The first Task.

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Kat: hello again. As you all already know the first task is Joke telling. We will start with the hufflepuffes, then the Ravenclaws, the griffindors, the slytherins, the staff, and lastly Team Death eater.

Serena: first up we have Cedric Diggory!

*everyone claps as Cedric walks on stage*

Cedric: uh-knock Knock.


Cedric: who's there? Interrupting cow. Interrupting cow w- moooooo.


Serena: ok next up we have Hannah Abbott!

Hannah: guess what I'm known for?

Everyone: what?

Hannah: crying in herbology class!

*a few people laugh at the memory*

Kat: ooookaaay. Next up is Luna Lovegood!

Luna: hi everybody.

Everyone: ...

Luna: what do you call a pig that does Karate?

Everyone: what?

Luna: a pork chop!


Kat: I'm really starting to regret this....Next up is Cho Chang!

Cho: so a girl went to the doctor the other day and the doctor said "I'm afraid you are pregnant are you planning on keeping it?" She said, "can I get a second opinion?" The doctor looked her straight in the eyes and said, "of course, I suggest abortion. My wife would kill me."

*almost everyone laughs*

Kat: good one Cho.

Serena: next we have Hermione Granger!

Hermione: What has a spine but doesn't live?

Everyone: ...

Hermione: a book!

Everyone: *boos her and starts throwing food at her*

Hermione: *runs off stage*

Serena: next is Harry Po-


Kat: we know Harry...we know.

Harry: alright, so I was talking to my uncle and he was like, "you're nothing! You're just a freak!" So I started acting like draco and I strut around him and was like, "my father will here about this!"

Kat: Harry...not cool. He's your boyfriend.

Harry: I'm Harry World Saving Potter! I can tease whoever I want!

Draco: Harry, We're done! I'm sick of you talking about how great you are all the time!

Serena: you're worse then Draco.

Harry: *storms off stage*

Kat: damnit just had to end the beautiful relationship that I ship.....Next up is Blaise Zabini!

Blaise: um I didn't prepare...

Kat: get out.

Blaise: *walks off stage*

Kat: next up is Draco Malfo-...Draco?

Draco: *is crying in a corner*

Kat: *sighs* ok we'll come back to draco.

Serena: next is Ablus Dumbledore

Dumbledore: I don't have jokes to tell *rips off robes to show is classic Patrick star shorts and fish nets* but I can pole dance! *starts pole dancing on a random pole*

Serena: ;-;

Kat: yes, Serena, he's always like this.

Dumbledore: *stops and does a curtsey then gets off stage*

Serena: next is Severus Snape.

Severus: "I'm sorry" and "my bad" mean the same thing......unless you are at a funeral.

*about half of the people laugh*

Kat: ok next up is Bellatrix.

Bellatrix: ....I LOVE VOLDEMORT!!!...

Everyone: 😐

Bellatrix: I'm not jelly of Dumbledore! You are! YOU ARE!!!

Kat: *drags Bellatrix off stage* ok next is Voldy

Voldemort: Ablus's wig is made out of my mom's chest hair.

*some of the people start laughing*

Kat: ok Draco, you ready yet?

Draco: yeah...*stands on stage and looks directly at harry* I'm going to make you regret messing up our relationship! I'm gonna show you what you can't have anymore! *strips off clothes to show a super hot woman body*

Kat: holy girl boner..

Serena: katherina! *starts laughing*

Draco: *puts on sexyback by JT and starts doing a sexy dance*

Harry: *faints*

Serena: ship.

*some time passes and all the contestants and lines up on stage*

Kat: the two who will be leaving us today are....Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger.

Hermione: what?! I told a terrific joke!

Kat: books, hermin...your joke was about books.

Hermione and Cedric: *go to their house tables and sit down*

Kat: I will not tell anybody what the next task is. I suggest you prepare for anything. The next task will take place next week same time out on the courtyard. Thank you.

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