The Hand that Rocks the Mabel

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The four teens and Soos were watching tv with a voice from the tv saying. "The tiger was badly injured in the explosion, but we repaired him with a fist." They all cheered as the scene on the tv shows the tiger with the fist which punches himself. "Tiger Fist! ...will return after these messages." "Ah man! I was hoping to know more." (Y/n) said as a commercial came on. "Hey, look. It's that commercial I was telling you guys about." Soos tells them. "Are you completely miserable?" "No?" (Y/n) said as he was then Interrupted "YES!" "Then you need to meet Gideon." The announcer whispered. "Gideon?" "Who?" "What makes him so special?" "Can he do magic?" All the teens asked. "He's a psychic." "Aroo?" Mabel said as both she and Star had confused looks. "So don't waste your time with other so-called "man of mystery."" The announcer said as the scene shows Stan walking out of a outhouse and the word Fraud appeared. "And forget about any "creatures" that you see." A scene shows (y/n) in his tiger monster body running past the camera fast. Everyone stares at him. "What!? I like to hunt at night in my real body because I hardly ever get to be in my real body." He tells them as he crosses his arms. "Learn about tomorrow tonight at Gideon's Tent of Telepathy." The announcer said as a text scrolls up very fast and so does the voice. "Wow, I'm getting all curiousy inside!" Mane said. "Me too!" Star added as Stan walks in. "Well, don't get too curiousy. Ever since that monster Gideon rolled into town, I've had nothin' but trouble." He tells them. "So is he a psychic or....?" (Y/n) asked. " I think we should go and find out." Dipper suggested. "Never! You're forbidden from patronizing the competition. No one that lives under my roof is allowed under that Gideon's roof!" Stan tells them. "Do tents have roofs?" Dipper asked. "I think we just found our loop hole... literally!" Mabel said as Star holds up a string with a loop. "Mwop mwop!" "So come down soon, folks. Gideon is expecting you."

Time skip
The teens and Soos who were sitting down on the stands. "Whoa, this is like a bizarro version of the Mystery Shack. They even have their own Soos." Dipper says as he points to the maintenance guy who looks similar to Soos and Soos glares at him. "Oooo! Are there others like us?!" Star asks as she looks around and sees no one. "Guess not." She said. "It's starting! It's starting!" Mabel tells everyone. "Let's see what this monster looks like." "Wait? He's a monster two?" (Y/n) asked in confusion the curtains open and reveals a short teen wearing a cape.

" "Wait? He's a monster two?" (Y/n) asked in confusion the curtains open and reveals a short teen wearing a cape

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"Hello America! My name is Li'l Gideon." He said as everyone claps. "That's Stan's mortal enemy?" "But he's so wittle!" "Adorably little!" "He's a kid?" All the teens said. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is such a gift to have you here tonight! ...Such a gift. I have a vision. I predict that you will soon all say, "aww."" He did a cute pose which everyone said "awww!!" "It came true." "It certainly did." Both the girls said. "What? I'm not impressed." "Yeah... I seen better."  Both the boys said. "You're impressed!" "Totally!" The girls said. "Hit it, Dad!" Gideon said as music starts playing. "Oh, I can see, what others can't see
It ain't some sideshow trick, it's innate ability
Where others are blind, I am futurely inclined
And you too could see, if you was widdle ol' me!
Come on, everybody, rise up! I want y'all to keep it going!"
Everyone rises including the teens and Soos and start clapping.
(Y/n) POV:
"Oh man! Make it stop!" I mentally yelled as I was trying to block off the music when Gideon was now next to Mabel singing. "I'll read your mind if I'm able
Something tells me you're named Mabel"
He then leaves a surprised look. "How'd he do that?" She asked as I looked at her sweater which had her name on it. "Probably from your sweater." I thought as Gideon finishes his song and everyone cheered including Mabel and Star. "Man, that kid's an even bigger fraud than Stan! No wonder our uncle's jealous." Dipper said as we were walking out of the tent. "Yeah! He's no psychic.... I think? I never met a psychic before." I said "Me neither." Star said and adds. "But did you see his adorable dancing?" "And his hair? It was like, whoosh!" "It was!" Mabel and Star said as we went on our way back to the shack.
