Stiles Stilinski 1

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Scenario: a nice little drabble I wrote when I probably should have been sleeping.

Safe. That's how you felt in this moment. It was around 3 am and you slowly stirred awake, opening your eyes to see your boyfriend of 3 years, Stiles sleeping peacefully next to you on his stomach with one arm draped around your lower torso, lightly snoring. You loved moments like these with Stiles. You turned around in your bed to look out the window seeing and hearing raindrops pattering against your window. feeling more peaceful than before you laid there just enjoying the overall moment, staring at the raindrops when you felt Stiles wrap his arms around your torso fully and lightly kiss your shoulder. You turned around to face him and he asked if you were having trouble sleeping. You smiled the most genuinely happy smile and said that you were just enjoying watching the rain to which he gave his classic Stiles Stilinski lopsided grin.You two ended up laying there for another hour talking about anything that came to mind until you started to fall asleep again. With a yawn you kissed Stiles on the nose and told him you loved him before falling back asleep. With his arms wrapped around you he kissed your temple and whispered that he loved you back before he fell asleep as well with the raindrops still hitting your window peacefully. You honestly could not have wished for a better boyfriend than Stiles.

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