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"Soooo..... Ducks here can solve crimes?" Star asks as she, (Y/n), Dipper, and Mabel were in the living room watching "Duck-tective." "No, haha... just him." Mabel told her. "That must be one smart duck." (Y/n) said "Eh, it's easier to find clues when you're that close to the ground." Dipper says. "Oh, Like you could do better?" (Y/n) said sarcastically "Oh yeah, I have very keen powers of observation. For example, just by smelling Mabel's breath, I can tell that she has been eating." He sniffs and Says. "...an entire tube of toothpaste?!" (Y/n) and Star then turn to Mabel who had sparkling toothpaste all over her mouth. "It was so sparkly..." she says as Soos comes running in. "Hey, dudes, you'll never guess what I found!" "Buried treasure!" "A party room!" "A treasure map that will involve a crazy adventure!" Dipper, Star, and (Y/n) asked as the four teens followed Soos to a door. "So, I was cleaning up, when I found this secret door, hidden behind the wallpaper. It's crazy bonkers creepy!" He says as they went in and they see dozen of wax figures. "Whoa! It's a secret wax museum!" Dipper says as he shines the flashlight around the place. "This is so cool." Star says "He look! I found another detective." (Y/n) said as he points to wax figure of Sherlock Holmes. "That's Sherlock Holmes! One of the famous fictional mystery book characters!" Dipper tells "He's so life like." Mabel said as Dipper shines another direction. "Except for that one." "Hello!" The person said causing the four to scream while (Y/n) got into battle ready stance. "It's just me, your Grunkle Stan!" He said as the four screamed louder and the flee. "Cowards!!"
Time skip
Dipper, Mabel, and Star returned back to the room where Stan and (y/n) were still at. "Behold the Gravity Falls Wax Museum! It was one of our most popular attractions... before I forgot all about it. I got 'em all! Genghis Khan, Sherlock Holmes," Stan says as he names the wax figures until he stopped at one of Larry King. "some kind of, I don't know, goblin man?" He said as Dipper shudders. "anyone else getting the creeps here?" "Not really." Star said. "The only thing that creeps me out are fish! They swim in the water mocking me how they don't get seasick and that they won't drown! Which I was I always show them whose boss when fish is served!" (Y/n) said. "That seems more like a jealously thing then a creepy thing?" Mabel said "Have you seen what some of the fish look like?" "....fair" "Fish aside, here's my personal favorite: Wax Abraham Lincoln, right over--" he then sees the melted goon that was once wax figure Abraham Lincoln. "Oh! Oh no! Come on, who left the blinds open? Wax John Wilkes Booth, I'm looking in your direction!" He says as he pony s to the wax figure in question and sighs. "How do you fix a wax figure?" Stan asks as Mabel walks up. "Cheer up, Grunkle Stan. Where's that smile?" Mabel asks as she tried to get him to smile. "Don't worry, Grunkle Stan. I'll make you a new wax figure from all this old wax!" She told him. "You really think you can make one of these puppies?" Stan asks. "Grunkle Stan, I'm an arts and crafts master. Why do you think I always have this glue gun stuck to my arm?" Mabel says as she held up her arm to show the glue gun in question. "I like your gumption, kid!" Stan tells her. "I don't know what that word means, but thank you!" Mabel says.
Time skip
Mabel was in a room looking at a block of Wax as (Y/n) walks in. "So how's the wax making?" He asked her. "What do you think of this design?" She asked him as she shows him a picture that she drew. "She's part fairy princess, and part horse fairy princess!" She tells him as he looks at the wax block and then back to her. "Why don't you try something smaller like a person?" (Y/n) suggested to her. "Like who?" She asked him as Stan walks in with no pants. "Kids, have you seen my pants?" He asks as he does a pose on a briefcase. Mabel turns around saying. "Oh, muse. You work in mysterious ways." "Why is she talking to the ceiling?" Stan asks as (Y/n) shrugs.
