prison so stealth was still on his side however he didn't want to risk getting spotted by them later so he knocked them out with strikes to the neck. He then used clones to drag their bodies to small closets making sure to hide the evidence of his presence. Wolf then made his way down the hall following the crude map and as he got closer to the cell where Sakura's parents were his senses told him to survey his surroundings again. His eyes changed to the sharingan and he spotted two signatures in a room sitting down however there was another pair of signatures that were standing up with one of them pacing in a small circle, Wolf sighed quietly then he made a clone while telling it "You go to the pair on the right while I'll check the ones on the left." The clone got to their spot first and noticed that it was Sakura's parents so the clone stayed nearby making sure it was secure for Wolf to get over there safely. Wolf's area had two guards so he neutralized them same as before then he locked the door where the guards were making sure no one would find them. The area was secured and Wolf headed to his clone in order to save Sakura's parents, he used his lock pick and began unlock their cell while telling his clone "Stay nearby and guard not kill anyone you attack got it?" The clone nodded and hid in a dark corner watching the hallway while Wolf had nearly unlocked the cell. While he had experience with lock picks what Wolf didn't expect was a lock that happened to be this secure inside a worn out prison like this. Finally the cell had been unlocked and Wolf opened the door while asking Sakura's parents "Are you Kizashi and Mebuki Haruno?" The couple nodded with Kizashi saying "Who are you young one? You don't have a headband marking a village." Wolf keeping his identity hidden said "Your Hokage paid me to safe your let's go before the enemy realizes what's happening."

(Timeskip-Leaf Village)

After getting back to the Leaf Village safely and after making sure Kizashi and Mebuki were behind him, Wolf had one last objective and that was to surprise Sakura by showing her that he had found her parents. He headed back to his apartment leaving Kizashi and Mebuki at the Hokage's office only to find Sakura was in the kitchen cooking what could be only called a late breakfast. Wolf walked closer to her only to now notice that she was only wearing an apron! This made Wolf think to himself [Holy shit! This girl is naked in my apartment!] Sakura felt his presence behind her and said while turning around and gently tilting her head "Welcome home...I trust your mission went smoothly?" Wolf then said to her while pulling down his hood " the way Hiruzen would like to meet with you about an assignment, he didn't say what it was but he would like to meet with you today." Sakura then said while she finished cooking "Can we have breakfast first before we leave or do we have to leave now?" Wolf then said to her "Well I would like to have breakfast first myself but it is urgent...I'm sorry." Sakura sighed and said while turning off the stove and placing leaving their food in the kitchen "Let me get dressed....I was hoping to have a little fun with you." Wolf then said while gently grabbing her hand "Can you forgive me for this one? I wouldn't tell you no if it wasn't important." Sakura sighed and said after kissing his cheek "I guess I can forgive you this time...anyways let me get dressed and we can head over to the Hokage's office."


After reaching the office Sakura walked inside first and she saw her parents which made her eyes water then she realized almost instantly why Wolf asked for some forgiveness. She hugged him then she kissed him only for Wolf to gently rub her back while saying "Sorry I hid my mission from you Sakura....I wanted to surprise you with this." Sakura then said after she stopped crying " did you...I mean-" Hiruzen stooped her by saying "Shortly after your father was captured we received a coded message which at first we thought didn't mean anything but after a few days one of our intel team members realized that the note was a call for help. Wolf was the only one I could call on to complete the mission and he was also the only one that could easily infiltrate the building without any major complications." Sakura looked at Wolf who was currently leaning against Hiruzen's desk with his arms crossed along with a blank stare into the ground. What she didn't know was that Wolf had never been able to meet his real parents since his mother died while giving birth to him while his father had been killed one month prior during a hunt as he was ambushed by wolves. Sakura then said to her parents "I...I should mention that Wolf let me stay at his place while you two were away. Please don't hate him for his actions." Wolf then said to Sakura's parents "Say what you want afterwards but I allowed Sakura to stay with not just because she felt lonely but because I care for her as well as the fact that I do love her and would do anything she ever needed." With that Wolf excused himself but before leaving Sakura gave Wolf a kiss that lasted for nearly a minute then she pulled away only to say with a look of happiness "Thank you for finding my parents...and thank you for well..being you. Sorry I don't know anything else I could say as a thank you." Wolf smiled and said to her while using a hand to gently cup her cheek "Don't sweat it Sakura...I know you're happy and I'll always help you out no matter what." Wolf then excused himself as he wanted to be find Asuma and tell him about what happened as well as have someone that he considered a father. After telling Asuma the results of his first solo mission Wolf then heard from Asuma "Great work out there kid but you should know that the Chunin Exams are coming up. You have a written test followed by the Forest of Death...should you get past those then you have the semi final matches against other villages to worry about." Wolf then said while standing up and heading home "Guess i have a lot to prepare for....Asuma can I count on you to help me train or should I ask Team 7 for help?" Asuma then said after lighting a cigarette "I can help you prepare but you'll have to train with my team as well...Shikamaru is the one you'll have to prepare for the most in your sparring matches." It was then that Wolf said to Asuma just before disappearing from view and hearing distance "Don't worry....I've been training with various masters of various combat techniques when we couldn't train. See you later Asuma!" With that Wolf disappeared leaving Asuma a but dumbfounded by how fast he was gone however Asuma chuckled slightly then said softly after a drag from his cigarette "That kid is something else..he's definitely going to surpass me on of these days." After finishing his cigarette Asuma flicked it away then staring at what appeared to be a camera he simply said "See ya later!"

A Legend's History: Story of WolfKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat