State Of Emergency

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We see the countless videos yet no convictions.
Mothers , Fathers and families entirely having to bear the pain and gut wrenching of being mislead, misused by those in authority.
The sight of seeing your baby's body bleeding for hours shed like an animal.
Even in the own comfort of our homes we are not able to be us.
We are not allowed to speak, carry, drive, jog, sleep, think, wear a "certain" type of clothes.
We cant cook, spell, write, listen to music, etc.
I guess blue lives matter over blacks.
When can we rest, we can be free, we can live or breathe as black people.
They dont arrest cause injustice was captured. They only arrest when "We" see it.
I'm tired of hashtags. I'm tired of blood being shed at not accountability.
I'm tired of seeing it play over and over. I'm tired of saying.  "Say their names "
Why cant we live long forever as others do.
White privilege runs course no matter the status and what you do.
I'm tired of being sick and tired.
I want our lives to matter no matter what we do or say or what we look like.

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