Time skip
Mabel looks at her work as the three teens and Soos were behind her. "I think... it needs more glitter." "Agreed." Soos says as Star gets out her wand and says. "Glitter cannon!" Which Glitter is fired on the wax figure. Stan walks in and is now wearing pants but now he doesn't have shoes. "I found my pants but now I'm missing my--" He says as he then notice the figure. "Ahhh!" He yells as he falls over. "What do you think?" Mabel asked him. "I think... the Wax Museum's back in business!" Stan says.
Time skip
Mabel POV:
I was behind the curtain where my big moment will be happening soon and I was nervous right now which Star and (Y/n) were with me prepping me for the big moment. "Just breathe in.... and breathe out." Star was telling me as I was following her directions. "Don't worry, it happens to everyone. Including Star." (Y/n) tells me. "Really!" I said. "Yeah! As a princess I also had to be up in front of a crowd with my parents and I was scared at first but over time I grown used to it." Star was telling me. "How did you go through with your first?" I asked her. "I had help." She said as she smiled at (y/n). "What? .....Why are you looking at me like that? ....All I told you to imagine them where they were weak enough that they couldn't hurt you." He said as I giggled at that. "Anyway, your going to be great!" She said as I then heard Stan said "And now a word from our own Mabelangelo!" I walked out of the curtain and I said. "It's Mabel." I then grabbed the microphone and I talked to the crowd while I was imagining them where they couldn't hurt me. "Thank you for coming! I made this sculpture with my own two hands!" I said as I raised them up. "It's covered in my blood, sweat, tears, and other fluids!" I said as the audience got grossed out which I chuckled. "Yeah. I will now take questions!" As I pointed to McGucket. "You there!" "Old Man McGucket, local kook. Are the wax figures alive? And follow-up question, can I survive the wax-man uprising?" He asked me which I was confused of what to say. "Um...Yes! Next question!" "Toby Determined, Gravity Falls Gossiper. Do you really think this constitutes a wonder of the world?" He asked me "Your microphone's a turkey baster, Toby." Stan tells him. "It certainly is--" "Next question." "Shandra Jimenez, a real reporter. Your flyers promised free pizza with admission to this event. Shows flyer Is this true?" She asked as the audience were murmuring in agreement. "That was a typo. Good night, everyone!" Stan says as he throws a smoke bomb down and flees taking the admission fees with him as everyone leaves in anger. "I think that went well." I said as (Y/n) and Star walks out. "It went as well as I expected it to be." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, I kinda figured the same when Stan said to write "free pizza" on the flyers." Star said.
Time skip
(Y/n) POV:
I was sitting in my bed reading a adventure book that I found in this world. "I never knew books can have pictures and the story be told backwards." I said as I looked at the title that read "Akame ga Kill: Volume one." "I should've read these a long time ago." I said as I saw Dipper walked in from the bathroom. "Have you read this before?" I asked him. "If your taking about a manga then some. But if your taking about that series then no." He said as we then heard yelling from downstairs. "No... No... Noooooo!" I immediately ran downstairs because my bodyguard instincts have kicked in and I ran down to attack the assailant before he could do harm. I ran down to see Stan on the ground looking at a headless wax Stan on the floor. "Wax Stan! He's been... m-murdered!" He yelled as I feel to my knees and yelled. "Nooooo!!!!!! My skills of being a bodyguard has failed!!"
