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As Gundham quickly ran out of the area he was in, he wondered how he got in the situation he was in
As soon as he got to his dorm he slammed the door closed, locked it, and sat down on his bed
He felt tears running down his face and touched them, not even knowing he started crying, he definitely was not one for crying
He had read about this "disease" and the side effects of it
He didn't want this, nor did he need this but it happened to him anyway, he had fallen in love
Kazuichi Souda was a weird one, and yet that is the one he had fallen for
They had started as "Enemies" if your following the story of Kazuichi, but soon Sonia started to date someone and they had no use to argue about her any more
So they began talking and in all honesty they seemed like close friends, it was hard to not see them together
But then this feeling started
Gundham started taken a liking to every little detail of Kazuichi
His hair, his eyes, his teeth, his style, his funny yet dumb personality
He didn't really know he even loved him
This was the first time Gundham has truly loved someone, so he just thought he was interesting, and he was happy
But all that happiness got sucked out of him as soon as he coughed out that one flower
Believe it or not, Gundham has always loved manga and anime, so when he read a manga about "The Hanahaki Disease" he was extremely interested
He had decided to do research about it and loved the concept of it, he knew almost everything about it
He looked at the flowers in confusion but quickly realized what was happening
"This is unacceptable! How?! Me?!"
He walked around his room in disbelief about what has come out of his body
"But who? Who has-"
He cut himself off he knew who it was immediately
"How could I have let this happen..."
It was early in the morning and he had just been getting ready to go to school
"T-This is fake, it must be!"
He snapped his fingers, trying to believe this all was fake and that he just ate a flower
"Ahaha! That gave me quite the scare! Now I should be on my way, I mustn't be late!"
He scurried out of his room, keeping that flower in the back of his head
As he walked through the ever so long hallways of Hope's Peak, he saw Souda at his locker and that awful thought popped up in his head and although he looked calm and collected on the outside, he was going nuts on the inside
"Good morning Kazuichi"
He closed his locker and turned to see Gundham and quickly smiled
"Yo what's up dude! Oh wow Gundham your hair looks great!"
"What do you mean?"
"Your hair is down, don't you know?"
Souda ruffles Gundham's hair which make his lift up his scarf in embarrassment, while rushing out the door he forgot to do his hair
"Ah... I must have forgotten to do my hair"
As they walked down the hallway, Souda blabbered about who knows what, but then they got to a weird topic
"Hey Hamster-Chan"
"Have you ever heard of the Hanahaki Disease"
Gundham's face turns pale and his eyes widen, out of all the days to talk about this, why today?!
"I have in fact, why do you ask?"
"Well I heard that it's some type of new disease and that it's actually real!" Crazy huh?"
Gundham only nodded, feeling his heart drop
"I just hope it doesn't happen to anyone in our school" he frowned
"Neither do I Shark Mortal"
This is the weakest Gundham has ever felt in his whole life
He was going to die and there was nothing he could do about it
It got worse over the next few day's
Soon blood also started to come out and the coughs became more violent
He would always have to excuse himself to the bathroom so he could cough the flowers out, or dump the flowers he had covered up in his scarf
But one then "it" happened
Everyone ignored it, it was just a cough
Cough Cough
Sonia, Souda, Peko, and Fuyuhiko, the group Gundham had been talking to, looked Gundham up and down with concern
"Tanaka, you ok?"
He try to say yes but it was then following with another harsh cough
And then...
Many, many flowers came out
Everyone looked at Gundham who was practically choking
That when he was ran out back to his dorm

He just wanted it to stop but the only way for that to happen is if Souda...
"I know your in here"
"Do you have it..."
There was silence but Gundham heard a quick whine from the other side of the door
"Can I...come in?"
He paused for a minute but then opened the door for him
"You left your stuff outside by the way"
He nodded and sat on his bed with Souda sitting beside him
There was silence, I mean what are you gonna say when your friend is about to die?
"Are you good with telling me about it?"
He turned Souda's way telling him about EVERYTHING
After explaining he sighed
"I really need to get that off my chest...thank you very much"
"No problem dude"
"Will you be going back to school?"
"I'm afraid not, I wouldn't want anybody to see me like that, and most of my coughs happen in the school day"
Souda looked broken, it had seemed cool in fiction but it was awful in real life
For the next few day Gundham didn't go to school
People came to visit a lot
Souda was the most frequent one
He would come over almost everyday and they would talk about stuff they didn't talk about before, and to be honest, they were both digging it
They had gotten way closer to each other and even had a moment ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(I'm gonna write this later! )
But one day Gundham had been laying in bed on his phone, and the he realize
"I'm not coughing"
He sat up and looked at the time
It was the time where the coughs would usually happen
He had a glimpse of hope, maybe he would live!
So he waited 3 days to see if he had stopped coughing
And he did
This was the happiest Gundham had ever felt before
Not only did he not fucking die! He would also be able to go back to school! And it also means that Souda...
There was a sudden bang at the door that snapped Gundham out of LaLaLand
He open the door to see Kazuichi standing there with his hands folded with the most bland face, he looked dumb
Gundham could help but laugh a little
"Uh...did I miss something"
He sounded a little nervous
"Hahaha...No, nothing important, have you come here for some-"
"Did you stop coughing?"
That surprised Gundham a little, why would he ask that out of the blue?
"It has...How did you know?"
Souda eyes widen as he cover his mouth with his hands
Gundham was so confused but before he could get a word out, he was already walking off, his mouth still on his hand
Souda was followed by the girls in his class, losing their shit, Especially Sonia! And the boys just made suggestive faces at Gundham
It took Gundham sometime to realize what had just happened
All he knew was that he loved Kazuichi, and apparently Kazuichi loved him

Hehe okie byee

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