💜Fake It Till You Make It💛

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"You did what!?"
"I panicked!"
Gundham was again, in a situation he didn't want to be in, it always happens...
Sonia always had Gundham in weird, awkward, and shit situations
After they became close friends, Gundham began to see how truly flawed she actually was
Sonia, though nobody knew, was a very clumsy person, not as much as Mikan! But still clumsy. She was especially clumsy and clueless with her words. Sometimes she would just let things slip out her mouth....
She would always get Gundham into situations he didn't want to be in
"I-I don't understand! Why would you even include my name in this manner?!"
"Because Gundham...well I don't know I kinda just said you and Souda's should go on the date with us randomly I'm sorry"
She looked to the floor, looking embarrassed
"You told Chiaki that, that I have courted....Kazuichi...?"
"Well, I didn't really say it, but I guess if you think about it, it would be easy to think-"
"Look I know...you may or may not dislike Kazuichi a bit-"
"But please Gundham, it's just for today!"
She put her and Gundham's hands together and shook them fiercely
Gundham scoffed and looked away closing his eyes
"You are a dear ally to me She-Cat, and for that reason I will do this one request...
Sonia's face lit like a candle
"Oh thank you Gundham! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!"
What the hell did Gundham get himself into...
💜Time Skip💛
Gundham laid there on his bed questioning why he would ever agree to this
Out of all people why Souda!
First off, it still seems like he is still pining for the Dark Queen, why would he even agree to go?
And secondly he hates Gundham's guts! Even if he did say yes at first why wouldn't he say no after!?
With these thoughts in his head he sat up. He decided to wear one of his short jackets instead of the long one he always wore, with a dark purple shirt under it and a pair of shorter boots, he still kept his comfortable scarf though. He put the animals that were in his lap on the floor, he did not want to take them to where he was going
Chiaki had wanted to go to a 90s themed skating rink and he didn't want any of them to get hurt while he was skating
And with that last thought, Gundham heard a
Ding Dong Bing Bong
Anxiety quickly rose up
'Who could that be? I didn't order anything for my dark beasts or for myself...'
Gundham looked through the peephole and there stood Kazuichi, with the same "eat shit" face he had everyday he saw Gundham
Gundham anxiously opened the door
Kazuichi was wearing a collar shirt that had colorful diamonds all over it, it was tucked into his pants, which were some simple baggy jeans. And to top it all off he wore his signature beanie
And looked pretty decent...?
Gundham began to feel his face heat up a little but he brushed it off to the side
This was going to be extremely awkward.
"Uh, Miss Sonia said that she wanted us to meet here together so I came here first."
'When did The Dark Queen explain this to me?'
He was about to say something about that until he saw Kazuichi rush off
"Come on let's go, we need to catch the bus."
"Oh! Uh-"
Gundham quickly locked his door and ran after Kazuichi
As they waited for the bus to come, nothing much really happened. No chitchat, no nothing
Though it wasn't as awkward as Gundham thought it was gonna be. There was just a lot of...comfortable silence
The bus had just arrived and that's when Gundham decided to take out his phone. But as he searched all of his pockets, all he felt was air and a pair of keys. And lip balm.
As Gundham cursed himself silently, Kazuichi seemed to noticed this but he didn't say anything about it
He sat on the bus, which was weirdly quiet, the only noises being the occasional beeps and boops of the buses doors and "stay clear from the closing doors please!"
Gundham was quite bored, until he felt a little nudge on his shoulder
He look to see Kazuichi holding out one of his earbuds and looking at the window across from him
'Is he offering to...share his music with me?'
Gundham didn't dare touch it out of fear he would snatch it back and put it back in his ear
Kazuichi turned his head quickly after the 5 seconds Gundham didn't take it, he seem aggravated
"Are you gonna take it or not? Geez."
Gundham straighten his back and relaxed his face
"Though I have no need for your ignorant music, I will accept your offer because I pity you"
He was about to snatch it back but seem to stop himself from doing so
Gundham put the earbud in his ear, he moved closer to Kazuichi. He didn't really have a choice, the wires were so short
'I must admit, The shark mortal has such exquisite taste in music'
Gundham took a quick look at Kazuichi but then realized his head was completely turned around
💜Time Skip💛
Soon we got off the bus and we met up with Sonia and Chiaki
We talked about simple things as we walked to the skating rink. It was kinda far from the bus stop
But then we got on to a certain topic...
"So...Souda and Gundham, when did you start dating?...you haven't even told anyone yet" Chiaki said slightly giggling at the end of her sentence