Time skip
The police arrived and everyone was in the living room which Stan was explained to the police while i was holding a crying Mabel. "My expert handcrafting... besmirched. Besmiiiirrrched!" She yelled as I was patting her back to calm her down while Star and Dipper was looking at the headless wax body. "Who would do something like this?" He asked "Someone who hates wax figures!" Star says as Mabel finally calms down and we walked up to Stan and the two police officers. "What's your opinion, Sheriff Blubs?" The first officer asked his partner who is named Blubs who says. "Look, we'd love to help you folks, but let's face the facts... this case is unsolvable." "What?!" We all yelled in shock. "You take that back, Sheriff Blubs!" Stan yells. "You're kidding, right? There must be evidence, motives. You know, I could help if you want." Dipper suggested. "Yeah! As Princess I say he can help!" Star tells them. "Oooh! Would you look at what we got here! City boy thinks that he's gonna solve a mystery with his fancy computer phone! And the princess thinks she's an actual princess!" "City boooy! City booooooy!" "You two are adorable!" The police officer tells them. "Adorable?" Dipper and Star says the officers laugh. "Look, P.J.'s, how about you leave the investigating to the grown-ups, okay?" Blubs says we then heard their wallow talkie saying. "Attention, all units. Steve is about to fit an entire cantaloupe in his mouth. Repeat, an entire cantaloupe!" "It's a 23-16!" "Let's move!" They said as they left laughing. "That's it! Mabel, Star, (Y/n), you guys and me are going to find the jerk who did this, and get back that head. Then we'll see who's adorable." Dipper says as he then sneezes like a kitten. "Aww, you sneeze like a kitten!" "That was adorable!" Mabel and Star said as I laughed a bit which Dipper glares at us.
Time skip
Star POV:
It was morning and all four of us were in the living room where the crime had happened. "Wax Stan has lost his head and its up to us to find it." "Agreed!" I said as Mabel takes pictures. "There were a lot of unhappy customers at the unveiling." He said as I grabbed a board with pictures of our suspects. "The murderer could have been anyone." "Yeah! Even us!" Mabel said "We don't count Mabel." (Y/n) tells her which I giggled. "In this town, anything is possible. Ghosts, zombies, it could be months before we find our first clue." Dipper said "Found one." (Y/n) said as he held up a axe. "There's one on the floor." Mabel said as she points to a shoe print with a hole on them. "That was Quick." I said "yeah.... how did we miss those last night?" Dipper asked. "Who cares! We found two clues!" I yelled in excitement.
Time skip
We have brought the axe to a expert who will help us in solving this murder. "So, what do you think?" Dipper asked him which Soos was studying the axe. "In my opinion: this is an ax." He said "Wait a minute. The lumberjack!" Mabel said as all four of us yelled out. "Of course!" "He was furious when he didn't get that free pizza." Dipper said "I would be furious too if i was promised food and didn't get any." (Y/n) said "Furious enough, for murder!" Mabel said "Oh, you mean Manly Dan. Yeah, he hangs out at this crazy intense biker joint downtown." Soos told us. "Then that's where we are going." I said "Dude, this is awesome. You four are like: The Mystery Bunch." Soos told us. "Don't call us that." Dipper said as we walked out to head to the joint which we see Stan pulling out a coffin from his car. "Hey, give me a hand with this coffin, will ya? I'm doin' a memorial service for wax Stan. Something small, but classy." Stan said as he pulled it out of his car. "Sorry, Grunkle Stan, but we have got a big break in the case!" Dipper told him. "Break in the case!" Mabel said "And we're gonna solve it!" (Y/n) said. "We're heading to the town right now to interrogate the murderer." "We have an axe!" "I have my wand!" "And I have my sword!" Me, Mabel and (Y/n) said as Mabel began doing some weird screeching noise. "REE, REE, REE!" "Hm, seems like the kind of thing that responsible parents wouldn't want you to do... Good thing I'm an uncle. Avenge me teens! AVENGE MEEE!!" Stan yells as we began our walk to the joint.
