💜love box💛

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"Well...this is Interesting"
Sonia, Gundham and basically everyone in the class was looking at Sonia's desk.
This might seem weird for other people but for them it was normal, every year near Valentine's Day everyone would give the person they like a gift, and they would reveal themselves on Valentine's Day. And when revealing themselves they would get a rose and give it to their love! Really weird but that's how things worked!
It was just the start of February and Sonia had already gotten her gift. Some people had just  assumed it was from Souda.
"Hey, where Souda? Fuyuhiko asked
He hadn't walked in class yet...so it couldn't have been him...
Then all eyes were on Gundham, it was the second obvious choice, right?
"I'm going to open it!"
As Sonia unwrapped the present, she gasped in surprise.
"It's beautiful!"
It was a portrait of herself and it was painted beautifully
Souda walked in and was automatically confused
"What's going one here?"
He looked at the painting
"Wow! That looks great! I wonder who would put that much effort into that?"
And then he walked to his desk
And everyone was shocked
"So you didn't give that to her?" Ibuki said
"Then who did!?"
"We will just have to wait and see the outcome"  Gundham stated
"It was totally Gundham" Souda whispers under his breath
"You should not make assumptions shark mortal, for it was not me!" Souda looked at him, obviously not expecting him to hear what he said.
"Yeah, yeah ok" he looked to the side, seeming as if he was disturbed
As the day progressed everyone questioned who would give a gift to Sonia. Though some thought it was a Gundham other side and might be someone else...
Souda always hated this time of year because of this dumb tradition, he never got anything, but its just what he expected.
It was February 12, and mostly everyone got at least one gift, even Teruteru! The only people who didn't get anything yet we're Souda and Chiaki. Some people got gifts from people from different classes, Gundham, Teruteru, Nagito, Sonia  and Hiyoko had all gotten gift from people that weren't in the class. Some of them even got more then one gift! 

But then when Souda walked into class all eyes were on him
"Yo what's going on?"
"S-Souda...your d-desk" Mikan then pointed out
He turn so he could face his desk and when he did, his eyes widen
"Is this a joke"
He thought to himself
"Haha very funny guys" He said while laughing
"Souda, this really isn't a joke!" Nekomaru said
Nekomaru never really lied...so this had to be true!
"Uh...What the hell?"
This was really new to him, no one had ever "like liked" him before
"Um...what am I supposed to do again?
And once again everybody gathered around the desk and watch
Souda repeatedly said in his mind
Even if he didn't like the person back, he would be heartbroken if this was all just a joke
He opened the yellow and pink box to see a whole new tool box with way cleaner tools then he had.
"Woah! I really need new tools too!"
"Souda look~" Sonia said in a persuasive tone
He look back at the box and as it had two other gifts
A bouquet of momo flowers, and a white letter with one light yellow line
He picked up the bouquet and everyone went "Ohhhhh" and "Ahhhh"
He placed them in his book bag carefully, and it didn't help that his bag was stuffed with books
He then looked at the letter
"Read it out loud!" Hiyoko giggled
Souda then read
"I really don't know what to say on this letter"
"I can't even believe I'm doing this right now"
"But it's too late now because you're reading this"
"I just wanted to say that...I really love you, I really really love you"
"And I don't know why"
"At first I was mad about it, but then I just let it take over"
"Which is kinda the reason this letter was even made"
"I just wish you could see though my eyes so you could realize how special you are to me"
"Souda Kazuichi"
"I love you"
"And I would want nothing more then for you to love me back."
"Smiley face :)"
And Souda stood there mouth wide open
He felt like crying
And then he did
"N-No one ever felt like that before! Damn"
Sonia went up to Souda
"Well now someone does...and there right in this room"
She hugged Souda
"You are lovable"
Everyone went in for a big hug
"Ugh y'all are sooo weird" Souda laughed
"You said someone in this room right? So you know who gave this to me?"
Sonia jumped a little
Then she sighed
"Haha yea... I wasn't supposed to say that"
Everyone started laughing
The only person who didn't laugh was Gundham, who seemed to be more embarrassed then happy, Souda didn't notice this though
💜Time Skip💛
Even though everyone would reveal who gave who what, Souda could not stop thinking who would give HIM of all people a love box
He did hope it would be one person but he thought that it was out of the picture
Souda was trying to get at least five hour of sleep, when he heard a knock at his dorm door
He slowly got out of his room and looked through the peephole to find Hajime
"Yo dude what you need?" He opened the door
"Well I was a little nosy and I just wanted to know..." He said a little slyly as he entered the room
"Who are YOU gonna give a love box to?"
