Part 2-The Reckoning

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Timmy stood on his hind legs on top of a hill overlooking a vast forest valley. The wind breezed by his shell giving a good feeling when the sun hit him. Oh what a glorious day it was to be a turtle. Although he had no recollection on why, how, or where he was, Timmy faced the truth; he was an ultimate turtle.

            Angel looked back at Wilz, “ Wilz we have to go find Timmy!” “But Angel I have to clean your dishes. Clean. Clean. Clean. That’s all us giant rabbits are good at.” “Wilz I believe anyone can do anything they want to. I know you can help me find him. I remember once when I had a lollipop….” Angel thought back to the days when she and Lolly ventured into the world. Her dad could not save him after their mountain climbing trip. He shattered into so many pieces. Oh the agony. She tried not to think about it anymore and focused on Wilz. “ Wilz, Timmy needs our help; he’d help you any day, because that’s what type of turtle he is.” “Well Angel, if you really do believe in me, I think I can help find him. But I think we will need some help.” “Help?” Angel said confused. “Yes, from no other than good old Captain Max. I remember when he and I sailed the seas with Randy, and eventually Penny before those two had been taken away.” Angel knew what he was talking about too. After Max came back from his long voyage, Randy and Penny set out on a journey to get truffles. What they didn’t know was they were in the evil forest controlled by Queen Jayme. She was also the young girl that tried to eat Lolly. Oh what horrible days. When Queen Jayme’s troops spotted Penny and Randy they were taken away to never be seen again. Rumor has it they are forced to be jesters; others say they are slaves cooking vegetables since Jayme is a vegetarian. YUCK!

            Timmy ventured to an unfamiliar place where turtles usually never roam. No water, no green grass. He felt as if he were being watched. The forest had eyes on him, eyes of mischief. The trees grew over him leaving a chill down his shell. “I don’t like this place. I wish I was home with Angel.” Timmy said gloomy. As Timmy walked down the path he started to hear a rustle. He glanced over and saw leaves burst out at him. It was no other than a big scary crow. “BAAKKK!!!” “What do you want Mr. Crow.” “LEAVE NOW OR OTHERWISE IS TORMENTED FOREVER!!!!!!” At that Timmy jumped around and ran as fast as his turtle legs could let him.

            Angel and Wilz entered a tavern where Captain Max was rumored to hang around. They took the nearest table and sat to rest. “Are you sure he is here?” Angel said, “This doesn’t seem like a crowd Max would associate with.” “Oh he’s here, but you might not like the sight of him.” They heard the swinging bar doors open and out came a shaggy old dog carrying clean dishes. He looked over worked and famine. “There he is.” Wilz whispered. How could a Captain become like this Angel thought. Years ago he used to be muscular, healthy and handsome. Max saw Angel and Wilz. He glanced away quickly and ran out. “After him.” Said Angel. Wilz hopped up and to her surprise caught Max in a few hops. “Stop Wilz, I am not the dog I used to be. I am so weak you might break my bones.” “Max we need your help. Timmy has gone missing and we think he might be in trouble.” Max looked at her and sighed, “I heard a few days ago Timmy had been wanted for years by the evil Queen. He swam in her pond and ate some fish. I can try to help but I will say I do not know if I can do any good.” “Max you can do it for Polarity.” Wilz said. Polarity used to be Max’s wife. He met her when he came back from the long voyage. She was a strong minded polar bear who was kinky. They fell in love at first sight and after her tragic accident at the Queens forest; Max has never gotten over it. Max stood up on his hind legs and mustered some strength which made even Angel impressed. “We shall leave after we collect some supplies, it is a long journey.” Max expressed with courage.

            Timmy woke again to find himself chained in a bare wet dungeon. “Where am I?” “You are in a place of torture, solitude, and depression.” “Who is that? You sound so familiar. Penny?” “Timmy it is you. I have been locked up for so long. They took us many years ago to please Queen Jayme.” “Where is Randy than?” “She had him….. Well the truth is I don’t know. I heard the guards say he’s not locked up anymore.”

            Max ran with all his might. He took the far lead to scout ahead for evil lurking. Angel and Wilz rode behind hard on beautiful stallions. They were headed to a land of seclusion. It was rumored evil hid behind every corner waiting to take you into their clutches. “We are almost to the castle.” Max said “I can already see its shape in the mist.” Angel looked astonished. In front of her lay a mist so thick she couldn’t even see Max when he entered it. How he could see through it puzzled her. “Max we must stay close I cannot see.” Wilz stated. As they trotted along, Angel began to lose entire knowledge of where Max or Wilz were. “Wilz? Max? Where are you guys? I can’t… AHHHH!”

            “Penny we must try to get out of here. We turtles hate chains.” “Timmy we can’t if only we had the ability Lolly had,” Yes Lolly, Timmy remembered his brave aspects. He made Jayme poop her pants. “Penny yes that gave me an idea. Follow my lead.” Timmy said. “Guards, say Guards!” “What is it you pestering turtle!?” “Guards how does it feel to pledge loyalty to a Queen who pooped her pants?” “Why you little….” The guard started to say as he opened the dungeon door. Penny taking the lead pecked at the guards butt and made the keys fall. The guard turned his attention to her and started to slap her. “I always wanted to hurt a penguin,” the guard evilly said. “Hey guard hit this!” Timmy took his shell off and hit guard so hard, Timmy’s shell said ouch!

            Angel began a dramatic fall down a cliff. Her horse was in no sight, neither was Max or Wilz. She hit the ground hard and rolled to the side of a river. The water splashed her hair giving her strength. “Max! WILZ!” Where are those guys she thought. She began to walk towards the castle which stood not far away. Eventually she hid near some bushes and trees in front of the entrance. “Hey.” “AHH!” screamed Angel. “Oh my gosh, Wilz, Max! Where were you guys?” “You can say we got tied up.” Max said laughing. He pointed over to some knocked out guards. “Guys, I think we have a problem.” Wilz said while pointing behind Angel. It was no other than Queen Jayme. “Well, well, well. Look at what we have here.” Jayme said pacing while guards had their spears pointed right at their faces. “I got to say I am impressed. Are you looking for Timmy? Penny?.......Randy?” Angel shuddered “Where are they Jayme they need did nothing to you.” “They have done everything wrong to me, I am a Queen and whatever I say goes!” Jayme screaming; her breath reeking of broccoli. Max growled.  Jayme pointed at them and yelled, “Guards take them inside the arena to the Genocider.” “Oh no.” Max said, “Not that.” “What is it?” Wilz said. “Shut up or you will want the Genocider.” Stated the guards.

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