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March 2013,

I ignore Mason calls and text for the past two weeks. I know it's rude but I don't want to think about him.

Today Mason texted me another message and I check it. It says he's in the park and he's waiting for me. Honestly, I am so hopeless right now it's been half a month I haven't seen him and he's waiting for me. I decided to talk with him,  I am curious as hell and might as well get over with it.

Mom and dad went away for a business trip and I am alone with Pororo today.   I lie about doing schoolwork with Georgie in her home and went to our town park where Mason is.

When I reach there Mason is sitting in the swing tilting his head up at the sky. It hurts to see him and I miss him so much. I sat beside him silently and wait for him to acknowledge me. He seems to be in deep thought ;

I take a quick glance at him and It takes a lot of willpower not to hug him.

"Lyra "
Hearing him say my name again I feel like laughing and crying at the same time. I don't know what's with Mason to affect me this much.

I take a deep breath and mumble " Yeah".

I don't know what's wrong but he seems to be in lost of words.
" Mason " I take a deep breath and blinking back tears I decided to have this talk as quickly as possible go home and read my novels. It's so so awkward for me waiting for him to broke it off.
I continue" Mason do you still like me??"
He seems taken by my outburst and looks irritated and that's not a good sign.

" Lyra what's wrong with you ?? Have I ever said I don't like you anymore?  What's wrong with you? All this time I call you, text you and all you do is ignore me and you have the audacity to ask me that. Are you nuts???"
I am frozen,  being shock is an understatement  I am Suddenly mute, I just stare at him. Well, to be honest, he has never told me that he likes Jennifer and I feel bad about it.

" Mason I am sorry"


" Because..  because Oliver told me that you like Jennifer and Gosh I am sorry"

" So,  now you trust Oliver???" Mason asks looking irritated.

" I .. " he cut me off by hugging me tightly, I  feel so happy,  Mason hugging me is a first.  I feel so safe, warm and If possible I fell for him harder.

" Mason do you??"  I can't complete my question.

"  I don't like Jennifer Okay .Lyra I told you I like you . I don't have time to think about Jennifer when all I think is about shorty". he says chuckling to himself.

I burst out laughing at his words.

" Shorty?? But I am cute. "

" Same excuses for short people"

" Don't make fun of me "

" My choice "

I stick my tongue out and smack his chest. It feels like my heart is so free and I am happy I talk with Mason today.
After we talk and stay for another half hour I went home and stay in my bed replaying our laughs, talks and hugs.

I am happy because Mason and I are okay for now.

March 2016,
School is so hectic and I haven't seen  Mason for the whole week but we talk and text at night.

We were close than before. It's March and soon Mason would be in university and wish times stops ..at least for a month.

April 2013,

  Mason went for college. Mason went away. I don't know what to feel. I know that he will be gone but  I don't expect him to move so far away.
It kills me because Mason is older than me and I still have 3 years to complete my high school.  IAM TOO SAD TO CRY. GOODNIGHT.

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