Souda arched one of his eyebrows up
"You and I both know I don't do that"
"I know but-"
Souda gave him a disappointing look
"Fine but at least tell me who you want your love box to come from"
Souda looked to the side getting kinda red
"And don't you dare tell me it's Sonia cuz we all know that's not true, at least not anymore"
He covered his face and mumbled it
Hajime looked at him for a second and then started to try and hide his smile
"Ugh ok I know just shut the fuck up!"
"And look we all know you gave that box to Nagito"
Hajime he smiled even wider
"That's kinda the point!"
Souda went to go sit on the bed next to Hajime
"Ok but I thought you hated him?"
"I did! Trust me I really did..."
"But one day I made him laugh"
"We were an ice cream place with Sonia...and he said he really needed this"
"We asked why and he would explain it but he said that this made him happy"
"Then I mistakenly said 'Maybe it's because I gave one of his hamsters a hot wing...he might be shitting way more?'
"They both looked at me for a good minute til he started laughing"
"I've never seen him like that before!"
"So it was just weird and..."
"I guess it just got bigger from there"
Hajime looked like he wanted to cry
"Oh god stop that..."
"Sorry, sorry...it's just that was so g a y"
"Ugh shut up you lesbian-"
"What the fuck..?"
Souda opened the door quickly
"What's going on?"
Sonia has the most glimmer-lit face you could ever see
"I KNEW IT" She yelled
"Sonia oh my god shhh"
She pushed though Souda and went crazy
"I knew you liked Gundham!"
"Don't fucking yell it!"
"Were you just outside?"
"Well...I asked Hajime I'd he could ask you...Sorry?"
"But anyway why aren't you gonna make a Love box for him?
"I'm too scared..."
"Souda, come on there's only 2 more days to do this you gotta do, and plus what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!" She happily said as she did her signature hang on arm pose
He couldn't say no to the princess, he had a soft spot for her
"Fine...but what am I gonna get anyway?"
"Leave it to us!"
She smiled as he hugged up close with Hajime, who gave a half smile and a thumbs up
💜Time Skip💛
February 13
"This is the day..."
He couldn't turn back anymore
He got to class early to see two people Peko and Fuyuhiko
"s h i t"
I don't want them to know I have a Love box he
He hid behind the door, trying to think of a plan
"Oh, I-I didn't know you liked someone..."
He had a blank face on right now
"Was I-I not suppose to s-see it...IM S-SORRY"
"It's fine really! But could you just act like this never happened...?"
"And can you do one more thing for me?
"W-What is it?"
Mikan walked into the room as usual almost slipping, but she had a love box"
"Oi Mikan, don't you already have like...two girlfriends?"
"Y-Yes but I'm just putting this here for a friend because they kinda didn't want you g-guys to see..."
"Ah I see" Peko said looking a little embarrassed
Souda kinda regret coming to class early, he always comes to class nearly last so he thought that he would just stay in the bathroom until he heard the first bell ring.
But it was sooo boring in there all he had was his phone and even with that it was still boring.
But eventually the bell ringed and Souda walts on it as he alway did
Everyone was already at Gunham dusk, but he just sat there
"Well what are you doing? Open it!
He looked at him with wide eye
He opened it...
To reveal little purple scarfs, to be exact four of them...
Everyone awwww and Gundham took out the Four Dark Devas of Destruction
They rolled up in their little scarfs and looked very content
"Gundham look, a letter!" Sonia pointed at it
"READ IT OUT LOUD" Hiyoko said once more
Gundham began reading
"Yeah I know this is pretty late"
"I wasn't even gonna make this cuz I was way too scared"
"But someone help me overcome that"
"I really hope you are the one who gave me the Love Box that I got"
"Cuz I love you"
"I love you a lot"
"And yea that it haha"
"P.S please don't read out loud..."
"Oh...I apologize"
"Oh my god why didn't you read that first..."
Souda thought to himself
"Well if they are that sappy they MUST be your soulmate..." Hiyoko said rolling her eyes
"Perhaps they are"
At that Souda turn completely red and sat down and thank god no one saw
"It would be nice to be Gundham soulmate..."
💜Time Skip💛
Souda didn't wanna go to school today but if he didn't it would still be revealed one way or another...
On this day everyone had to get to school earlier than usual so people could tell everyone they're feeling and go on with their day
Everyone was there when Souda got there
Miss Chisa walked in and started talking
"Ok who would like to go first?"
Sonia raised her hand up high
"Sonia? Good! Who have you given a Love Box too?
Sonia stood up and takes her rose from Miss Chisa and goes back to her bag to pull out a love box, then she walked up to Chiaki desk
"I gave mine to Chiaki!"
Chiaki looked up from her game with a smile
"I was hoping it was from you"
They continued their conversation but Souda couldn't hear it
He could only think about when it was his turn
It was like his heart was on fire!
