KINGS ARE BORN : Bretharam and Caecilius

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The boy was the son of Aldricus . This made Darius even more fierce . He wanted the child dead so bad . Darius with a group of Adelmour's started in search of the boy .

Caecilius son of Aldricus ran for his life the sight of his mother and sister's being slaughtered in front of his eyes. Made the boy so scared the only thing he could do was to run . He ran as fast as his legs could carry him . He couldn't stop even if he felt his legs paining. The sight of death was so terrible for his little mind to handle.
After hour of running caecilius became tired but he couldn't stop because he knew that Adelmour's were after him because tracking was a special skill that Adelmour's possessed even if he left a hair for them they could track him anywhere.
Now caecilius began to think.

He began to make plans to escape
If they can track where ever i go what could i do ? The best way is to go to the king who is seldric's ally . But he would never make it across the forest !; The only way is to lose them in the forest as he thought this an idea in the form of instinct came to him. I could go to Adelina the sacred ground . As the idea crossed his mind like the reflex action his body ran towards with the remaining energy . Even if felt his lungs would explode he couldn't stop because it was his only hope not to die . He couldn't think of death. Even the thought of dying made him run faster .

With his dying breath caecilius reached Adelina the moment he entered the sacred ground he feel down because the last bit of his energy was used to get there . He saw the tree Alba and a girl and a boy meditating . The ground was a beautiful place were peace was at its peek even animals didn't kill each other. The girl and boy where from the a
Ascetic class they where people who lived their life through the way of non-violence. The class of humans that didn't support war and always thought and found way for peace . Because of this they where the highest class and many of them are advisers for the king and healers. The were seen with respect throughout the whole kingdom.

Caecilius who was on the ground felt like he was dying with his last breath in his lungs he yelled
'HELP' .
The Ascetics heard this and woke from their prayer and saw caecilius who was about to die . They rushed and picked him up and took him near the alba . The Ascetic boy said to his sister with deep voice
' This boy has been hungry for days and he has lost most of his energy we need to heal him or he will die '
The girl brought some water and gave caecilius , caecilius drank it like he have never drink it was the most delicious drink he ever had. Seeing his thirst,pain and fear .

The boy said with a calm voice
' i am Bretharam you have no need of fear you are under the shadow of the tree Alba . He is created when earth was created for peace to all creatures in nature no one will die on his watch . I will now heal you and restore your energy '
Hearing this words caecilius became calm and thanked him with his look he could not speak but both of them understood
Bretharam with his spiritual power attained through prayer healed and restored some of caecilius energy in the process caecilius went to sleep
Bretharam and his sister Brethorba took care of him they laid caecilius under alba and went back to their prayer

Hours passed and caecilius woke up
He saw Bretharam and Brethorba praying and food and water were beside him . He ate the food like a wild animal meanwhile Bretharam and Brethorba woke up from prayer .

Caecilius finished eating at when he was about to thank them he suddenly felt the shock . He now remembered that he was followed,there was an army tracking him
Caecilius suddenly stood up and with a sudden fear he said

' Thank you for saving my life ,i am in your debt , but you will have to leave here i came here they wouldn't kill me in the sacred ground but if they do you will be harmed so please if you could leave for some time if something happens to you it will be a great crime from my part , ' i am sorry to make you in danger ' i hope you take my request '

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