Chapter 4.....the Filas

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I've lost track as to how many times I have fallen asleep through this whole ordeal. I guess death can be pretty tiring at times. As I peeled my eyes open, I gave a large yawn before realizing that once again, I had been transported while sleeping. I sat up slowly, unsure of my surroundings. The room I was in had rock grey walls.....wait I must be in that giant stupid rock. The room also had a bed which I was currently sitting on and a dresser, other than that it was empty.  I raised myself off of the bed and onto the floor beneath me, I then padded over to the dresser and opened it. I peered inside and saw an outfit which I assumed was for me. It consisted of a tight but soft black shirt with a dark green denim jacket with lots of handy pockets, some black knee length cargo shorts and a pair of black socks and what seemed to be a pair of.....white Filas? OK I mean, I didn't wanna complain or anything but Filas? Really? OK I might find them a bit over exaggerated AND it seems kind of strange when we are in the middle of a freaking. Desert. But nonetheless, I did meet a talking ostrich....hey. Now that I think about where was Duddy? I quickly dressed myself and folded my old cloths and neatly put them in the dresser. After reluctantly putting on the Filas I walked to the do-wait.....wheres the door? I swear I just saw one a couple of seconds ago. No no no this can't be right, I know for a FACT that there was a rock door here just a few seconds mind must be playing tricks on me, that's all. 'Ya right', I thought gloomily. I sat down with my back against the rock wall and waited for someone to let me out of this weird place. 'I have a feeling the afterlife is pretty weird' I thought to myself while staring disdainfully at the chunky pair of Filas on my feet.

(A/N: OK first off, sorry this was a short chapter, I was feeling lazy today. And secondly....if your offended by the Filas, this is just my opinion so don't take it personally! Allright enough blabbering, bye!)

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