"Gundham! Did you give a love box out?"
He only nods
"Well then go up and confess!"
He gets and takes his rose, but then he just stands there
"Gundham? Gundham?!"
"You have to walk to them"
He turns even redder
Souda had never seen him like that, he must really like...that..person...
He starts walking Souda's way putting his scarf in his face
And standing above Souda, he puts the rose in his hand and sits back down...
Souda nearly passes out
He's just flabbergasted
'What the fuck'
And even after Gundham's turn is done, both Souda and Gundham are still blushing like crazy
After a few minutes the word, the thing, the little shit Souda had been dreading to hear
"Souda? Souda, did you give a love box to someone?"
"Well to who?"
He slowly gets up, gets his rose and walks over to Gundham desk
Gundham just looks at it
Then looks up with shiny eye
"U-Uh just take the rose!
He places it on the desk and stomps back to his seat with everybody's laugher in the background
💜Time Skip💛
After the day was done instead of talking with Gundham, Souda went straight to his room
He really didn't think Gundham liked him, in fact he still low-key thought it was a joke
He was just getting to his dorm and had half taken off his jumpsuit
He opened the door not even thinking about looking through the peephole
"Oh...am I intruding?
"No! No! It's just..."
He looked down
It was slightly awkward
"So you like me"
"Y-Yes that is true"
He looked away for a second
"And it seems that you also like me"
"Haha yea..."
"Oh ok I just wanted to confirm that, well, I'll just..."
He started to walk the other way
Souda grabbed his hand without knowing, but then quickly pulled away
"Sorry...I just gotta know...why me?"
"Why not you?"
He stared at Gundham for a hot minute
"W-Well for starters, My hair is an ugly mess-"
"I love your hair"
"My teeth are sharp and-"
"I think your teeth are fascinating"
Souda seemed confused but kept on going
"My eyes look weird, I stink like oil sometimes, I'm not good enough for you!"
Gundham looked shocked at that statement
"No! I-I don't understand!"
He continued to speak as if he was joking
"Y-You could have had someone sooo much better, you, you could definitely find someone better than me I-I mean look at you are just..."
"And I'm just some pink hair bum..."
Suddenly Souda felt something wrap around him
"I love you though"
Just those word made Souda breakdown into tears
"I really love you"
"I wouldn't be here if I didn't"
"But I do"
"I really, really love you"
"I-I love you too"
Souda managed to get that out before he fell on the floor
Gundham quickly picked him up and put him on his bed still hugging him
He just sobbed into his shirt for a while until he stopped crying
"When did you start liking me?"
Gundham looked at him in the eye
"Well I have alway kinda liked you, but I realized I loved you when you,"
He started laughing at little
"When you bite me on my neck"
Souda seemed a little embarrassed of that and tucked his face in his shirt again
"Sorry about that..."
"It's fine"
And for the whole day they asked each other questions about one another, until Gundham asked a question
"When I told you I like you, why did you ask why, like you didn't want my love?"
"W-What, no, no! I really like the love you give me!"
"It's just I'm not used to it..."
"What do you mean by that, you don't have to talk about if you don't want to"
"My dad"
"My dad made me hate myself a lot"
"He would tell me all kinds of shit"
"Like that I wasn't good enough, or That I only have a face a mother could love, even though my mom is FUCKING dead..."
"I fucking hate him"
"Well, I love your face"
Souda looked at Gundham and smiled
Gundham cupped one side of his face and pulled him close
And then he kissed him
Souda jumped back a little but then melted into it
His lips were so much softer then he had thought
He kissed him very softly and slowly pulled away
He looked at Souda's face, which seemed to have sparkles all over it
That was nice..."
"Was that your first?"
"Haha yea!"
"It was my first too"
"Can we do it again"
"You don't have to ask me!"
"Oh ok then!"
And so they kissed
And kissed
And kissed!
Gundham winded up spending the whole night at Souda's dorm
Gundham had woke up first and started getting up
Souda was holding him back, like the big baby he is
"My dark heart, I need to go home..."
"Please stay, just for a little longer"
"I love you Gundham"
"I love you too, Souda"

This is pretty cringe ngl, I cant write for shit 🤢
But anyway if your nosy like me and wanna see who gave their love box to who
Here you go 👐🏽
Mikan-Hiyoko & Marhiru
Hiyoko-Mikan & Mahiru
Mahiru-Mikan & Hiyoko
TeruTeru-Didn't fucking make one
(Btw Lena is one of my friend oc from a different class, she really likes him and like the good friend I am, I made her happy 😌✨)
Also I know I made a lot of mistake this is all very new to me 😳

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