Chapter 1.....the incident

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Life is full of surprises right? That was the first thing that came to my mind as I froze while tightly gripping my spatula. Why might I be thinking this, your probably thinking, well to answer that question it was because as I was carelessly making a batch of cookies the oven exploded behind me, for what reason i'm not sure but all I did know at the moment was that shards of it were flying everywhere and and by everywhere I mean everywhere. I made a strange choking sound, still holding the spatula before looking down and seeing pieces of metal sticking out of me as if I were a human pin cushion. Thinking to myself 'oh crap i'm dying' as I fell to the floor unaware of my fate. As I felt my body hit the ground with a 'thud' my last conscious thought was, 'I didn't get to finish my cookies', before my whole self decided it would be a good idea to die from my injuries. 

"Margo Miller, age 25, death by oven explosion sir." The firefighter told the chief before running back to put out the remains of the fire caused by the oven. The chief hummed in response to the news and marked it down as he had gotten used to the deaths by now after being at his job position for over 35 years. "Shame she could've had a nice life too", the chief said with a sigh while looking at the file in hand. "Oh well nothing to be done about it now, MARK!!" He screamed for the man who had informed him of the news earlier. "YES SIR!?" Mark bellowed running back across the yard to the chief who was leaning up against a firetruck. "Have the woman's parents been notified of the news yet?" He questioned, looking at Mark waiting for a reply as the other man's face suddenly fell downcast. "Well you see sir...." he trailed off looking to the distance before returning his gaze to the chief. "Her parents are both already deceased." The chief suddenly lifted his eyes from the file he had been sifting through, his eyes narrowing. "Any siblings or other relatives?" "Well actually n-no sir, she was an only child and her whole family died due to a rare disease that her family in particular only seemed to have..." he trailed off again suddenly having a deep pity for the poor family. "Well then, I see.....file her report then and since she has no living relatives there is no need for you to continue on with the case, understood?" The chief said emotionless. "Yes sir!" Mark said before turning around and jogging off to do his job. The chief sighed seeing there was no more work for him to do there, he turned around and headed to his car which he had parked slightly down the road. As he got in and shut the door behind him, he turned the keys in the ignition loving the rumble it made before he continued to drive down the road, past the now destroyed home and now on his way to the HQ where he would grab his things and head home to relax after the stressful day.

A/N: WHEW that was an interesting chapter! Yayyy I completed the first one! NOW tell me in the comments (if anybody is even reading this) what do you think about the story so far, also i'm happy to accept constructive feedback and ideas to keep the plot going if your interested. That's all for now, enjoy!

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