Time skip
Dipper POV:
We reached to the Skull Fracture as we see that it was guarded by a guard. "Got the fake IDs?" I asked them as Mabel hands everyone a fake ID. "Here goes nothing." I said as we walked to the guy who sent a miner away. "We're here to interrogate Manly Dan the lumber jack for the murder of wax Stan." I told him as we showed him our ID's. "Works for me." He said as he opens the door for us and we walked in. "Alright, let's just try to blend in, ok?" I told them as Mabel said "You got it, Dippingsauce." "We'll be the most causal people in this place." Star said as she and Mabel climbs a chair next to a big man. "There he is." (Y/n) said as he points to Manly Dan who was playing a arm wrestling game. We walked over to him and I asked him. "Manly Dan, just the guy I wanted to see. Where were you last night?" "Punchin' the clock." He said "Work?" (Y/n) asked "No, I was punchin' that clock!" He said as he points to the broken clock with the time on it when it was broken. "10 o'clock, the time of the murder. So, I guess you've never seen this before?" I asked him as I showed him the axe. "Listen, little girl!" He said as (y/n) laughed. "Hey, actually I'm a--" "I wouldn't pick my teeth with that ax. It's left handed! I only use my right hand, the MANLY HAND!!" He yells as he rips the machine arm off beating the game permanently and starts beating it up. "Get 'im! Get 'im!" A guys walks up saying as me and (Y/n) studied the axe. "Left handed..." "I didn't know there were axes for using a different hand?" (Y/n) said as we walked back to Mabel and Star who were playing Cootie catcher with a biker which we told them that we got a break and we went outside.
"It's a left handed ax." Dipper said as he showed a list of names to the three. "These are all our suspects. Manly Dan is right handed, that means all we have to do is find our left handed suspect and we've got our killer." "Oh man, we are on fire today! Pa-zow, Pa-zow, Pa-zow!" "Should we split up? That way we can find the suspect faster?" (Y/n) suggested. "That would save time for us." Star said "Good idea, Star and Mabel, you handle this list while me and (y/n) do the rest." Dipper said as they went to find their suspect.
Time skip
After a while of suspects meetings later the four were back together. "Guys, there's only one person left on this list" Dipper said "Of course, it all adds up!" "Then let's get the cops and bust this guy!" (Y/n) said ready to pound a wax murderer.
Time skip.... again
The four teens were at the Gravity Falls Gossiper with the two cops from before. "You teens better be right about this or you'll never get the end of it." He told them. "The evidence is irrefutable." Dipper told him. "It's so irrefutable." "So un-unirrefutable." Star said "I gonna get to use my match stick!" "You ready? You ready little fella?" "Woo, woo!" The cops said as they poked each other with the batons a bit. "On 3! 1, 2, ..." Dipper didn't finished getting to three because (Y/n) bust through the door. "Alright! Prepare to be raided!!!" He yelled as everyone ran in. "Aaaahh!" Tony yells as he falls down. "What is this? Some kind of raid?" He asked. "Toby Determined, you're under arrest for murder of the wax body of Grunkle Stan." "You have the right to remain impressed with our awesome detective work." "And the right to look stupid for forgetting your axe!" (Y/n) said. "And footprints!" Star added as all four high fives each other. "Gobbling goose feathers! I don't understand!" Toby said. "Then allow me to explain. You were hoping that Grunkle Stan's new attraction would be the story that saved your failing newspaper. But when the show was a flop, you decided to go out and make your own headline." Dipper tells him as Mabel holds up a newspaper. "But you were sloppy, and all the clues pointed to a shabby shoed reporter who was caught left handed." Dipper said "Toby Determined, you're yesterday's news." Mabel said. "How about.... you're.....uhhh.... what is a good newspaper pun for this?" Star asks as (y/n) shrugs. "Boy, your little knees must be sore... from jumping to conclusions." Toby said as he starts dancing. "Hachacha! I had nothing to do with that murder." "What!?" Star yelled in surprise. "Then where were you....?!" (Y/n) demanded. "Ehh..." Toby said as he puts in a tape of him making out with a cardboard of Shandra Jimenez. "....And, now I want to claw my eyes off." (Y/n) said as the rest all said. "Eeeewwww! Yuck!" "Timestamp confirms. Toby, you're off the hook. You freak of nature." Blubs said as Toby cheered. "But, but it has to be him! Check the ax for fingerprints!" Dipper said in confusion as he held up the axe which Blubs takes it. "No prints at all." "No prints?" Dipper said in confusion. "Hey I got a headline for you: city teens waste everyone's time." Blubs said as all the adults start to laugh which Dipper, Mabel, and Star were embarrassed while (y/n) silently takes out the tape. "Well, someone might as well post this online." He thought.
