On Edge

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The blood leaves the body Yet no one cares,
Your eyes enlarge as you grasp for air.
You say "Why are you on edge"?

One, two, three, four,  five to 9 minutes can you tell ?

The hurt in my eyes as I cry for my life.
You spin the narrative to make your life matter more than mine.

You say that's alright.

I'm fed up with your lies and your brutality when it comes to my demise  of my skin color.

I scream , I cry as i watch from afar from the screens of the uncertain times  of the new rolling 20's.

Unjust, arrest, no convictions. Nothing is done

I break , burn and then you run , make  errands just to make me feel better.

It doesn't matter because I'm on edge and it's nothing no one can do about it.

Cause my life never ever matters.

On edge. On edge. On edge.

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