Mabel POV:
It was the next day and I had bedazzled my face with sequins. I saw (y/n) sitting on the chair reading a manga. "Check it out, (Y/n)! I successfully bezazzled my face!" I yelled as he looks up from his book and and he jumps a bit. "What the!?" He yelled. "Blink!" I said as I blinked and felt the sequins from my eyes. "Ow!" I said. "Your certainly bedazzling, but why did you put them on your eyelids?" He asked me. "I'm unappreciated in my time..." I told him as I heard the doorbell. "Somebody answer that door!!" I heard Grunkle Stan yelled. "I'll get it!" I yelled as I ran to the front door and opened it only to see no one until I looked down to see Gideon. "Howdy." He said. "It's "wittle ol'" you!" I said as he laughed nervously. "Yeah, my song's quite catchy. Now, I know we haven't formally met, but after yesterday's performance, I just couldn't get your laugh out of my head." He told me. "You mean this one?" I then laughed for a bit. "Oh, what a delight! Now, when I saw you in the audience, I said to myself, "Now there's a kindred spirit! Someone who appreciates the sparkly things in life."" He said "That's totally me!" I said as I laughed until I coughed up a sequin. "Enchanting. Utterly enchanting." He whispered as I heard my Grunkle yell out. "Who's at the door?" I knew he wouldn't be happy of whose at the door so I decided to tell him. "No one, Grunkle Stan!" "I appreciate your discretion. Now, Stan's no fan of mine. I don't know how a lemon so sour could be related to a peach so sweet." He said as I blushed a bit and said. "Gideon! Aha ha!" "What do you say we step away from here, and chat a bit more. Perhaps in my dressing room?" He asked me as I yelled out. "Oh! Makeovers. Yahoo!"
(Y/n) POV:
I was reading my manga when I then saw hands in the way of my book. "Hey (y/n). What's goin' oooon?" I heard the familiar voice of Mabel asked me. "What happened to your fingernails? They look like claws and might I say they look awesome." I told her. "Thanks!" She said roars and pretends to scratch something. "I had them done with my new friend Gideon. He is one dapper little man." She told me. "Wait? Your friends with Stan's rival?" I asked. "Yeah, promise you won't tell him?" She asked me. "I promise."
Mabel POV:
Time skip
Gideon has taken me to a abandoned warehouse and we were on top of the roof overlooking the town which was beautiful. "Whoa, the view from your family's factory is nuts! Good thing we both brought our—" "—Opera glasses!" We both yelled as we then laughed. "Mabel, when I'm up here lookin' down on all those little ol' people, I feel like I'm king of all I survey. I guess that makes you my queen!" He told me which was very nice. "What? You are being so nice to me right now, quit it!" I said as I playfully smacked his stomach. "I can't quit it. I am speaking from the heart." "From the where-now?" I asked in confusion. "Mabel, I've never felt this close with anyone. So, so close." He said as he then starts to stroke my hair and giggled which made me uncomfortable which I pushed him away. "Look Gideon, I um..." I try to say but he went back to stroking my hair which I had to push his arm away. "I like you a lot, but let's just be friends." I told him. "At least just give me a chance. Mabel, will you do me the honor of going on a date with me?" He asked me which I was hoping it wasn't a date-date. "A play date?" I asked as he shakes his head. "A shopping date?" I asked "Mmnn. It'll just be one li'l ol' date, I swear on my lucky bolo tie." He told me. "Ummm. Okay, then... I guess..." I said "Mabel Pines, you have made me the happiest boy in the world!" He said as he hugs me. "Hopefully it's just one date." I thought as I then hear sniffing. "Are you sniffing my hair?"
Time skip
The four teens where playing a video game on the tv. "It's not a date-date, it's just, you know, I didn't want to hurt his feelings and so I figured I'd throw him a bone." Mabel told them. "Mabel, guys don't work that way. He's gonna fall in love with you." Dipper said. "Yeah, I broke up with a boy and he's still in love with me." Star tells her. "Ugh! Don't remind me of him. He would constantly get jealous whenever I'm around." (Y/n) said. "Well, I doubt he'll fall in love with me, I'm not that lovable." Mabel said as the game then says. "The winner is.... Incineroar!" "Whoo!! I won!!" Mabel cheered in delight. "Ugh! Best out three!" (Y/n) said as the doorbell rang. "Sorry, sounds like he's here." Mabel said as she went to the door. She opens the door and sees a horse at the door which she screams. "A night of enchantment awaits, m'lady!" Gideon said who was on the horse. "Oh boy."
