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As soon as I am inside I am hit with the smell of alcohol and perfumes. YUCK. Although It's a party I don't see people dancing and getting drunk. I somehow felt at ease. Abby introduces Travis to me. Travis is cute and has blue eyes he is in the sophomore year but he treats us as his friends.  Abby left me with Travis saying she has to say Hi to her friends. So we are sitting talking and with drinks in our hands.

" So Lyra I haven't seen you around "

" I don't socialise much  "

" Boring "

" I love it "

" What's wrong with having fun?"

" Who says I don't have fun, Mr Travis?" I ask him curling my lips upward.

" I doubt it"  Travis raise his eyebrow as he waits for my answer.

" I don't care"  I saw his lip tilting upwards whenever I reply.

" Do you  want to dance?"

" Ohh No no. It's a big No. I cross my arms emphasising my answer.

But Travis grins mischievously and lead me to the dance floor. Nobody is in their right mind now they are all drunk to care about us.

Abby offers me a drink but I only took water. I don't want to drink and made a fool out of myself.

Travis is dancing weirdly and I can't help but laugh at his face.  He looks so hilarious right now.  I look at Travis and see him dancing without a care and I follow his lead. I probably look like horse with my steps but Travis doesn't seem to mind because he only laughs at me.
  We dance till our feet hurts and we were laughing the whole time. I feel relieved because I don't have classes in the morning.

I wonder If cole is here because he sure looks like someone who would love a party with his cocky attitude and bad boy aura.

" You look like a seal when you dance Lyra" Travis tease me.

" Why Thank you ." I bow my head playfully.

" Lyra why is Cole staring at us? "

I look his way and Holy cow!!! I double-take to see Cole leaning against the corner glaring at us. Now he's back to glaring,  after leaving me yesterday with the pathetic confusing action he dares to glare. I glare him back with much intensity until he looks away from me.

While I was busy killing him with my eyes  Travis swap his fingers in front of my eyes. "what's that just now"?

" Nothing "?

" Lyra I don't see that as nothing?"

" Is Cole Anderson your boyfriend?"

What??  no way in Hell.

" What? ?? No way. Wait do you know Cole?"

" Yeah, he's in our team . "

" Soccer ?"

" Yeah. "

"Ohhh.   Travis, it was nice meeting you I think I have to go now  I want to sleep early " I said because it's half past 11 and I badly need asleep.

" I enjoy your company Lyra see you soon. "
  He gave me a peck on the cheek and went away. It was just a friendly peck on the cheek. I search Abby and found her playing truth and dare with a group of boys and girls.

I feel bad to call her when she was in the middle of the game so I went outside for some fresh air.

Once I'm out I feel like I can breathe freely. It's cold out here but I don't want to go inside yet. I love the calm and being alone is euphoric.

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