Chapter 2....why so much blue!?

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Before I even opened my eyes I could feel air whooshing past me. For a moment I thought to myself, did I die? And if so, why was I falling down? Does that mean i'm going to Hell?    

So many questions were racing through my brain at the moment, but that seemed to be what got me out of there and into the real world.....or what was supposed to be. My eyes snapped open and I was indeed, falling from the sky at an alarming speed but i'm quite sure I died already so it didn't scare me as much as it should have considering my predicament. I decided to stop thinking and start trying to stop my air ride as I wasn't sure if you could die when you were already dead. But as I looked around all I saw was blue.Blue.Blue. Oh?! Is that teal? Nope, just more blue. Finally my brain decided to do the last almost normal thing it could think of in this situation and that was to roll over. I know it seems a little strange that during this I would try to change myself into a dog trick but to be quite honest with you....I felt like an upturned turtle. Let's just say falling from the sky at over a hundred miles per hour isn't exactly a flattering feeling. So I quickly tucked my arms in and attempted to flip myself over. It was by far, the most ungraceful thing I have ever done.....and that's saying something considering the fact that i'm I guess. Finally after about four attempts I was able to some what flip my body and see what was below me and let me just say I wasn't happy.

The sight that greeted me was not the most pleasant during my sky ride. Blue.....more blue. I was really starting to get sick of this color and now that I think about long had I been falling for? An hour, a minute, a week? I wasn't even sure as time felt endless or even invisible as though it had just vanished from existence entirely. Since I now knew there was nothing else, below or above me, I took in my surroundings a bit more. And you could say I was surprised to see that my spatula I was using to make cookies with earlier was, for whatever reason, tucked away in a strange new belt pack thing that I didn't remember putting on before. Actually....I didn't even remember ever owning something like this. It was a soft grey color and seemed to have six different slots for weapons....or in my case, a spatula. In the middle it seemed to have a small pack with a zipper. So like any normal person I left it alone......just kidding, who would do that? Besides it's not like I had anything better to do. My hand slowly reached over to the zipper and attempted to pull on it. I seem to be attempting a lot of things today.....and failing miserably. I mean look at me, I tried to make cookies and I died! I don't think it's possible to fail anything else now. But it seems that once again, I was wrong. 'Cause when I tried to tug on the zipper, due to umm, ehem, certain AIR problems......I ended up slapping myself in the face and let me tell you, I heard that slap and that's not an easy feat considering all the air whooshing around my ears. So all I really did after that was sit there.....well ATTEMPTED to as once again folks, I'M IN THE SKY. Surprisingly though it didn't hurt.....probably because i'm dead. Ya that seems like a pretty reasonable explanation. I once again, tried to, and failed miserably, grab the zipper and ended up slapping myself in the face....for a second time. Oh well I guess i'll just open it when I get to the ground. If I get to the ground....AH no! I should definitely NOT have such morbid thoughts, besides i'm already dead...what's the worst that could happen!? Oh crap why would I think that?! That's like the WORST POSSIBLE THING I could think of in this situation!!

Whatever I only thought about it, I didn't 'say' it so i'm sure i'll be fine....ya just keep telling yourself that. I could only groan and sit there, waiting for whatever fate throws at me next.

A/N:Wow OK that was pretty weird but just you wait till the next chapter.....*evil laughter in background*.........i'm sorry, i'm bored in the house because of quarantine and it's getting to me so all I can do is this and whatever else my lazy self can find. Alright enough nonsense from me...ONTO THE NEXT CHAPTER (which will be done later today so sit tight....just kidding sit loose or don't sit at all, just read the next chapter when it comes out!) OK that's all folks,see ya later!

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