Star POV:
I was in the living room watching tv when Mabel walks in with a lobster for some reason. "So how did it go?" I asked her. "I don't know..." she said as she puts the lobster in the fish tank. "I have a lobster now." She told me. "Well at least you told him you just want to be friends?" I asked her who just stood there in silent. "Mabel? You did tell him? Right?" I asked her. "BLAARRGG!" She yelled as she flailed her arms in the air. "He asked me out again and I didn't know how to say no." She tells me. "What happened?" I asked her. "He asked me with a macaw and people were watching and I couldn't handle the pressure of saying no with everyone there." She told me as she sat down. "Ok, then tell him that you want to be friends when there's no one around and tell him nicely." I told her. "I'll try." She said as gave her a encouraging smile.
Time skip
(Y/n) POV:
I was walking to living room where I see Mabel pacing and talking to herself. " ..I mean, he's so nice, but.. I can't keep doing this. But I can't break his heart. I have no way out!" She yelled. "May I ask what happened on this date?" I asked her. "I don't know! I was in the friend zone, and then before I knew what was happening, he pulled me into the romance zone. It was like quick sand! Chubby quicksand!" She yelled. "Is he forcing you to go on these dates and if he is, may I do something about it?" I asked her. "No! He's not forcing me. He's just.... He ask me out in a way where I feel bad to say no." She tells me. "Oh.... well, just tell him at a place where he couldn't possibly do whatever he's doing and besides, it's not like you have to marry him." I told her as Stan walks in with a team Gideon shirt. "Great news, Mabel. You have to marry Gideon!" "WHAT?!" "It's all part of my long term deal with Buddy Gleeful. There's a lot of cash tied up in this thing. Plus I got this shirt." He said as he motions to his shirt. "Ugh, I am fat." Mabel them screams and runs away. "Bodies change, honey! Bodies change..." He said as I walked to where she would be which would be in her and Star's room. I walked in and I see Mabel hiding inside her sweater. "Oh Mabel..." I said as I walked up to her and sat down next to her. "Mabel's not here. She's in sweater town." She told me. "Come on Mabel, let's leave sweater town." I said as she whines and shakes her head no. "Sigh.... ok, I know that I'm technically Star's bodyguard, but you are my friend so let me tell him no for you?" I suggested to her as she peeks out of her sweater. "You will?" She asked me which I nodded yes. She then hugs me and says. "Oh, thank you thank you thank you!" "Hehe, it's no trouble. I helped Star when she broke up with Tom. The difference is that I will be the one telling him."
Time skip
I walked in to the place called "The Club." I see where Gideon is at and walked up to him. "Oh. (Y/n), how are you? You look good, you look good." He said. "Uh, thanks? Anyway, look Gideon. Mabel isn't going to be here, she would like to be just friends again. It's not you, it's just that she wants to be remain just friends." I told him. "So what you're sayin' is... you've...come between us." He said as his eye starts to twitch. "No, I'm just.... here on her behalf? ....your not mad or ....explode with fire from the ground?" I asked him. "Of course not. These things happen. Bygones, you know." He said as I sighed in relief that there wasn't going to be fire spewing from the floor. "Cool. And again sorry, and have a good of the day?" I said as I was backing away since I didn't want to make things even more awkward. I walked out of the restaurant where I see Mabel outside waiting. "How'd it go? Was he mad? Did he try to read your mind with his psychic powers?" She asked me. "I think it well. And he wasn't mad and I could tell because I didn't see flames spewing from the ground. But yeah! Things should go back to normal." I told her. "Thanks." Don't mention. Now let's head back to the shack. I'm away from Star and I doubt Dipper could fight anyone that goes after her." I said as we started walking back to the shack.
Time skip
I was in the living room behind the chair so that I can avoid working again when I heard the telephone ring. "Ugh!! I wonder who could that be?" I frustratedly said as I got up and walked to the phone. "Hello?" "Toby Determined, Gravity Falls Gossiper." I heard who was on the phone. "Oh hey, Toby. Look sorry about what happened last week with accusing you of murder." I said "Water under the bridge! Say, we want to interview you for being the best bodyguard there is around town." He told me which I had a big smile. "REALLY! Yes! Oh man! Now people will know that I take the only job that I like very seriously and i am not a joke." I said as I start writing down the address of where I will be interviewed. "412 Gopher Road. Tonight? Got it." I said as we hanged up. "Look out, Shelly from Guards school! Because I being interviewed for being the most awesomeness bodyguard of all time!" I said as I went to get ready for the interview.
