The serum

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Author's POV

Suddenly seungmin and the others woke up from conciousness.

"G-guys where are we?" Seungmin asked.

Chan explained everything.

"I'm very hungry" chan uttered

"My gosh you looked skinny" woojin worriedly said

"I have a plan!, seungmin do you see that injection out there?, can you kick it inside here, maybe it can lessen chan's hunger" woojin seriously said.

Seungmin successfully kicked the serum and woojin instantly took it to chan.

"Chan are you okay now?" Woojin asked.

"Hyung i don't know but look!, i feel so strong and firm" chan said with confusion.

"Well it worked" woojin proclaimed

"Hyung no it's not normal i can't express what i feel, you should try it too!" Chan said.

And the rest of the member took each and start injecting it to themselves.

"I feel strong too, like all the pain was gone!" Jisung claimed

And all the members agreed.
A moment of awkward silence
Chan accidentaly stepped a little strong to a metal beside him and squeezed it.

"Wow!!?!" The others chorusedly said

"That serum is not just any kind of serum, it's a serum that can mutate our genes into supernatural" seungmin smartly explained.

"That's why i got so strong" chan said.

"Well if chan has super strength what will we have?" Jisung asked.

"Well we will get it" woojin said.

Chan broked them from the room and they leave.

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