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Emotions is something thats hidden within for centuries.
Its deep rooted from the horror of slavery.
The pain of separation, attachment, loss and trauma has taken a toll on the black manhood.
For years being told that crying for a black man is seen as vulnerable is weak.
"Be strong, dont break, why are you complaining" they say.
Why cant black masculinity be shown in healthier ways.
Talk out your problems dont hold them in.
It's okay to ask for help,
dont let your pride and ego get in the way.
Double standards come into play but im here to say it's okay to not to be okay.
You are intelligent, strong, vulnerable and have wants and needs as anyone else .
I will not let you down I'm here for you.
We can break the toxic masculinity views that were past down to you.
Change has to overtake you to do so.
I am proud of the Black Kings in every way and form.
Break the ideals of what it is to be a Black Man and accept what you bring in your own self identity of masculinity.

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