Zabuza Round Two

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After reaching the bridge once again the area was surrounded by mist. Wolf signalled for everyone to surround Tazuna just like before. As they gathered around Tazuna the air was heavier than before however Wolf along with Kakashi were having no issues so they took the lead while the others stayed behind doing their part. As the fight started something was amiss and that was the fact that another ninja emerged and that person was named Haku, even though Wolf had seen the ninja when they saved Zabuza the first time Wolf had no clue what to expect. Kakashi and Zabuza clashed this time leaving Wolf to fight Haku and this fight was nearly one sided without even starting, Wolf's style was a perfect copy of Asuma's even down to the attacks and stances however what the style lacked was any sort of distant attacks. Wolf had to close quarters combat down but he lacked any sort of mid thing range engagement that didnt take him more than 5 seconds. Haku noted this and said "You're a ninja who excels at close range...I think keeping you away from me will be easy." Wolf growled to himself and said while activating the Sharingan "I'd like to see you try and keep me from attacking you!" Wolf charged his chakra and then he used a jutsu called Phoenix Flower which consisted of tiny fireballs that were deadly naturally however thanks to his training with some fire users Wolf was able to make them hone in on an enemy's chakra. This made Haku a bit surprised but he kept his composure and began the process of dodging away from Wolf making sure he was in eyesight until Haku made a mistake, Haku was abke to dodge the fireballs however one made Haku have to dodge it by leaning backwards. This caused the mask to slide blocking his vision and that was enough for Wolf to appear while using Asuma's Straight Line attack with the chakra blades, normally this attack was devastating but with Wolf knowing some lighting techniques and being a lightning user the attack had a higher damage yield as well as being Haku's weakness thanks to him being a water user. As for the fight with Kakashi this is how it went:

After dealing some damage to Haku a dome appeared with Haku "Crystal Ice Mirrors!" Wolf was stunned by this however he steadied himself and said to Haku "You're not dead yet, I'll sort that out right now! Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" As the fireball hit Haku it was evident that something was wrong, the attack may have hit Haku but it was then clear what happened: Haku was able to make a water clone and jump into one of the mirrors. It was then that Haku began ti formulate an attack pattern and strategy to fight Wolf and this is what happened:

After the volley of ice needles that cut Wolf to no end Naruto arrived after Sakura failed to toss Wolf his chakra blade, Haku did catch it however after being knocked from the mirror he dropped it allowing Wolf to grab it quickly. Haku still busy looking at Naruto failed to realize one thing about Wolf that not even Hiruzen Sarutobi knows about and that is this; during the procedures that Orochimaru had done to Wolf there was kne thing that Orochimaru had done with the aid of a medical ninja and that was increase Wolf's healing rate. In layman's terms Wolf's healing speed is at the rate where a simple cut heals at the snap of one's fingers. Wolf slowly stood up while saying as his sharingan was active and his chakra visible with a crimson red tint " you're going to pay for that. I don't care how strong you are...I'll kill you for ever thinking you're better than me!!" Wolf charged at Haku with blinding speed and as they clashed it was obvious to Kakashi and Zabuza that Wolf wasn't an ordinary ninja, he was someone who was born to be a ninja that had the strength to rival any of the five Kage. Wolf then stood in the exact same stance as Asuma while saying "Time to show you the fruits of my training! Watch carefully or you may miss what happens next!" Wolf charged at Haku once more only this time his attacks were sharper and stronger to where even a block from Haku would have damage, this caused Wolf to increase his speed one more time and this was a problem as much as it was a blessing. For Wolf this was a problem as increasing his speed and power meant using his chakra for the fuel that would achieve this however this was a blessing as he had enough chakra to at least take down Haku. As the fight continued Wolf was slowly but surly overpowering Haku until finally the fight ended with Wolf using Asuma's Straight Line attack only this time instead of blue lightning like before Wolf's blades were coated in a crimson red lightning that somehow was stronger and had a longer reach to them making Wolf have the length of a sword while in reality he was swinging a knife. Wolf then faced Zabuza and said with a smirk "Care to challenge me Zabuza? I've still got enough to take you on!" The swordsman smirked back at Wolf and said while drawing his sword "Well you're certainly tenacious! Alright let's see how well you fight with blades then." The two specialists clashed with each other however this was an intense battle as Zabuza's blade was very strong and even with Wolf using his chakra to increase his strength during any offensive or defensive moments he was still struggling. Zabuza then kicked Wolf away while saying "You're tired aren't you? Must've pushed yourself too hard kid." Wolf trying to catch his breath was able to stand up however Wolf began to feel his eyesight fading, he then looked over at Sakura and somehow he gathered more strength within himself and was able to knock Zabuza's sword away and say just before passing out "That was all I had left....I wish we could've fought more Zabuza." As Wolf began to fall to the ground Zabuza of all people caught him while saying with a smile on his face "Not bad're the first person to ever knock my sword away without killing or harming me. can have your student back, he's worth killing but not right now." Kakashi rather skeptical of Zabuza's actions took Wolf back to the group and leaving him in Sakura's care.

