Chapter 6.

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I grabbed my ringing phone from the bed side table, and brought it to my ear. My shaky hands could barely hold the phone to my face.

"Hello?" I said, waiting for a response.

"Roy?" Luke's voice rang through the phone. I closed my eyes at the sound of it. I missed him, I wouldn't deny it; but he hurt me, and I wasnt ready to forgive him yet.

"Yes?" I said back to him. Silence filled the line for a short moment.

"I-I, I miss you, Royalty.." He told me. My heart ached at his words, and I wanted to tell him that I missed him, too. I wanted to tell him to come over, so we could catch up on everything that's happened over the last week.

Luke wasn't only my boyfriend, he was my best friend before we became anything romantic. Luke and I have been best friends our whole lives, and going even a day without him hurts. My heart aches for him, to see his joyful smile, and to hear his insane laugh.

"Royalty?" He asked to see if I was still there. His voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm still here, Luke." I held my breath; I feel like any moment I could break down crying, and I didnt want him to hear me cry.

I wish that we would of never dated. I wish we would have never kissed, or got romantically involved. I missed our friendship, and the way things used to be. I miss my best friend, and how he could cheer me up with one smile. How he would tickle me when I pretended to be mad at him, or how we laid on the couch and watched scary movie marathons.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

"Aren't we talking now?" I playfully asked, forgetting for a moment that I was upset at him.

"Yeah, we are I guess; but I mean, like, can we meet up and talk? I want to see you, Roy."

I held my hand over the phone and sighed. Could I face him right now? Could I sit in front of him and pretend that every kiss, long hug, and every argument over who loved more, didnt happen? No, I couldn't pretend that they didnt happen; because they did, and there is nothing I can do to erase those memories from my mind.

"Please, Royalty. I just need to talk to you for a few minutes, please." He begged me, his pleading voice making my heart hurt even more.

"Okay, Luke. We can meet up and talk. Meet me at the park, our spot." I told him before hanging up. I laid back on my bed and let the tears slip from my eyes slowly. They ran down my cheeks one by one, dropping into the bed sheets.


I sat at the top of the jungle gym, in front of the swirly slide, waiting for Luke. The floor underneath me had holes all through it, and Luke and I would smash food through the holes when we were kids. Footsteps echoed up the jungle gym ramp, and Luke's blonde hair came into view.

I looked down at my crossed legs, and played with the lace on my tennis shoes. I was beyond nervous; for the first time in my whole life, I was nervous to see Luke.

He sat down beside me, and I looked over at him. He was dressed in a pair of silky, black basketball shorts, and a blue cut off shirt showing his big arm muscles.

His blonde hair went messy as he ran his fingers through it. He seemed just as nervous as I felt. I took a drink of the water I brought with me, handing it to Luke when I was finished. He took the water from me and took a sip of it. We've always shared drinks, we've been best friends our whole lives.

"Roy.." Luke began to say, and I prepared myself for another heart break. "I still love you, more than you will ever understand."

"I still love you too, Luke. I always will, you're my best friend still." I told him, looking up at his face. His eyes were glossed over.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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