Chapter 3.

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I stared in awe at the muscular man in front of me, and the news he just threw on me.

"What?" I asked, shocked.

Jace rolled his eyes at me in annoyance, "You, Royalty, and I, Alpha Jace are mates." He told me again. My eyes widened in pure shock and horror.

"WHAT!?' I whisper-screamed. Jace growled in response.

"Quit saying what." He glared. I shrunk back, and bowed slightly. After all, he is still the Alpha and my superior.

Wait, no he isnt. We are mates and that makes us equal; and makes me the Luna. I gulped, "I'm the Luna of the pack." I whispered low enough that Jace couldn't hear me.

"Don't whisper where I can't hear you." Jace growled again.

A wave of courage hit me, "I said that I am the Luna of this pack, and you are not my superior anymore! We are equals, and you need to stop using your Alpha voice on me!" I growled back at him. His eyes widened for a moment, shocked that I had talked to him the way I did. My courage instantly left me when his eyes narrowed, and I shrunk back onto the bed.

I held my head up, trying to keep any of my courage, and to make him think that I wasn't backing down. Then, he done something completely unexpected.

He laughed. Like, actually laughed.  His laugh was deep, and sexy, and melted me; I shook my head, doing a double take. He stopped laughing, and looked down at me. Then he bust out laughing again, clutching onto his toned stomach for support.

"Oh man, that was great. I haven't laughed like that in a long time." He said, wiping his watering eyes. He sniffed, and let out a long sigh.

I stared at him in utter shock, my eyes narrowed. Was he seriously laughing at me? "What are you laughing about?" I asked him, trying to make my voice as stern as possible.

"I'm laughing at how cute you looked when you were trying not to look so scared." He laughed again, but only a few times; not like his first fit of laughter where he couldn't breath right.

My face grew hot, and undoubtedly blushed at his comment. 'Dont read into his comment, Royalty, he's not actually calling you cute.' I told myself.

"I'm not scared Jace, and what I said wasn't a joke." I replied, angrily huffing.

"Oooh, feisty. I like my girls feisty." He grinned, folding his arms across his muscular chest. I silently moaned at the sight of his bare chest; how his toned abs flexed when he laughed, and his chiseled jaw tightened when he growled at me.

I felt wetness pool between my legs at the sight of him. I stiffened, and pushed my legs together. Thankfully the sheets from the bed were still over me.

Jace growled lowly, and his eyes turned black. His wolf was taking over because he smelled my arousal. "mine." His wolf said, coming closer to me. He leaned down to my face, and got so close to me his lips hovered over mine.

I gulped, and closed my eyes. I could smell honey, and that campfire smell. It was intoxicating to me, and made my head spin. The mate pull is no joke, I wanted to jump into Jace's arms and kiss him.

I felt Jace pull away, and I opened one of my eyes. Jace was turned around away from me.

He cleared his throat. "Um, I think you should probably get home and tell your parents you're okay." He said to me, still turned away. I nodded my head, then realized he couldnt see me; but I was too afraid to say anything.

"..Jac-" I began to say, but he cut me off.

"I will come see you tomorrow, and we can talk." He said angrily through gritted teeth. "Now, go."

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