Time skip
The teens, Soos, and wax figures were in a room where Stan was giving his funeral for his wax replica. "Teens, Soos, lifeless wax figures, thank you all for coming." He said as Soos was blowing his nose and was crying. "Some people might say it's wrong for a man to love a wax replica of himself." Soos then jumps up yelling. "They're wrong!" "Easy Soos. Wax Stan, I hope you're picking pockets in wax heaven." Stan says he wipes his eye. "I'm sorry, I got glitter in my eye!" He says as he starts crying and runs away with Soos chasing after him. "Those cops are right about me." Dipper said as he sighs as the four teens walked up to the wax figure of Stan's coffin. "Dipper, we've come so far, we can't give up now." Mabel said. "Yeah! Just because the cops thought we couldn't do it doesn't mean we shouldn't give up." Star says. "Yeah! They said I couldn't pass medical class." (Y/n) said. "And now you passed?" Dipper asked. "Oh no, I failed. But I didn't give up!" He said. "You failed!?" Star yelled in surprise. "You needed medical training to go with your bodyguard training and your saying you failed!?" She added. "Don't worry, I only needed the important parts." He said. "What were the important parts?" Mabel asked. "I know everything there is to know how to heal a Mewmen." "So you don't know anything that's not a Mewmen?" Dipper asked. "Correct." He said "(y/n)'s medical training aside, you still can't quit on trying to figure the mystery out."Star told Dipper. "Unless you found any clues, I don't think we can continue.." Dipper said as he looks at the wax figures feet. "Wax Stan's shoe has a hole in it..." "All the wax guys have that. It's where the pole thingy attaches to their stand dealy." Mabel told him. "Wait a minute, what has a hole on its shoe and no fingerprints? Guys! The murderers are--" "Standing right behind you." Wax Holmes said as all the wax figures were alive. "Wax Sherlock Holmes! Wax Shakespeare! Wax Coolio?" "Wha s'up Holmes?" "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Mabel and Star were saying. "Congratulations, my two amuetur slueths, you have unburied the truth, and now we're going to bury you." Wax Holmes said as (Y/n) got into a battle stance. "Bravo, Dipper Pines. You've discovered our little secret. " wax Holmes said as he takes out the wax figure of Stan out of his cape. "Applaud, everyone, applaud sarcastically." He said as everywax starts clapping. "Uh, no that sounds too sincere. Slow clap." He said as the start to slowly clap. "There we go, nice and condescending." He said. "But... how is this possible? You're made of wax!" Dipper yelled. "Huh! .... We're you made from magic?" Star asked as Wax Holmes starts laughing. "Are we magic? She wants to know if we're magic!" He then stops laughing. "We're CURSED!" He yelled as all wax figures were yelling curse. "Cursed to come to life whenever the moon is waxing. Your uncle bought us many years ago at a garage sale." Wax Holmes said. "A haunted garage sale, son!" Wax Coolio said.