Me and Souda both looked at eachother with the same panicked face
Sonia looked the exact same.
"Uh...we started, uh, like...4 months ago!"
Souda you idiot
"Huh really? You guys seemed like you hated each other during that time..."
"They still act like they hate each other!" Sonia said
Both Chiaki and Sonia started laughing
"haha, yea..."
Souda thankfully turned the conversation into a different direction
We arrived at the skating rink, it looked like some laser palace...very bright
Sonia was overwhelmed by all of the lights and sound. I guess this would be her first time going
Although everyone looked excited, Kazuichi looked petrified, I'm guessing he doesn't know how to skate, how pathetic haha!
We all got our skates and immediately got on the skating rink. Except for Kazuichi
After I went about two or three times around the rink, I stopped at where Kazuichi was sitting on his phone
"Shark mortal? Why have you not started skating?"
He looked at me, slightly embarrassed
"I don't wanna skate"
"You do not wish to skate, or you do not know how?"
He stayed silent, still looking at his phone
I sigh softly
"I will accompany you, we have to make ourselves look convincing, you imbecile."
I held my hand out
He sat there for a second, I couldn't really read his face but he looked somewhat surprised
"ugh whatever"
He gripped my hand pretty tight, it caught me off guard. He has quite the grip. But I guess that's what to be expected from someone who works with automobile 24/7
At first he was basically just grinding the wall, which was...pitiful-
But after about 20 minutes he finally was able to get off the wall and finally have fun, even though he was skating just fine, he refused to let go of my hand. I was fine with it, his hand was soft and warm, even if it was a little sweaty
The lights looked nice on his face.
We ended up having a lot to talk about as well. I had fun
Our skating time was about to expire, so we got something to eat just before we left
I was trying to just eat my food but I couldn't concentrate, I was focused on Kazuichi
I had never really paid much attention to him, but he was quite fascinating. He has extremely wonderful eyes that complimented his hair. His teeth were also very sharp, I had never seen any mortal with that kind of feature. He was...pretty.
"Dude are you ok? You want some of my fries or something?"
I quickly looked away, snapping out of my dreams, I could feel my face turning red
"I am fine, j-just a bit tired"
His eye widened a little but after his face turned into a slight smile. He didn't seem that happy though
"Uh ok, Let me just go find Miss Sonia and Chiaki"
He stood up and left the dining area. And again I'm left alone with my thoughts
Gundham could feel something crawling up his back, and it wasn't a delightful feeling. Gundham wanted to keep doing this, we're things going to go back to the way they were? Kazuichi hating Gundham, and Gundham....mildly disliking Kazuichi
He didn't want that
He was cut off by Kazuichi yelling to him, he seemed a bit worried
Gundham walked over, Kazuichi was frantically typing on his phone
"What seems to be the problem shark mortal?"
"Well, I um, I can't find Sonia and uh Chiaki..."
"I looked all over the skating rink, but I can't find them anywhere!"
"What if they got kidnapped!"
"Oh gods, don't yell that in here, you look like a fool"
I led him outside before he kinda started having a panic attack
"It would make sense for two pretty girls to get kidnapped! Gundham what we-"
I cut him off quickly putting my hand against his mouth and pointed in the direction of an allyway
And there was Chiaki and Sonia hugging, thank god
"I believe they are just fine..."
As Souda calmed down he seemed embarrassed, not even looking at me. Great, it really is gonna go back to the way they were...
We took the same bus back to my house, leaving Chiaki and Sonia to do whatever they needed to do. I was disappointed. Not at Souda, but at myself. I really wanted to say something, I really did! But I couldn't get it out,,,
We stopped at my door
And there it was again...silent
It's kept repeating and repeating over and over in my head.
"That was fun, we uh...we should do that again sometime."
His face was looking anywhere but me but I see his cheeks were pretty pink
"That would be nice yes"
He was about to walk away, but then he hesitated at bit
He walked to me and stepped on my shoe really hard!
"Ow! Are you-"
And gave me a quick peck on the cheek
I could feel an intense heat crawling up on my face, and it looked like he was feeling the same thing
"K bye"
He turned around, putting the peace sign up quickly before turning the corner to the stair
"Huh, I really didn't have to do anything...I'm pleased" he put his hand near his cheek
Maybe this could be the start of something new.

IT BEEN SO LONG IM SORRY 😭 I definitely was not in the right state of mind during my break but I'm back hehe, I love y'all : ]
it's been so long since the last I saw my son lose to this monster, to the- 🟪

💜mostly soudam oneshots💛Where stories live. Discover now