(Timeskip-Leaf Village Hospital)

After the mission was over and everyone returned to the Village Wolf was immediately placed in the hospital for recovery as his chakra was nearly empty. This gave him time to allow his chakra to return to normal as well as allow Sakura a chance to check on her lover. After waking up in the hospital dressed in his uniform Wolf questioned what happened to himself then he remembered what happened and he said to himself "I need to train myself even harder than before. I could barely fight those two even after boosting myself, maybe Hiruzen has some advice for me?" Wolf headed to Hiruzen's office where immediately he noticed that Sakura was there saying to Hiruzen "Lord Hokage with all due respect Wolf isn't ready for more of the same training you gave him! He barely survived it and he barely survived against Haku and Zabuza!" Hiruzen then said with a smile as his eyes trailed to Wolf "Oh? Then who is standing behind you in his clothes?" Sakura turned around and saw Wolf standing there dressed in his outfit from the mission while back at full strength without any bandages on his body, she walked then she ran over to him wrapping her arms around his waist while crying into his vest while saying "I'm glad you're alright...I thought you were a goner." Wolf then said to Sakura while hugging her "Yeah sorry about that...I was more worried about saving you and the team and not myself I guess." Sakura then said while breaking their hug "That reminds me, your chakra was visible and it was red like the color of blood....what was that about?" Wolf went to speak but Hiruzen said for him "That is what happens when Wolf uses his full power and fights with his heart and not just by instinct." Sakura didn't understand this which was expected however Wolf demonstrated by taking Sakura to the roof with Hiruzen following them making sure that nothing would get destroyed. Wolf then said while standing in the center of the roof channeling his chakra around him "This is what my chakra looks like can tell it's blue just like yours is now when I fight like before..." Wolf channeling his rage and his determination changed the chakra color to it's crimson red tint then he said to her "This is my chakra when I follow my nindo and fight while following it to the nindo is to protect those I love with all I have even if it costs me my life." Sakura then understood the meaning of the crimson red tint but she didn't want to as she heard her lover say that he would defend her and everyone else even if he died doing so, she hated hearing that but she knew why he was like that thanks to Hiruzen showing her his ninja file and card. Hiruzen then said to the couple "So...I have an assignment for you both." Wolf and Sakura stood ready for the task however what they heard next was "For this assignment you two will take the week off however Wolf for the last three days you will be training intensly with Asuma and Kakashi for your next assignment." Wolf nodded as did Sakura albeit a bit saddened by the announcement, Hiruzen then knelt down and said to Sakura "You know why he has to do this...i understand your concern but he has to complete that mission." Sakura sighed and agreed however she would train with Wolf whenever she could and she would always be there whenever he had a break to keep his spirit high. Hiruzen then said to Wolf while placing a hand in his shoulder "After this week is over Asuma will hand you a new outfit for this mission and some new gear as well. I expect you to complete that mission swiftly and I expect you to return home safely is that clear?" Wolf nodded and Hiruzen said to them both "Now then...get out  of here and go relax!" Wolf picked up Sakura bridal style while saying "Shall we my lady?" Sakura nodded and they headed to his apartment for the rest of the day and they would enjoy their week together. Hiruzen looked at a camera ans said with a smile "See you all next time!"

A Legend's History: Story of Wolfजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें