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Bretharam and Caecilius reached the border of the village of Adelmour's . Caecilius who was now overflowing with fear and uncertainty asked Bretharam ."A day before they killed my whole clan . They tried to kill me . Do you honestly believe that they will accept me as their king ".
Bretharam smiled slightly A smile that gave happiness to the one who sees that smile . He then replied, "No! Not only they will not accept you as their king but will also try to kill us. The way i see it Darius and his men would be facing the punishment of hanging by death for their betrayal of their clan."
Now caecilius was even more scared . He said,"Bretharam i am sorry we can't go there .Only the Seldric's have the power to fight against the Adelmour's .we will be killed ."
Bretharam with his usual calm voice asked ."Then aren't you a Seldric don't you know how to fight against the Adelmour's."
Caecilius speaking fastly "No we used to defend them by the skill of us in forging weapons. We survived by moving as a pack. A seldric could never survive a direct fight with an Adelmour . Now the only one left of the seldric's is going to thousands of Adelmour's. I can never fight and win against them. I am not even brave as the others in my clan. I was in fear. I ran when they fought ."
Bretharam now stopped and turned to Caecilius and said,"indeed you were in fear it is that fear that kept you alive. Do you think warriors of your clan did not feel fear?. Do you think the seldric's do not feel fear? . True Bravery comes only through fear. Fear is what gives bravery its relevance like light only has it's relevance because of darkness. Only through fear you can be brave. Now is your chance to be brave. The question is are you willing to use your chance."
Caecilius now took a deep breath of the gentle breeze that flowed through them . thought for a second and looked straight to his eyes and said,"This is not the question of my bravery. But this is the question of my trust on you. I promised i will be with you no matter what . Yes i am scared and consumed with fear. But i will follow you".
Bretharam smiled slightly . Now no one spoke. caecilius followed Bretharam . Its been hours of walking but they weren't tired . Caecilius only had fear and uncertainty there were no room for tiredness.
Meanwhile in the village
Darius and his men are now standing with a rope tied around their neck . As Bretharam said they were facing punishment for betrayal of their clan . But Darius and his men hadn't a slight amount of fear in their face . There was only sorrow for what they did and what was to come.
Elders in the village made their plan. They were using Darius and his men as bait. They were sure that they would come to save Darius . Even if they were powerful that even Darius bowed before them . They could force them to surrender by using Darius as their bait. The elders and the villagers waited looking into the village gate.
Bretharam and Caecilius now reached the village gate . Caecilius heart beat as fast as it could like before when he was running away from them . But now he was walking towards them . Bretharam walked like he knew what was going to happen. They now stood before the gate and looked at the tall gate then they saw the village . No one was in the village . They could only see the light from the torch on the sideways .
They were on their guard they knew the Adelmour's would attack at any time . They knew they were waiting for them .
Bretharam walked knowing this Caecilius followed him tightening his grip on his sword ready for an ambush.

Bretharam took his first step on the village of Adelmour's . In a split of a second they were surrounded by Adelmour's solders . Caecilius didn't even had the time to understand what happened . It was after he was surrounded he knew what happened . caecilius saw the eyes that glowed with bloodlust surrounding him. Like it was with darius .
Bretharam bowed in his knees . Caecilius nor the Adelmour's expected this . They expected a battle between them . Seeing Bretharam surrendering caecilius too got down on his knees . The Adelmour's didn't understand them but they knew there was something behind their arrival.
Caecilius and Bretharam were captured and chained . The Adelmour's took them to the elders where Darius and his men were standing ready to hanged . They walked, through the murmuring crowd.
Darius and his men were shocked to see Bretharam and caecilius captive . They saw their death as the worst thing that could happen. But this they never foresaw. Bretharam and Caecilius now came before the elders of the village surrounded by hundreds of Adelmours. Ready to attack if they even tried to resist.

Bretharam looked at elders and spoke . Even if he spoke to the elders the whole village felt like he was talking to each of them .Bretharam said, "Greetings to the elders and villagers of Adelmour . We expected this action from you but treating your king like this is unacceptable..... "Before he could complete his words the strongest elder of the Adelomour ROUSIN took his sword and pointed it in Bretharam's neck and shouted with great anger ,"king you are no king of mine ? Nor king of Adelmours. He maybe considered as the king of some traitors who are about to die along with their king ."

Bretharam calmly replied with his smile,"your rejection will not change the faith". He will not only be your king but the king that will unite the whole world.

The elder commanded his soldiers with a loud cry , ' kill them ... Slice their head and show the traitors their so called king's a swindler.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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