Part 1-Realization

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In the United States lived a creature called Bigfoot. No one ever could catch him on camera since his heart was so big. Bigfoot took care of the forests by being security, tree planter, and the forests eyes and ears. While on his daily routine in cottontail village, he saw a girl. HE ran after her to scare the crap out of her when suddenly she looked at him. Bigfoot stopped; it was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. She crouched in fear and yelled “don’t hurt me!” He said back in a subtle voice, “Can I help you? I do not mean to scare you.” “I am looking for my pet bulldog, Mr. Cuddlerunds.” He looked concerned and puzzled but said “we can find him.” They searched hi and low and even in-between. When suddenly they heard Molly the moose’s home security system set off. “Get out of my blueberry’s pies!” She bellowed. “Mr. Cuddlerunds!” yelled the girl. “You have to put a leash on that beast little girl.” The girl did not care if Molly was mad because she found her bulldog. “Sorry about the incident Molly,” said Bigfoot, “it won’t happen again.” Molly did not care, she never seen such happiness from a human girl after finding a smelly ugly dog.

            After walking for what seemed like hours Bigfoot took the girl to his house for rest. When they heard a clutter. The girl looked in amazement to see a tall 4 ft. rabbit with a sweater on. “Hello there little girl, my name is Wilz. Don’t mind me, I am just cleaning Bigfoots house. See us giant rabbits like to clean.” The girl still at amazement said “I see.” Bigfoot showed the girl and Mr. Cuddlerunds to a nice soft bed where they could sleep before the long journey back home.

            It was nothing but a dream or vision. For she did not realize but this dream which happened had some truth to it, there was really a Bigfoot. What took place next she did not know. Big foot heard a storm brewing outside, what he did not know was it was no storm. He looked over to the kitchen for Wilz but he was rapidly gone. Bigfoot looked out the door and saw men burning the forest. He ran after them only to be slaughtered by their swords. Behind the guards stood an evil woman laughing so evilly it sent chills even down the guards’ backs.

            She woke up in her own bed, room, and house. Where were Bigfoot and Wilz? She looked around some more, no bulldog, it was just a dream. Than with a flutter of her foot to the floor she heard a clutter in the kitchen. She ran over to the kitchen and there stood Wilz! “Hello there Angel! Don’t mine me I am just cleaning your dishes. Some party you had last night. Timmy was partying like a wild turtle. By the way, where is Timmy?” Angel shuddered and thought yeah where is Timmy?

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