Part 3-The Rebirth

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Penny and Timmy ran out of the dungeon pass other guards and surprisingly into an arena. They stood as seen a mass crowd of thousands of people, dogs, penguins, and all sorts of creatures cheering and shouting what seemed to be Genocider. They walked down the stairs of the arena in amazement. Two empty seats waited them in the middle. They took their seats and looked out at the field in the middle of the crowd. Such excitement and roaring took over their thoughts it was so loud. Suddenly the crowd stopped cheering and it was so quiet they could hear themselves breath. A lady walked out in a dress to a middle section of the arena. She had a big dress that was purple with accents of pink. On her head was crown of platinum. “Hello my fellow citizens, we are here today for the games of the beloved Genocider.” She started to say before the crowd began cheering again. “We will start the games as soon as the victims. Mhhmm ohm.” She cleared her throat. “I mean competitors get their battle armor on.” Penny and Timmy looked at each other and wondered who could be nuts enough to compete in this. Timmy remembered hearing about the Genocider years before just as when Penny disappeared. It was a ruthless, vile creature that would kill in a gladiator like battle for Queen Jayme’s enjoyment. The fact it existed made his turtle shell shiver. That woman in the dress was no other than Queen Jayme. Just as she sat down, everyone rose and began to sing. “OH Queen Jayme we like your methods of civilization……” Timmy and Penny tried their best to say the words for fear of being caught. It was a sickening song. The song was over and just like that everyone sat down.  They were both dazed. Crowds shouldn’t gather like this but yet it happened. Quiet begot them once again as Queen Jayme rose. “My fellow citizens.” She began, “The Genocider is here!” Timmy gasped, “Oh no Penny, how could it be?”

            The mountain wall rose above him quite some way. Using his pick hammer, GP kept getting closer to the top. Flashbacks entered his mind. The terrible thought of Lolly falling down 6 years ago entered his mind. It was all GP’s fault. He was supposed to secure Lolly’s harness. No. He mustn’t think like this. After it happened Angel stopped talking to him. It wasn’t because she thought it was GP’s fault but because he reminded her of Lolly. GP finally got to the top and the cold air grasped his skin. Goosebumps covered him everywhere. It has been a long time since GP went up K2 the exact same mountain Lolly and Angel tried. But he needed to do it; he needed to complete what he didn’t finish. GP unexpectedly heard a roar from a distance. “No. I thought he…..the Genocider. Why did Queen Jayme have to do that?” He tried not to think, GP tried to forget. He couldn’t. The memories of the brain control, the torture. Why did he trust Jayme? In GP’s messed up career right then and there he decided he couldn’t let it go on. People can redeem themselves. Why not me? GP grabbed his hang glider and flew down towards the arena. One way or another, someone was going to feel his pain.

            Max, Wilz, and Angel grabbed chain mail and metal plates of armor. Their hearts were beating hard against their ribs, they were all shaking. Max knew what was about to come but the other two didn’t want to think about it, all Max said was “You won’t like what you’ll see.” They grabbed up some swords, spears, knives, and headed out the gate, into the arena. The crowd blustered their ears; they threw down rotten meat onto them (since vegetables were only allowed to eat). The audience yelled and screamed “traitors!” Max grew ill and passed out. “No! Max you have to help!” You could hear the Queen laugh menacingly. She enjoyed it way too much. “Wilz get ready, we have to kill this thing…..and take her down.” Instantly they saw a beast come at them….the Genocider. He was built a little taller than Angel with big ripped muscles with scars all across. His yell was ferocious and he wore nothing but pants and a weird mask. It looked like a thermal imager. He could only see heat. He came after her and Wilz striking his sword wildly. All they could do was use their shields. He was impenetrable.

            Max dreamed about a stream bed with beautiful green grass and flowers. “Hello Max.” “Lolly? How?” “Max you are merely dreaming. Your friends need your help. You have to wake up.” “But I am so weak. I cannot fight that beast.” “But Max you have the power inside you.” Said Lolly pointing at his heart. “You just have to believe……………”

            Max woke up with a pounce running wildly towards the Genocider. It didn’t work Max got stroke down so hard you could hear it over the crowd. Angel began to burst into tears. Wilz lay motionless by her bleeding his little rabbit heart out. How could they all die like this? “Haahahahahaahah!!!!” Bellowed Jayme. “Cannot you stupid traitors see? I am supreme ruler!” She walked down to the battle area. The Genocider stopped and stood beside her. Angel began to tremble. “Stop it Jayme please just let us go. Please.”

            Penny and Timmy raced down the steps. Breathing hard, perspiration began. “We must stop her!” Screamed Timmy. Running out to the arena field, Jayme quickly glanced at them. “You two….I had you put to death.” “We escaped,” stated Penny, “poopy pants.” At this time the crowd gasped. It quieted down to where Jayme wondered what to do. Then she yelled “Get them Genocider, kill them now!”

            GP approached the arena fast. He was coming in way to fast. A crash was inevitable. Swooping down, he jumped and rolled. His hangar crashed into the crowd killing numerous people. The crowd panicked and began to scatter. They were racing towards every exit. Jayme began to fear the worst and ran off towards her castle. It truly was every man for himself. As GP rolled into action he grabbed his trusty dagger and crept onto Genocider. Just as his sword was coming down to cut Angels arm, GP stabbed him in the neck. “AHHHH!” Genocider yelled so horribly. He threw off his mask and all they could focus on was the white pale skin and eyes. But that face, that face would haunt them forever and ever. It was no other than…….

            Queen Jayme raced towards her secret room in the castle. She became hysterical, her kingdom was becoming corrupt. Acting fast, she ordered the guards to go secure the arena. Then she pulled a secret lever. A wall moved, and steps appeared she ran down them and in the darkness lighted a candle, on the other side of the room stood a hunchbacked man. “He’s ready my Queen.” The hunchback said bowing. “With GP’s work, he shall never retaliate. He shall be ever more powerful than the Genocider.” He sneered. “Good. Good. Very good Yes! MooHahahahaahaMooohahahaha.” They both began to laugh evilly. They walked over to a table where a strapped down man struggled with anxiousness to kill. He roared, he bellowed, and then he yelled “Get me to the killing fields!!!!” This both put such chills in their bones. Jayme turned pale quick and said,” We will let him lose on the traitors very soon.”

            It was SCOTT! How could it be? Star-crossed lovers with the Queen turned bad. Scott quietly began saying, “Angel he….” Pointing at GP, than he died. “Quickly,” started GP, “We have to go now! Angel grab Wilz, and I’ll get Max. Penny go with Angel that way and Timmy come with me. We will gather back into the forest, over at the spot where the rock looks like a dagger. We have some work to do.”

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