(Y/n) POV:
Wax Holmes just finished telling the wax figures story and we found out that he was trying to really kill real Stan. "So, you're trying to murder Grunkle Stan for real?!" Dipper yelled. "You were right all along, Dipper! Wax people are creepy!" "Yeah! They kinda are." "Ehhh.... I still think fish are creepier." "Enough! Now that you know our secret, you must... die." Holmes said as I got into a battle stance. "What do we do, what do we do?" Mabel was saying. "Simple! This! Cupcake Blast!" Star yells as she fires a cupcake at Wax Nixon. I then punched wax Genghis Khan who was launched towards a table with a coffee maker which spills on him and he starts to melt. "Looks like their weakness is hot things!" I yelled as I saw Mabel and Dipper bran a electric candle and starts fighting the wax figures. "Flaming hot cupcake blast!" Star Yelled as she fires a flaming cupcake and I grabbing some wood and put it on the fireplace and start hitting the wax figures with the flames. I saw Dipper run out of the window with wax Holmes chasing him. "Wonder what he's doing?" I thought as I quickly blocked a attack from wax Booth and I tripped him and stabbed him with my torch. "Looks like that's all of them." Star said as I looked around to see no more wax figures. "Well, might as well put these in the fire. Can't risk any of them surviving." I said as Me, Star and Mabel were tossing wax parts into the fire place. "Though our group be left in twain, man of wax shall rise agayn!" Wax head of Shakespeare said as Mabel picked him up. "You know any limericks she asked him. "Uh... there once was a dude from Kentucky..." "Nope!" She said as toss him into the fire. "Doesn't this feel a bit dark to any you guys?" Star asked us as I tossed a wax arm into the fire. "No." I told her as Dipper walks in. "Dipper! You're okay! You solved the mystery after all." "Yeah! You may have run into bumps but you solved it." Mabel and Star said. "I couldn't have done it without my sidekick's." He said as he grabs wax Stan's head. "Uh... no offense but I outrank you by a lot so, I can't be your sidekick." Star tells him. "Ok.... then I outrank (Y/n) and Mabel they're my sidekicks." "Sorry, (y/n)'s my bodyguard. He's a rank higher then you." "Ok, then Mabel is my sidekick." "Sorry.... but I kinda promoted Mabel is my royal artist." Star says. "What!? Mabel outranks me!?" He yells I'm surprise. "If you want? I could promote you to be my royal detective?" Star told him. "Can you do that?" He asked her. "Do you not want it?" "I'll take it!" He said "Congratulations, your my royal detective!" Star says as Stan walks In and sees the room. "Hot Belgian waffles!! What happened to my parlor!?" He yells "Your wax figures turned out to be evil, so we fought them to the death!" Mabel said. "I decapitated Larry King." "I cupcake blasted Richard Nixon." "I torched stab John Wilkes Booth." I said as he stares at us and then laughs. "Ha ha! You teens and your imaginations!" He said "On the bright side, though, look what we found." Dipper said as he hands Stan his was replica's head. "My head! Ha ha! I missed this guy! You done good teens! Alright, line up for some affectionate noogie-ing." Stan said "Oh I'm not so sure about that. Is there any other alternative...?" "Oh uh... I'm not so sure..." "Yeah.... I don't really...." "Stan laughs as I jumped away as Stan gave all three of them a noogie. I then saw the two police officers pulled up. "Solved the case yet, boy? I'm so confident you're gonna say no, that I'm gonna take a long, slow sip from my cup of coffee." He then starts to sip his coffee very slowly. "Actually, the answer is yes." Dipper said as he spit takes on his partners face and he spit takes to him which repeats as the drove off and all five of us were laughing. "They got scalded!" Stan said. "So, did you guys get rid of all the wax figures?" Dipper asked us. "I am ninety-nine percent sure that I did!" Mabel said. "Maybe!" "I think so." I said. "Good enough for me!"
Mabel POV:
I was in the living room trying to figure out which sweater should I wear today. "Hmm. Hey (y/n, which do you think is better? Sequins or llama hair?" I asked him who was on the chair reading his manga. "The llama hair. Llamas are nature's greatest warriors." "Thanks (y/n)!" "Huh?"

This would probably happen if Mabel meets Fluttershy. Even Mabel thinks that she's adorable.

 Even Mabel thinks that she's adorable

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The Pines Butterfly: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now