Time skip
I arrived to the place in question which was a warehouse up on a hill. "Hello?" I said as I was looking for Toby. The door slams which I saw that it was closed and then all the sudden the lights start coming on and I saw a chair which swerved around to reveal Gideon who was petting a doll of himself. "That's not creepy at all!" I sarcastically thought. "Hello friend." He said "Uh... hey Gideon." I said "(Y/n). How long have been livin' in this town? A week, two? You like it here? Enjoy the scenery?" He asked me for some reason. "I mean it's been great, but why are you here?" I asked him. "Listen carefully, boy. This town has secrets you couldn't begin to comprehend!" He threateningly said. "I live on Mewni so I doubt there would be anything that I wouldn't comprehend. But if this is about Mabel you need to accept that she's not into you." I told him. "LIAR! YOU turned her against me!" He yelled as he pulled out a amulet for some reason and starts walking towards me. "She was my peach dumplin'!" "What you with the silly lookin amulet?" I asked as I then feel my feet leaving the ground. "Oh dear." I said as I was flung towards a pile of merchandise. "Great! Just when I thought dealing with Tom was bad enough." I said as I groaned in frustration. "Readin' minds isn't all I can do." He said "So Your a cheater with a magical amulet?" I said as he growled in anger as i saw all the merchandise floating up. "You'll regret saying that." He yelled.
Mabel POV:
I was sitting outside chewing on my hair. "Are you ok?" I looked up to see Star beside me who sits down. "Star, I need advise. You've broken up with boys right?" I asked her. "Oh yeah! I broken up with a guy name Tom." She told me. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I thought everything was back to normal, but I still feel all gross." I told her. "Maybe because you had someone else say it for you instead of doing it yourself." She said. "Your right, I need to tell him myself. Thanks Star!" I said as I got up and I ran to my bike.
"Good luck." Star yelled as Mabel rose off on her bike. Star then hears ringing from her phone. She picks it up. "You have a call from Tom." "Ignore." She said as she hanged up her phone.
(Y/n) POV:
I was flung towards a wall and I fell on to some merch. "Is that all you got!?" I said as I got up. "Mabel will be mine!" He yelled as he laughs evilly. I then saw a bat and I grabbed it and I charged at him but he picks me up with his levitation amulet. "Ok! This is just unfair! And you need to accept that she's not going to date you, especially now!" I yelled. "That's a lie." He said as I saw Lamb shears floating up. "And I'm gonna make sure you never lie to me again, friend." He said "This is not how I die!" I yelled as the door slams open revealing Mabel. "M-Mabel. My marshmalla." Gideon said as the shears falls down and I sighed in relief. "What are you doin' here?" "I'm sorry Gideon, but I can't be your marshmallow. I needed to be honest and tell you that myself." Mabel tells him. "I-I don't understand." Gideon said as I then felt something squeezing me. "H-hey Mabel! Perhaps you could do this another time?" I asked. "Hey, but we can still be makeover buddies, right? Wouldn't you like that?" "Really?" "No, not really!" Mabel yelled as I then fell to the ground. "Ow." I said as I got up. "You were like, attacking my friend, what the heck?!" Mabel said "My tie! Give it back!" Gideon said as the amulet was tossed towards me. "Now I have the power!" I yelled as I was then tackled by Gideon which made me dropped the amulet and we crashed through a window. Me and Gideon were fighting as we were falling and screaming at the same time until we felt something grabbed us. I looked up to see Mabel holding the amulet as we were floating down gently. "Listen Gideon, it's over. I will never, ever, date you." She said as we felt the hold let go and Mable throws the amulet down which it breaks. "MY POWERS! Oh this isn't over. This isn't the last you'll see of wittle... ol' me!" He said as walked slowly backward to the dark forest. "That was weird." I said. "Yeah. Sorry you had to go through that. I should've told him so this wouldn't have happened." She said "It's fine. I dealt with worse then him." I told her. "Should we be worried about his threat?" Mabel asked. "Nah! What's he going to do? Fight us with his imaginary powers? Ha!" I said "Hehe, yeah!" "Let's Head back, it's been a long night." I said as we walked back to the shack.
"You done?" "Not yet." "How about now?" "Almost. And...there." Soos was standing there with him covered in sequin with Mabel turning the lights off and Dipper shines a light on him which makes the room light up like a disco ball was shining in the room and Soos starts spinning around with Star and (Y/n) dancing. Stan was standing at the other side of the room watching the five. "You're all fired."

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The Pines Butterfly: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now